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Nett-Helen Letters

Letter Fragment from Nett to Helen - Late January 1888

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(2) I don't want to be tedious & tire you but I just want to tell you as near as I can how I suffer at times & then I want you to tell me, secratly, if you ever was so. I have sufferd 20 times more pain that I ever did before Mabel was born. it comes in a flash on the right side of my bowels. oh such terrible sharp pains like some thing had grown fast & it was being tore off by inches. I have been so sometimes I could not go. I have sufferd so much with my back too it seems sometimes like it has come unjointed. I have had to have D. take me under the arms & lift me I could get out of aching. I dont know whither Pa thinks anything or not. I know Ma use to say he was the blindest man she ever saw about such as that. I know Late does for he is awful attentive about the water when D. is gone. now I expect I hadnt ought to have told you about myself for you will just worry about me. but dont do that Helen. I had an idea that if Pa has noticed he would likely say something to Will & you would know it & no doubt Sue will write to Carrie. they got a letter from Wolfs a short time ago but I dont know anything they wrote. Well it is lamp light & I'll try & finish. Mabel is on Pas lap. I dont know what she will do when he is gone. She talks about him going to Blanchies house but thinks he wont be in Souri till he gets to your house like Ross & Blanch wasn't in Kan till they got to Granpas. I hope they have got well & can enjoy thier visit with Pa. It surely was thier colds that caused thier eyes to be so sore. I would like to see Bs card book. I am sorry its full for I have several nice pictures that I was going to send with Pa for it. You must take good care of him & keep him as long as you can. not that we are tired of him here but it may be the last time he will get back there. he will get there just 3 yr from the day poor Ma died that night. & just think Helen when another year rolls away it will be 20 years since we left Ohio. Charlie White will have a birthday this year. his birthday only comes every four years. the 29th of Feb. Oh dear they are the noisest young ones I ever saw. Ed come up here one day & said they were so noisy it worried him. it nearly sets me wild when I go there. Mabel makes a noise but its different from thiers. they cant walk across the floor but must run & jump & the kicks the wall or stove. Charlie gets up on a chair & then jumps off & its just rattle re bang & a yell & squall all the time. Less will be a poor man always for they kick out thier boots & tore out thier clothes rastling.


This is a lovely moonlight night & I wonder what you will be doing next Sunday with Pa. We have lots of fun with him. he is going there where there is so many Widow ladies & he declares he is going to see the Widow Glispie that use to say she was going to wait til Ma died & then she was going to have Pa. he was the only man she would have. I made him too new shirts but they are not like I wanted him to have. I wanted him to blue pokie doted ones. I think they are pretty for winter but he thot he couldn't find such as that.

I know I will be so lonesome I will nearly die after he is gone. for him & I have staid alone so much. I know I will listen for his footsteps many times before I think. Dont you miss old Mr. Coble & poor Ellen when you go there. he was always so clever when ever I was there that I know it would not seem the same place. It surly must be Ellens fault that she is so unhappy & no doubt has made her man so when if she would they might be real happy for she said once that him & his children was good to her. but she has no one to blame but her poor old self. If she would go back home some people would make fun of her. to her face & she would feel worse than ever. Monday night. Robys come here last night & I had to stop my scribbling & I have been so busy all day I have not got to write any. but I guess I will have to soon quit. for you will be so anxious to talk with Pa you will not want to spend the time to read so much from me.

Toms & the old People come up to see Pa before he leaves. they were coming here yesterday but a house full of company got there to soon for them. they had got a letter from Johuts & he said that Emeline Browns Mary you know she married Mell McKinney has moved to Louisburg to live. I wonder if Alice will find her out. Aunt Lib has gone to Wills again.. Late has been doseing me for too days with Quinine till I cant hear the clock tick where I am sitting. I dont know when I have had such a cold. I sneeze day & night almost. Well dear Helen I would love to send you all some thing real nice. but it seems I cant just now. my Will is good enough. I know tho you will all appreciate the nuts. I wanted to send Will a pair of slippers but la la if he is so big I could not get any big enough. wouldnt I love to get behind him & spat him. on his big fat cheeks. I dreamed one night that him & I was haveing a big romp & woke myself up laughing over it. I was mad because it wasnt so. yes he smells just like I had been eating apples but I did not taste them. I will send you my little gravey pitcher for your present or if you dont want it you can give it to Blanche or do what you please with it. I must & will send you something if aint much. now I will tell you what I want when Pa comes home if you have them & you have not of course I dont expect them. but its some onion sets. we cant get them here only these winter ones & I cant have any luck planting the seeds. & a little sage or Catnip or any such thing as that for you. Its all scarce here. D.& Late sweat so nights & he bot a dimes worth of sage for tea for them but its nearly all stems & big stalks. but the seem to be strong. Wel I will quit now. dont fail to write soon & tell how Pa gets thro & what you are all doing for you know we will be dying to hear. good bye. with love & kisses from me.

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