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(Pring) Cornell
Margaret and Sebatian Cornell |
Elizabeth (Pring) Cornell was born on April 16, 1846 in Cedar Creek Township, Allen
County, IN, the daughter of John and
Caroline (Minerd) Pring. She and her husband were pioneer settlers of Missouri.
On Christmas Day 1867, in Fort Wayne, IN, Margaret married Sebastian Heck Cornell
(1846-1936). He was a native of Carroll County, MD and the son of William and
Mary (Heck) Cornell. At the age of four, he migrated with his parents to Butler Township, DeKalb County, IN.
Of his own childhood, Sebastian recalled that the trip was
taken in a covered wagon, with the wheels removed when fording rivers. The
schools he attended were very crude, with their seats more like benches with no
backs. Their house was made of logs, with rain always pouring in through the
Prings' six children were William Cornell, John W. Cornell, Mary Alice
Waddill, Martha Estella Bauer Powell, Emelia Ann Waddill and Ella
May Ferguson.
young family circa 1874. |
Eldest son William was born in
Indiana, while the rest came into this world in Missouri. In the photo seen here, the two children are thought to be
John, in his father's lap, and Mary Alice, front, holding her mother's hand.
The Cornells first resided near
Margaret's parents near Cedarville, Allen County, IN. Later, they moved to a farm in Butler
County, IN. Margaret was educated as a school teacher and may
have taught at a school that was adjacent to the Cornell farm.
In the fall of 1867, the Cornells migrated west to
Missouri, settling a dozen miles northeast of the town of Kirksville, Adair
County. There, Sebastian purchased a 190-acre farm.
They are acknowledged as pioneers
in the 1911 book, History of Adair County, Missouri,
authored by E.M. Violette, a history professor at the State Normal School in
nearby Kirksville.
According to writings done by
great-granddaughter, Sandra
Ammerman-Paser, Margaret:
...learned the self-sufficiency
of those who came early to new settlements.
She would have been given responsibilities for helping with the younger
children. She learned to garden and
preserve foods, sew, cook, and the many skills needed to survive without the
amenities found in larger communities. She pieced and made quilts.
Her granddaughter Opal Ferguson later found one of her quilts in the
bottom drawer of a dresser. It was
dirty and had mouse droppings on it, but was not damaged. She washed it, and used it on her bed for many years.
Back row, L-R, are
John, Estella, Mary, Emelia. Front: Sebastian, Ella May, Margaret. Sebastian displays a
newspaper and Ella May holds a book. |
Cornells' farm house and barn seen here were
published in the 1911 book, History of Adair County, Missouri. The
photographs were taken by W.M. Denslow. Adds Sandra Paser:
Grandpa Cornell had a formal
English garden, with raised beds for flowers.
There was also a drainage system whereby wastes could be
"percolated" through plants and cleaned before entering into the
creeks. He had a fruit orchard and a large "root-cellar"
attached to the house for storing fresh foods and canned goods.
There were three "houses" consisting of the living quarters,
the wash-house, and the smoke house.
had wonderful barn with a "basement," that is, the sides were dug down
about half the depth of a basement (kind of like the modern day "garden
level"). This lower level on
one side was the cow barn. On the other side was the horse barn. In the middle, where the floor was higher, he stored the hay.
He could just back the hay wagon in and unload it directly onto the
floor. He didn't have to haul it up a
ladder or conveyor to a "hay-mow" above the ceiling, as needed in a
conventional barn.
The Cornells' farmhouse and barn. History of Adair County |
The Cornells were a founding family of the Sabbath Home
Church, constructed on two acres of land deeded by a neighbor. The first sanctuary was
dedicated on July 19, 1877, and the present building was erected in 1905 and is
still in use. It's said that in politics, the family was socialist, and in
religion they were Methodist.
Margaret and Sebastian occasionally made news in the gossip columns of the Kirksville Weekly Graphic when she or they went shopping in town. Such tidbits were printed in the editions of March 15, 1889 and Jan. 1, 1892. When she dropped off some peaches in October 1889 for the Weekly Graphic editor, the gift was acknowledged in print.
The Cornells and one of their daughters traveled to Indiana to visit with Margaret's aging parents in November 1892. Upon their getting back home, the Weekly Graphic noted with dry humor that "Mr. Cornell has returned in time to vote." Then in August 1893, after Sebastian had installed a new pair of scales for weighing produce, the newspaper said that he was "one of our most prosperous farmers and spares neither pains nor money to make his farm look well and be profitable."
