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Kansas Younkin Reunions

Wakefield, Clay Center & Junction City - 1937-1941

See also  Younkin Migrations to Kansas

Younkin Reunion in Wakefield, Kansas, 1937.

Caroline Younkin,  oldest
member present, 1937

~ 1937 Younkin Reunion ~

The first real reunion of the Younkin families of Kansas was held in the Methodist church on Sunday with about 150 present. Many attended regular church services that morning followed by a basket dinner at noon, a general good time of conversation and reminiscences that afternoon. 

During the business session that afternoon committees were appointed to collect geneological data of the Younkin "tribe;" to plan for the Kansas trek to the big reunion in Pennsylvania next August, and to plan other details, including another Kansas reunion next year. 

The following officers for the Kansas "tribe" were chosen Sunday: Grover Younkin of Wichita, president; Mrs. Mamie Prather of Dodge City, general secretary; and John K. Younkin of Great Bend, recording secretary.


1937 reunion news - full text

Although all ages were represented at Sunday's gathering, from the cradle up, Mrs. Nesley Younkin appeared to be the oldest, at 75; or at least she was willing to admit her age, though there were others near that mark. The following article anent the reunion and the Younkin family has very kindly been furnished us by the Rev. E.H. Tannehill: 

Many gathered in time for the morning church service and listened to the pastor of the church, Rev. Francis Tannehill, a great-grandson of Moses Younkin, preach the sermon. After a bountiful basket dinner all gathered in the auditorium of the church where the "Kansas division of the Younkin family Homecoming" was organized. Various committees were appointed and named secured of families that would plan to attend the "home coming" in Pennsylvania August 22. At least 12 families signified their intentions of going. While this meeting was in progress the youngest descendant of Younkin blood was born at Herndon, Kansas; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Claude E. Franke, and a grandson of Rev. and Mrs. E.H. Tannehill of Wakefield, a three times great grandchild of Henry Younkin who was born in 1805. 

The names of those present are too numerous to mention, but there were descendants of the Younkins from Wichita, Great Bend, Dodge City, Junction City, Clay Center, Manhattan, Ogden, Milford, Oak Hill, Riley, Broughton, St. Marys, Auborn, Topeka and Kansas City. 

About the year 1735 a young man named Henry Younkin came to America and settled in Bucks county, Pennsylvania, where it is recorded that he paid taxes. One of his sons was Frederick, and one of Frederick's sons was Henry; who was the father of Moses, Harrison, Alfred, William, Jerry, Silas, John, Ross; Mary, who became Mrs. Will Stewart; Cassie, who married Dan Myers; Hilah who married John Faidley; and Rachel, who married John Myers. In 1851 this family began a westward movement, led by Moses Younkin who in that year married Lavila Mitchel and moved to Bloomington, Ill. 

Three years later they came to Kansas and settled in Pottawatomie county. In 1856 he discovered the land he had pre-empted was on the Indian reservation. he then came to Clay county and built his home across the river from where Wakefield now stands. Not long after this some of the brothers came and a little later the father and mother moved to the same neighborhood. A large number of the citizens of Wakefield and surrounding country and towns are Younkin descendants. 


Younkin Family News Bulletin, Christmas 1937

President Grover Younkin

Other families of Younkins came at various times and settled around Wichita, Great Bend, and Dodge City and other parts of Kansas. It is being discovered that the Younkins are quite numerous in the state as well as all over the United States. The history of all these settlers would make interesting reading.

A few years ago some of the families in Pennsylvania became family conscious and arranged a "Home Coming". Last year there were 1200 in the gathering at Charleroi, Pennsylvania. A national organization has been effected with Charles Younkin of Charleroi as secretary. 

He has been tireless in his efforts to secure a geneaology and encourage reunions of the families in other parts of the country. It was through his suggestion that the Kansas Younkins arranged a get together here Sunday.


YFNB, Aug. 5, 1938

~ 1938 Younkin Reunion ~

Second annual Reunion of the Kansas Younkin group was held at Clay Center, Kan., Municipal Park, Sunday, May 22, 1938. Nearly 150 persons were in attendance, though it was dark and cloudy, raining continuously throughout the day. 

