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Minerd.com Archives Postcards Published 2005-2006

Also see cards published 2007-2008 and 2001-2004


~ 2006 ~

Left: undated view of the United Brethren Church in Youngwood, Westmoreland County, PA (published Dec. 31, 2006 and seen in the biography  of Claude C. Overholt.) Right: rooftops of Wilkinsburg, near Pittsburgh,  postmarked 1914 (published Nov. 12, 2006 and seen in the biography of Eli Leonard).

Left: stone walls and towers of the Western Pennsylvania Penitentiary on  Pittsburgh's North Side, mailed in 1911 (published Oct. 8, 2006 and seen in  the biography of Martha [Minerd] Gorsuch). Right: National Tube Company's works and furnaces in Pittsburgh, postmarked  1913 (published Aug. 27, 2006 and seen in the biographies of  Rachel (Long) Pritts, Della (Firestone) Hilling, Ida (Murray) Ritenour and  Harriet (Younkin) Romesburg Turney).

Left: automobile on Scullton Road (now known as Route 653 or Springfield Pike),  leaving Normalville in Fayette County, with the "Little Alps of America" as a  backdrop, and postmarked 1944 (published July 23, 2006 and seen in the Minerd.com biographies of Iva (Conn) Henry, William Jacob Long, Bessie (Enos)  Weimer and John Walter Miner, all of whom lived in the Normalville/Scullton areas. Right: Railroad junction in Brownsville, Fayette County, PA, undated (published  June 4, 2006 and seen in the Minerd.com biography of Thomas Springer McKnight).

Left: The popular West View Park in Pittsburgh, postmarked 1914 (published April 23,  2006 and seen in our biography of Mentzer Tilbury). Right: Main Street looking east  in Connellsville, Fayette County, postmarked 1908 (published March 12, 2006 and seen  in our biography of Warren D. and Prudence [Albright] Younkin).

Left: bird's eye view of South Burgettstown, Washington County, postmarked 1915 (published Feb. 5, 2006 and seen in our biography of John and Ida (Firestone) Langenheim. Right: Indian Creek Reservoir between Normalville and Mill Run,  Fayette County, undated (published Jan. 1, 2006 and seen in our biography of  Jonas and Julia [Williams] Rowan).


~ 2005 ~

Left: Ackley covered bridge, built in 1832 across Wheeling Creek, connecting  Washington and Greene Counties, undated. The bridge was moved to Henry Ford's  Greenfield Village in 1937, where it can be seen today (published Nov. 27, 2005  and seen in our biography of Henry and Polly (Younkin) Minerd).  Right: the famed "Hangover" cabin that Pititsburgh department store owners Liliane and Edgar J. Kaufmann Sr. constructed circa 1921 for use as a weekend  retreat at Bear Run, Fayette County, undated. The house sat about 1,500 feet  southeast of the Bear Run Falls where the Kaufmanns later build their world  famous home, Fallingwater, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright (published  Oct. 16, 2005 and seen in our biography of Ralph and Leola (Skinner) Miner).

Left: Main Street of Mt. Pleasant, PA, looking eastward, undated (published Sept. 11,  2005 and seen in our biographies of Homer and Florence Thurston James and Bertha (Gray) Crosby and Pearl (Stairs) Sines Sonavec). Right: Soldiers' Orphans School in Jumonville, near Uniontown, Fayette  County, postmarked 1908 (published July 24, 2005 and seen in our  biography of J. Harvey Younkin).

Left: main pavilion at Washington Park in Washington, Washington County,  postmarked 1912 (published June 12, 2005 and seen in our biography of  Harry O. and Armena (Cain) Miner).  Right: bird's-eye view of the railroad yards at Dickerson Run, Fayette County, postmarked 1910 (published April 24, 2005 and seen in our biographies of  Edwin and Clara (Freed) Thorpe and Walter and Claire Strauch).

Left: the "largest gas pumping station in the world" at Brave, Greene County, post marked 1909 (published Feb. 27, 2005 and seen in our biography of Charles Ray Minor).  Right: coal tipple of the H.C. Frick Coke Co. in South Brownsville, Fayette County,  undated (published Jan. 2, 2005).


See other cards published in 2001-2004 and 2007-2008

Copyright © 2001-2006 Mark A. Miner