Profile of Sebastian and Margaret. History of Adair County |
Cornell grave, Home Cemetery |
After the Cornells retired from farming in the '20s, they
moved into the town of Kirksville. Their home was across from where Lincoln
Square Shopping Center is today.
In the winters, the Cornells traveled to California to enjoy
warmer weather.
Margaret suffered later in life from congestive heart failure,
and her legs would swell, turn dark and the skin burst open.
She died in Kirksville at
age 81 on Aug. 19,
Sebastian outlived her by nine years, and went to live in the home of his married daughter Emelia Waddill three miles north of Brashear.
There, he passed away on Nov. 1,
1936, at the age of 90. The cause was bronchial pneumonia and "extreme
age," wrote his physician. An obituary in the Kirksville Daily Express said that he had been a resident of the county for 66 years and that he "was stricken with pneumonia four weeks ago but apparently was recovering. His system was weakened, however, and death was attributed to collapse from the recent illness."
His funeral sermon was conducted by Rev. Stevens of the Queen City Holiness Church.
Writes Sandra Paser: "They and many of their children and
grandchildren are buried in the Sabbath Home Cemetery, which adjoins the church
Cornell family portrait with Margaret's aged mother, 1899 |
~ Son John William Cornell ~
Son John William Cornell (1873-1963) was born on Sept. 13, 1873 "on the old home
place northwest of Brashear," said the History of Adair County.
"lived at home till grown." In about 1896, at the age of 23, John married his first wife, Gertrude "Gertie" Cooper (1872-1919), daughter of Albert and Mary (Doss) Cooper of Hancock County,
Together, they produced one known daughter, who died in infancy on March 25, 1899, and may have been given the name "Flossie." Her tender remains were laid to rest in Sabbath Home Church Cemetery.
After the marriage, said the History, John "began farming for
himself." Then at the death of John's brother-in-law William Bauer, in 1904, leaving a young son behind, John and Gertrude took in the fatherless boy Ernest Burl Bauer and raised him to manhood.
John W. Cornell's home and barn, 12 miles northeast of Kirksville, as published in the History of Adair County. History of Adair County |
The federal censuses of 1900 and 1910 show John and Girtie living beside his parents, in Adair County. In 1910, the census-taker recorded that their nephew was living under their roof. Circa 1911, John owned a "farm of forty acres near the old home place, making a specialty of handling Short-Horns, Polled-Angus and other fine cattle, and Duroc-Jersey hogs. He is a member of the Church of God."
Sadly, Gertrude died of a stroke on Jan. 8, 1919, following an earlier stroke she had suffered 16 days before, rendering her with partial paralysis. In an obituary, the Brashear News said that:
...the day before her death she seemed much better, walked a few steps (with help) and talked about the wonderful truths of the bible and its great comfort to her soul, expressed by her shouts of viictory as they read out of God's word to her. But before the rising of the next sun God saw fit in his great wisdom to call her gently and she slipped away to be with Jesus. Sister Gertie had been in poor health for several years, but never a word of complaint. Always having a cheery word for all she met. Her devotions to God and her desire to be in God's house were noticeable, never missing Sabbath or a seervice when able to come. Our dear departed sisteer is sadly missed in our Sabbath school and church. Her place is vacant, her voice not heard but we cannot forget her bright testimonials which was an inspiration to us. It can truly be said of our dear sister "She hath done what she could."
She was just a few days shy of her 46th
birthday. Rev. W.D. Merryman conducted the funeral service "to a very large assembly of relatives and friends," added the News. She was buried at the Sabbath Home Cemetery.
Profile of John and Gertrude. History of Adair County |
The census of 1920 shows John and 19-year-old nephew Ernest
continuing to make their home together.
In January 1922, after three years as a widower, John married his second wife, Marshalltown-born Iva Blanche
Shupp (Aug. 18, 1887-1965), the daughter of William Wesley and Henrietta Elizabeth (Allen) Shupp of near Kirksville. Said the Kirksville Daily Express, Iva "was a graduate of the Kirksville Normal School and taught school in Adair County for several years."
They produced one
daughter, Mauretta Claire "Marie" Dooley, born in 1925.