After a bountiful dinner, Dr. Noble Younkin, of Decatur, Ind., gave a fine descriptive talk on the family coat of arms, telling true meaning, and the standing of the family who at one time occupied the "Golden Throne." 

Persons were present from Colorado and Missouri. Reunion of 1939 will be held in Junction City. Officers are Grover C. Younkin, Wichita, president; and Mamie Y. Prather, Garden City, secretary.

~ 1939 Younkin Reunion ~


YFNB, Aug. 10, 1939

Wichita, Kas., May 15, 1939 -- The third annual reunion of the Younkin family in Kansas will be held Sunday, May 28, at the municipal building at Junction City, it was announced Thursday by Grover Younkin, Wichita, state president. 

An attendance of 300 is expected Several of the national officers have been invited to attend. Mrs. Mamie Y. Prather, Garden City, state secretary who attended the national convention last August at Kingwood, Pa., where 1,400 Younkins from 14 states gathered, will give a report. 

The program will start at 9:30 a.m. Families will bring picnic baskets, stocked with food, for the dinner at noon, Younkin said. A committee composed of J.E. Younkin, Junction City; Dr. D.O. Jackson and Mrs. Ada Miller, both of Clay Center, will be in charge of reception of visitors. 

Any family related to the pioneer Younkins who came to the United States in colonial times and who were among the pioneer residents of Kansas will be welcome at the reunion and no invitation is required. A number of those present will come in from Colorado, Iowa, Missouri, and Nebraska.

#   #   #   #


Junction City's Municipal Building, site of the reunions from 1938-1941

The third annual Kansas Younkin reunion was held Sunday, May 28, 1939 in the Municipal Building at Junction City. It is planned to have it here against next year because of the wonderful building and facilities for handling a large crowd. There were over 100 Younkins from all over the state, and they plan in the future to include the surrounding states as well. 


YFNB, Aug. 10, 1938

Walter Younkin of Junction City was acting master of ceremonies. Registration, in charge of Mrs. Gladys Alsop, of Wakefield, assisted by Mrs. Kenneth Jackson of Riley Center, began at 9:30 a.m. and lasted until 11 a.m. Each Younkin received a card with his name and address to be pinned on him or her for identification. Later in the day they were introduced by family groups. 

At 11 o'clock Comm. Harvey gave the address of welcome, and distinguished guests were introduced. About a quarter to twelve the members of the Church of God, who hold their services in the Municipal building, came in and sang several songs. Those were greatly enjoyed by all and received a big hand. Rev. Fredric J. Raasch delivered the noon invocation. A basket dinner was served, and a table, second to none, greeted the eyes of the group. During the noon hour music was furnished by Wanda Hammon's orchestra, followed by a solo by Robert Younkin, Jr., of Monument, Kansas, and a tap dance by Betty Jane and Jimmie Baker. 

At 2 p.m. the business meeting was held with a talk by Mrs. Mamie Prather of Garden City, state secretary, who has done quite a bit of research work in other states. She told of her travels elsewhere, and the number of Younkins she encountered. There was also a talk by Grover Younkin of Wichita, state president. After all business was transacted they adjourned for the social hour.

The local committee included James Younkin, Junction City, chairman; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Myers, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Younkin, all of Junction City; Dr. and Mrs. Jackson, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Younkin, Jr., of Riley Center, and Mr. and Mrs. Vanderstelt of Wakefield.

~ 1940 Younkin Reunion ~


YFNB, Sept. 25, 1940

JUNCTION CITY, Kan., May 27 -- The Kansas Younkin family reunion was held Saturday, May 25, at Junction City in the Municipal Building. Registration was held from 10 until noon. The Rev. M. Tannehill of the Younkin family delivered the noon blessing, after which a bounteous basket lunch was served. 

The afternoon program was as follows. Opening address of the Master of Ceremonies, Walter Younkin, of Juction City, followed by an address of welcome by Mayor Eli Trosper. Next was an address by Dr. Noble Younkin of Decatur, Ind., who has traveled to foreign countries and done much research work. He also spoke in Pennsylvania Dutch, which originally was the native tongue of the Younkins. 

