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Photo of the Month
May 2001
See Previous Photos     Unknown Faces and Places


Our clan has a long history of gathering for reunions, such as this get-together in the summer of 1920. Said the Aug. 17, 1920 edition of The Daily Courier of Connellsville, PA: "Ohiopyle was the scene of a large and happy gathering Saturday when members of the Minerd family assembled for their eighth annual reunion.  Rev. D.E. Minerd of Dunbar delivered the principal address of the day.  At noon an elaborate dinner was served.  The next reunion will be held on the second Saturday in August, 1921at Ohiopyle.  Among the guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Minerd of Markleton.  The former is a veteran of the Civil War and is the oldest representative of the Minerd family.  Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Freed and daughter, Miss Mary of Dunbar township; Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Minerd and Mr. and Mrs. Silas Minerd of Connellsville were also guests."

Click here to see a super-enlarged version of the group photo. 


Copyright © 2001 Mark A. Miner