John continued his longtime farmwork north of Brashear. In September 1922, reported the News, he "caught his foot in a hay rack... and it received a severe injury." Perhaps seeing that he had no future in full-time farming, he purchased the J.T. Longworth grocery store and moved to in Kirksville. Their address in 1924 was 1004 East Randolph Street, and they remained there for the balance of their lives.
The family escaped serious injury in October 1924 when, riding together in John's automobile, the car "was driven off a culvert near the W.F. Slacks' place on the Adair road," said the Daily Express. "The accident occurred about two miles east of town and was caused by the fact that Mr. Cornell was blinded by the headlights of an approaching Ford car. The Cornell car missed the bridge completely and tumbled into a deep ditch, but fortunately did not overturn."
The Kirksville area was struck by a tornado in 1899, though it's unknown whether the Cornells were directly affected. Library of Congress |
The 1930 census shows John, Iva, Marie and Iva's 83-year-old widowed father in the household. Living next door was John's married nephew, Ernest Bauer, and his wife Goldie and two children.
John made news in the Daily Express in January 1931 in connection with his wintertime plowing. Said the article, "While some farmers in this community have considered doing some early plowing, in view of the mild winter weather, John W. Cornell of East Randolph street, claism the record of precedence this year. Mr. Cornell plowed several acres of ground on the farm of his father-in-law, near clay, on January 27. It was said he found only a slight amount of frost in the ground and that it worked well under the plow."
Then in 1933, they migrated to the Clay neighborhood of Adair County. They eventually retired from farming.
John passed away on Feb. 9, 1963 as a patient in the Kirksville Osteopathic Hospital, having suffered a cerebral hemorrhage on top of a longer-term hardening of the arteries. Burial was in the Queen City Cemetery in Schuyler.
Iva outlived her husband by two-and-a-half years. She was plagued at the end with bowel obstruction which led to toxemia and acute circulatory failure. Death enveloped her on Nov. 25, 1965, also in the local osteopathic hospital, at the age of 78.
Daughter Mauretta Claire "Marie" Cornell (1926-2015) was born on Aug. 11, 1926 in Kirksville. At the age of seven, in about 1933, she migrated with her family to the Clay section of Adair County. She attended the Hazel Green School in girlhood and was a 1943 graduate of Brashear High School. Desiring to be a teacher, she received additional education at the State Teachers College in Kirksville while at the same time employed in the local Magruder Grocery. Circa 1945, she had responsibility at the Kohlmyer School and in 1949, she taught the primary room at the Downing School. On May 20, 1949, at Kirksville, the 22-year-old Mauretta entered into marriage with 27-year-old Jack Leon Dooley ( ? - ? ), son of J.L. Dooley of Queen City, Schuyler County, MO. Officiating was Rev. W.R. Kornegay. Jack was a Queen City High School alumnus and went on to employment with the Civil Service at Pearl Harbor, HI for two years. At the time of marriage, he had completed studying at the St. Louis College of Mortuary Science and worked for the Robert B. Davis Funeral Home. Five offspring born to the couple were Jacquelyn Crump, twins Jerry Dooley and Terry Dooley, John L. Dooley and Linda Conner. Circa 1949-1950, Mauretta was assigned to the Knox City (MO) School. She also obtained certification as a licensed funeral director. In January 1950, she and Jack relocated to Queen City, MO, where they co-founded the Dooley Funeral Home with help from Francis "Buck" and Mildred White. The Dooleys made their residence in Queen City for years, and she was active with the Women's Missionary Society of the Queen City Baptist Church. She also held memberships in the Gideons International Auxiliary, as noble grand of the Rebekah Lodge, the Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary and the local chapter of the National Association of Retired Federal Employees. Sadly, Jack died in Kirksville at the age of 55 on May 20, 1977. His remains were laid to rest in the Queen City Cemetery. Mauretta endured for another 38 years. On July 22, 1977, in the residence of Rev. Ralph M.G. Smith in Kirksville, was joined in matrimony with World War II Army veteran and widower Edward Thomas West (July 17, 1915-2008). His first wife Florence Ann George (1915-1976) had died the previous year, and he brought a stepdaughter to the marriage, Susan "Sue" Frenzen Major. The Wests' union endured for more than three decades. Edward worked in early manhood as a brakeman for the Missouri Pacific Lines and during World War II served in the U.S. Army's 350th Infantry as an infantryman. He was wounded and received a Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Clusters, the Bronze Star for meritorious achievement in combat and three Campaign Stars. After his military service ended, he returned to Queen City and was employed for more than three decades with the U.S. Post Office, including a term as postmaster. He also assisted Mauretta in running the Dooley Funeral Home. Mauretta enjoyed garage sales and antique shopping, bird-watching and raising cactus plants. She was rendered a widow for a second time when Edward died on Feb. 4, 2008. She also endured the heartbreak of the untimely passing of her daughter Linda Conner in 2011. At the end Mauretta dwelled in her daughter Jacquelyn Crump's home in Shawnee Mission, Johnson County, KS. She surrendered to the spirit of death at age 88 on July 17, 2015. Pastor Sonny Smyser officiated the funeral service, with interment in Queen City Cemetery.
