of the Month
National Reunion
Lasting Memory
In the
Mission and Values
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Special Message
from Your Secretary
Would You Want to
Do Something to Help Preserve Younkin Posterity? - By Charles Arthur Younkin
this little folder we have outlined our plan whereby we all can help -- and I do
mean help! I am only hoping that you, the recipient of this friendly but timely
little message, will thoroughly read and digest every word to the fullest extent
of its meaning.
Charleroi, Pa., Apr. 28, 1939
Dear Younkin Member:
Since a personal visit is impossible, though it is a personal message I have for you, were you here perhaps you would have a better understanding of what this is all about, this
little message at this time is at a critical period in world events and is also a critical one I will say in "Younkin events." You may wonder why. Frankly the following will tell you. Some little time ago a few faithful friends helped make possible the first issue of the first family newspaper in the world,
"The Younkin Family News Bulletin." Over 1,000 copies have gone forward to members all over the U. S. A. and Canada and elsewhere. Have you ever received a copy? It should have reached you not later than Jan. 1, 1938. If you have never received a copy, please let me know and I will promptly send you one. It has received a hearty welcome in many Younkin homes, as many have sent in their subscriptions, while others have not. Four issues have
gone forward within the past year, and we now again begin with a new year, many of the original subscribers having again sent in their renewals but not enough to keep up its publication. And right now is the "critical moment in Younkin events." Shall its publication cease for lack of support?
Yes, dear member, right now as never before the existence of the News Bulletin depends on you. There is no fund with which to carry on, nor is there one penny in our treasury. I feel sure that you would want to help in this great work, for what other family can boast of a Family Newspaper? Where else in the world can you get such a wealth of Family News for one thousand times the price of one subscription? In this little Family Newspaper we have given you a truthful story of the beginning of a great family in America, and step by step have given the generations in picture und in story, and will will to do so until we have reached the bottom of the ladder. Where else in the world can you get at regular intervals the news of a great allied family group that covers the entire United States, Canada and elsewhere?
You get all this in this little Family Newspaper. Or are you one of the lost tribe of Younkins? We have many lost as to where they belong in this great Younkin family tree. Perhaps this little family paper will have that very missing link that you have long looked for. I feel sure if you knew what you have missed, that you would want a complete set of these News Bulletins. I have made it possible and very easy, and, besides, we need your help. Here is my plan: I have a limited supply of back numbers of Bulletins of last three numbers which I will include free with each subscription for one year at one dollar. The supply is limited to a few hundred, and when this present supply is all gone, the free copy offer will be withdrawn. You will be disappointed if you delay. Remember, this offer will not be repeated. A special free copy subscription blank is attached hereto which entitles you to the two
years' subscription for the price of one. To avoid being disappointed, send in your subscription promptly. Just remember the destiny of this, the only family newspaper hinges on how many of you, my friends, come to the rescue at this time. Shall we fail in this undertaking? Please remember that this is not a money-making proposition, that there is considerable expense in connection -- printer's ink, printing, stamps, stationery, photo cuts, all enter into the make-up of each issue. You will also find a handy return addressed envelope for your convenience. A dollar bill with your subscription blank will arrive safely. Where else can you find anyone willing to give and sacrifice to bring a great story to you? Just remember this if you fail in your support. Then, and only then, will we have failed also. Then who will undertake it again?
Faithfully and sincerely,
Chas. Younkin

© 2014 Mark A. Miner