Mrs. Ella Price, who was the first white child in Ft. Riley, Mr. Grover Younkin of Wichita, who is state president, and Mr. Myers of Junction City, each gave short talks. George Parr, father-in-law of Grover Younkin, of Wichita, and Ed Liston of Junction City spoke a few words followed by a talk by Mamie Younkin Prather of Garden City. Dr. Noble Younkin said a few words about the family newspaper.

James Younkin of Junction City gave a short address followed by special music by his grand-daughter, Norma Gene Younkin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Younkin of this city, who boast the youngest Kansas Younkin, a four-weeks-old child. It was voted to send a word of greeting to William Younkin of British Columbia, Canada, and to Robert Younkin of Wakefield, who are two of the near descendants of Mose Younkin and who were unable to attend the reunion. Mrs. Catherine Elias, of Oregon, a daughter of Mose Younkin and the first white child born in Clay county was also remembered. It was voted to have the reunion next year as near the last Sunday in May as possible and to have it on a Sunday. Also to keep the same committees for next year. 

Among those present were: Lawrence Younkin, Walter Younkin, Clarence Myers, Edgar Myers, Charles Romesburg, Mrs. Ben Kerby of Junction City; Dan Younkin, Ed Hannah, Alek Faidley, Ray Gingrich, B.A. Adams, Ed Younkin, Earl Younkin, Albert Mellinger of Milford; Henry Hare, Ogden, Ernest Hare, Riley, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Neil, Dr. Jackson, Clay Center, Ed Liston, White City, Grover Younkin, Mrs. H.A. Younkin, Fred Younkin, Mrs. Louise Younkin, Charles Younkin of Wichita, John Younkin, Garden City, J.K. Younkin, Great Bend, Mamie Prather, Dodge City, R.A. Younkin, Oakley, Kenneth Parkhurst, Salina, J.H. Younkin, Wm. Younkin, Kansas City, Kas., Frank Younkin, jr., Manhattan, Rev. Tannehill and family, Tampa, Fla., M.r. Schoe, Pensacola, Fla., Dr. Noble Younkin, Decatur, Ind., Mrs. O.F. Venzent, R.H. Vandice, Grand Island, Nebr., Jerry Younkin, North Platte, Nebr., Mrs. C.M. Younkin, Bingham, Nebr., J.R. Younkin, Pueblo, Colo.

YFNB, June 30, 1941

~ 1941 Younkin Reunion ~

The Kansas  Division of the Younkin clan held their fifth annual state reunion on May 25, 1941 beginning at 10 a.m. in the Municipal Building in Junction City, Kans. Registering, visiting and meeting old and new, then basket dinner. 

After dinner, the meeting was called to order by President Grover C. Younkin, of Wichita. The regular secretary, Mrs. Mamie Prather, of Garden City, being absent. Vice President J.K. Younkin of Great Bend was chosen temporary secretary. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. 

President called on Dr. Jackson and Rev. E.H. Tannehill of Clay Center, Kans., for short talks, Norma Jean Younkin of Junction City, accordion solo. Misses Bright and Ruth Carnes, Junction City, vocal duet. Miss Ruth Younkin, Wichita, piano solo. Talk by president. 


Reunion president
Grover C. Younkin

Same officers to serve next year. Grover C. Younkin, president; J.K. Younkin, Great Bend, vice president and assistant secretary; Mamie Younkin Prather, Garden City, secretary. Adjournment. 

They voted to meet at same place on first Sunday in June next year. Attendance about 80. Motion made and seconded that all stand with bowed heads in absence and death of our departed brothers and sisters. A very pleasant time was spent together. The time passed so quickly, all agreed to return, with pleasant thoughts of meeting again.

~ 1956 Younkin Reunion ~

On Sept. 10, 1956, the Beatrice Daily Sun newspaper in Nebraska reported the following: "Grover Younkin, Wichita, Kan., came to Wymore last Saturday to visit Rev. and Mrs. E.H. Tannehill. Sunday they accompanied him to Junction City, Kan., to attend the Younkin family reunion." Nothing more about this day's event is known.

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