- Granddaughter Jacquelyn Dooley married Jeff Crump. They have resided in Overland Park and Shawnee Mission, KS.
- Grandson Jerry Dooley was a twin with his brother Terry. He was in Ottumwa, IA in 2008 and in Queen City, MO in 2015.
- Grandson Terry Dooley was a twin with his brother Jerry. He and his wife Lisa put down roots in Texas. Circa 2008-2015, they were known to be in Arlington, TX.
- Grandson John L. Dooley wed Lisa. They relocated to Plainfield, IL.
- Granddaughter Linda Dooley was joined in wedlock with Jerry D. Conner. The pair made a home in 2008 in Greentop, MO. Sadly, she died on Nov. 10, 2011.
- Step-granddaughter Susan Lynne "Sue" West grew up in Queen City, Schuyler County, MO. She was twice-married. On June 5, 1970, at the age of 17, she first entered into marriage with 20-year-old Darold Franklin Frenzen ( ? - ? ), son of Glenn F. Frenzen of Kirksville. Rev. W.K. Calvin Jr. officiated at the ceremony held in Queen City. The Frenzens' two offspring were Dr. Seth Frenzen and Abbie Frenzen. Later, she was united in matrimony with Phil Major ( ? - ? ). They established a home in Osage Beach, MO and Kansas City, MO.
Great-grandson Dr. Seth W. Frenzen received his medical degree in 2001 from Brown University in Providence, RI. He wed Megan "Meg" McIntosh, MBA,, MSc, PhD. Their home in 2008 was in Burlington, VT. Seth is chair of orthopedic surgery with the University of Vermont Health Network and a member of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand. He also has served on the board of directors of HealthFirst, Inc. an independent practice association representing more than 150 physicians throughout the state. Megan is a 1995 alumna of Northfield Mount Hermon, a preparatory school in Gill, MA -- the University of Vermont -- the University of Massachusetts at Amherset (2007) -- and the London School of Economics (2013). She has spent her career as an assistant professor at Champlain College, health care economist and consultant with CBIZ Optumas. Together, they have spent more than a decade providing volunteer services to the needy of Haiti, Cambodia and Uganda. Then in 2016, frustrated with presidential campaign rhetoric, involving proposed bans of Syrian refugees and Muslims from entering the United States, she helped identify "refugee-support organizations in southeastern Europe, raised money for travel expenses and supplies, and assembled a team of volunteers -- some of whom she'd worked with before in Haiti," said a feature story in the Spring 2016 edition of NMH Magazine. Megan and Seth traveled to Greece's Lesbos Island and worked in a 24-hour-a-day Off Track Health health clinic serving several thousand refugees from Afghanistan, Iran, Morocco and Pakistan. They treated upper respiratory infections, wounds, stomach viruses, hypertension and women with prenatal issues. They also helped receive thousands of Turkish refugees who were arriving via boat and guide them to United Nations buses for transport. In partnership with the Kellermann Foundation, the pair has volunteered for years at the Bwindi Community Hospital, hosting camps providing orthopedic services. Megan is a co-founder of Queen City Saints, which donates turkeys to local organizations, and the couple are supporters of the Vermont Symphony Orchestra and the Shelburne Museum among many other causes.
Great-granddaughter Abbie Frenzen has dwelled in Roeland Park, KS.
~ Daughter Martha
"Estella" (Cornell) Bauer Powell ~
Daughter Martha Estella Cornell (1877-1956) was born in about 1877 on a farm north of Brashear, MO.
On Dec. 30, 1896, when she was 19 years of age, she first entered into marriage with William Bauer
( ? -1904).
Estella bore two sons in her first marriage, Alva Leon Bauer and Ernest Burl Bauer.
Sadly, the union only lasted for seven years, culminating in William's death on Jan. 26, 1904.
Who raised the fatherless Alva is not known. His brother Ernest went to live with an uncle and aunt, John W.
and Gertrude (Cooper) Cornell, near Brashear.
On April 16, 1905, after 15 months as a widow, Estella married Isaac Turner "Ike" Powell (1864-1949), in nuptials held at her home. Rev. Charles H. Brott led the ceremony. Wife and husband were 14 years apart in age.
Isaac had
been married once before to Ella "Catherine" Campbell and brought seven children to the marriage -- Fannie Bell Morrow, Ida "Grace" Rigdon, Lulu Blanch Spangler Downing, Fred Powell, Isaac "Earl" Powell, Della Mae Draper and Stella Esther Eagen.
The Powells went on to have four children of their own -- Robert "Ralph" Powell, Frank Wesley Powell and twins
Clinton A. Powell and Cleta Powell. The family was plunged into mourning when baby son Frank died in 1913.
Lazy bend of the Chariton River, Kirksville, MO |
They were farmers, and are
shown as a family on the 1910, 1920 and 1930 censuses of Salt River Township, Adair
Estella and Isaac held a family reunion at their home near Brashear on Nov. 20, 1932, as reported in the Kirksville Daily Express. "All the children and their families were present except one daughter, Stella, and her family who live in California. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Powell, Mrs. Otto Luther of Topeka, Kansas, Mr. and Mrs. William Downing, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Draper, Mr. and Mrs. Terrill Rigdon, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Baueer, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bauer and Earl Clinton and Cleta Powell."
Isaac died before Estella, but nothing more is known of his
fate. She dwelled with her bachelor son Clinton in 1950, and circa 1955-1956, made her home in Kirksville at 1202 East Filmore.
Estella passed away of heart disease and hardening of the
arteries in Kirksville at the age of 78 on Feb. 9, 1956. She was laid to rest at the Bethel
Cemetery, east of Kirksville, near her first husband. An obituary was published in the Edina (MO) Sentinel, saying she "had lived most of her life in the Brashear community, and had been active in the Hazel green Holiness Church."
Son Alva Leon Bauer (1898-1989) was born on May 3, 1898 in Adair County. As a 12-year-old, in 1910, he lived with his mother, stepfather and step-siblings in Salt River, Adair County, MO. Alva enlisted in the U.S. Army in September 1918 during the final months of World War I. After the war's end, he returned home and obtained farm work from John Waddill. Then in February 1920, he purchased the O.D. Shipman farm north of Brashear for $125 per acre, as noted in the Brashear News. But farming life did not agree with Alva, and in the fall of 1921 decided to quiet farming and sold his property, livestock and equipment at a public auction on Sept. 16. By 1923, he was working as a mechanic in the T.M. Aucutt garage in Brashear and later that year for the Douglas Motor Company in Kirksville. By 1925, he earned a living with the Auto Sales Company of Kirksville. On April 24, 1925, he entered into marriage with school teacher Beulah M. Gardner (1904-1987), daughter of John Gardner of Brashear. The wedding took place as they sat in their automobile in front of the Methodist Episcopal Church parsonage in Brashear, by the hand of Rev. J.H. Lane. Quipped the Kirksville Daily Journal, "This is a new style, but a good one, especially if foxy friends are lying in wait with old shoes, rice and confetti." Added the Brashear News, "The happy young couple have been spending this week among relatives and friends before starting housekeeping." Three known offspring of the couple were Robert Bauer, William Vincent Bauer and Mary Ann Ferguson. Alva continued working for Auto Sales well into the 1930s. Beulah is known to have been active with the Naomi Circle of the Methodist church, treasurer of the Greenwood Parent-Teacher Association and card player in a local bridge club.
Then in May 1936, during the heart of the Great Depression, Alva and M.E. "Sol" Salladay acquired the Tom Vandiver automobile garage and equipment at 110 West Patterson Avenue. Reported the Kirksville Daily Express, "Both men have had many years experience in the automobile repair business and Bauer has been employed as foreman at the Auto Sales Company for thirteen years and Salladay has been the night man at the place for eleven years. They stated yesterday that the only reason they had for quitting their jobs was that they might engage in business for themselves." Business ownership must have been fulfilling, and in October 1939, after three years, he sold his interests in the Bauer and Salladay Garage and opened his own Bauer Auto Service at 613 North Franklin. During World War II, to support efforts to recycle metals for use in the war effort, Alva placed a bin at his business for collection of old license plates and other scrap metal. Heartache rocked the family when their house was badly damaged by fire in mid-April 1951. Acting quickly, Alva found a four-room house to rent, with refrigerator and hot water heater, and the family took occupancy the next morning. The house was repaired, and they moved back into the structure in July. In 1955, the family relocated to Colorado and settled in Colorado Springs. There, Alva was employed by Downtown Motor Parts. The couple marked their golden wedding anniversary in April 1975 with an open house at their home at 2303 Valley Forge Street, and were pictured in a related story in the Colorado Springs Gazette-Telegraph. Sadly, Beulah passed away in 1987. Alva lived for another two years. Death enveloped him at the age of 91 on Aug. 29, 1989. Alva and Beulah and son William sleep for the eternal ages in the Shrine of Remembrance Mausoleum in Colorado Springs.
Grandson Robert L. Bauer (1927- ? ) was born in about March 1927. On April 10, 1945, when he was age 18, he was joined in wedlock with Norma Lee Cooper ( ? - ? ), daughter of Howard Cooper. The wedding was held in Lancaster, MO by the hand of Rev. Sterrett. In reporting on the nuptials, the Kirksville Daily Express said that the bride "wore a powder blue suit with brown accessories and a corsage of white carnations." Several days after the wedding, he departed for duty with the U.S. Navy in the last months of World War II. The Bauers were in Austin, TX in 1975.
Shoe factory in Kirksville, where Ernest Burl Bauer worked in the 1930s. Below: Employee entrance to the factory. Library of Congress |
Son Ernest Burl Bauer (1900-1989) was born in 1900. After the death of his father, he went to live on the farm of his uncle and aunt, John W. and Gertrude (Cooper) Cornell, near Brashear. When he was about 20 years of age, on March 27, 1921, the day before Easter, Ernest married Goldie Marie Pevehouse (March 8, 1903-1981). Their nuptials were held in the home of Goldie's married sister Nora Roberts, and led by the hand of Rev. Beatty of the Hazel Green Holiness Church. A wedding dinner in their honor was held on Easter Sunday in the Cornell residence, where "he had made his home since childhood," said the Brashear News. "The young people are among the popular and highly respected of the community and will have the best wishes of many friends." Later that year, in September, they moved from Brashear to Kirksville. The pair produced a family of two -- Betty Irene McClanahan and Cecil Bauer. The family made their home
in 1928 at 1006 East Randolph Street and in 1930 next to Ernest's uncle, John W. Cornell, in Kirksville. Ernest was a laborer in a shoe factory in 1930 and about that time superintendent of the Sabbath School at the Hazel Green church. Goldie passed away at 77 years of age on Valentine's Day 1981. At the age of 88, Ernest died in Kirksville on Oct. 13, 1989. Burial was in the Sabbath Home Church Cemetery.
Granddaughter Betty Irene Bauer (1923-2007) was born on Aug. 5, 1923 in Kirksville, Adair County. On June 10, 1943, age 19, she was united in matrimony with Orie B. McClanahan (Feb. 12, 1921-2011), a native of Eckley, CO and the son of James T. and Leona (Higgins) McClanahan of near Kirksville. At the time, he was a private in the U.S. Army and home on furlough. Their ceremony was officiated in the Bauer residence by Rev. R.J. Patterson of the Church of God Mission. Reported the Kirksville Daily Express, "The bride was attractively attired in a navy blue street-length dress with white accessories and a corsage of light blue flowers." Soonafter the wedding, he returned to military duty at Camp Phillips, KS and went on to earn four bronze stars for his service in the European-African-Middle East Theatre. The two children of this union were Marvin Lee McClanahan and Joyce M. McClanahan. After the war's end, Orie was employed in the tire department of Montgomery Ward & Company. Later, he became self-employed by establishing McClanaham Tire & Battery where he "had customers all over northeast Missouri," said an obituary. He eventually closed his business and worked for the Bank of Kirksville and Kirksville Manor Care Center. They attended both the Church of God Holiness and Church of the Nazarene. Sadly. Betty died in Kirksville on July 17, 2007. The remains were lowered under the sod of Park View Memorial Gardens, Kirksville. The widowed Orie outlived his wife by three-and-a-half years. He passed into the arms of the angelic host at age 89 on Jan. 17, 2011. Co-officiating his funeral were Rev. Ralph Wheeler and Rev. Bob Price.
Great-grandson Marvin Lee McClanahan (1947-2020) was born on July 7, 1947 in Kirksville. He had an enormous talent for music, singing and musicianship. At a young age, he played hymns on the piano so that he and his younger sister could perform duets in church. He continued to play by ear for the rest of his long life. He also was self-taught in multi-part vocal harmonies, taking part in the church choir and eventually the Kirksville Community Chorus. He entered into marital union with Rebecca Ann Payne (1951- ? ), a native of Moberly, MO. Their duo of sons were Andrew Lee McClanahan and Bryan Anthony McClanahan. Marvin joined the U.S. Army and served in Vietnam from 1968 to 1970, with exposure to Agent Orange. As a medic and ambulance driver with the 91st Battalion, 44th Medical Brigade, 584th Ambulance Company, he was deployed to Long Binh and Bien Hoa Air Base. Once back home from military duty, Marvin received his bachelor of arts degree in mass communications from Kirksville's Truman State University. He pursued a career in radio broadcasting, working in young manhood at KLTI-AM in Macon, MO. He then accepted a position with station KIRX-AM in Kirksville and hosted a drive-time show. Said an obituary, "He was at his best in the days when he chose every song and recorded every ad as he sat between two turntables and lowered the needle on each record, all guided by his innate sense of timing." He was bestowed an award in 1985 from the Country Music Association as "Broadcast Personality of the Year for Small Market" and received it in person at the awards ceremony, which was broadcast on CBS-TV. The City of Kirksville once proclaimed “Marvin McClanahan Day,” and he was grand marshal for community parades. Marvin's story was featured in Truman State alumni publications and in Billboard Magazine and R&R Records nationally. He won the "Editorial of the Year'" award from the Missouri Broadcasters Association for an opinion piece he had published. His final work was his on-air partnership with Helen Adams on KTUF as “Marvin and Helen.” In his free time, he helped his children with Pinewood Derby races, poetry projects, bicycle rides, driving vacations and annual Christmas tree selection and cutting. Sadly, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer and Parkinson’s disease and at the end slipped into dementia. At the age of 72, on May 25, 2020, he died in the Missouri Veterans Home in Mexico, MO. Interment was in the Missouri Veterans Cemetery. In his memory, the Marvin L. McClanahan Communications Scholarship was launched at Truman State.
In her own right, Rebecca has been a longtime nurse and educator. She received her bachelor of science in nursing in 1975 from Truman State and her master's in community mental health nursing in 1982 from the University of Missouri at Columbia. Rebecca became employed as a nursing professor at Truman State and as a consultant in mental health nursing. She taught at Truman for over 30 years. She also studied for her doctorate at the University of Kansas, focusing on a dissertation entitled "From Margin to Center: An Analysis of Congressional Testimony Given by Nurses and Physicians." She was elected in 2006 to the Missouri House of Representatives and served for four years. She was defeated in a re-election bid in 2010 and then again in 2012. Since that time, she was tapped to be director of Missouri Healthcare for All, an organization lobbying for reforms in health care. Their son Andrew wed Astrid and lives in Texas, while son Bryan married Marina Cramer and moved to Connecticut.
Great-granddaughter Joyce Marie McClanahan ( ? - ? ) has made a home in Kirksville.
Grandson Cecil Burl Bauer (1928- ? ) was born on Aug. 31, 1928 in Kirksville, with Dr. R.R. Ellis assisting in the birth. He was a 1946 graduate of Kirksville High School and then secured employment with J.C. Penney Company. On June 5, 1948, Cecil entered into marriage with Darlene Rummerfield ( ? - ? ), daughter of Byrd Rummerfield of near Kirksville. The ceremony was held in residence of Darlene's parents, "performed by Rev. C.C. Riddle before an improvised altar in the living room," said the Kirksville Graphic. "The couple stood on a white rug in front of a small table on which was an open Bible flanked by two large baskets of peonies, gladioli, pink roses and greenery. A large candelabra with white tapers was in the background. The bride and bridegroom wore matching wool suits of Hudson blue, and the bride wore white accessories and a corsage of red roses." Darlene was a 1947 alumna of Kirksville High and at the time of marriage worked for Lambert Manufacturing Company in town.
Son Robert "Ralph" Powell (1906-1999) was born in 1906. At the age of 19, in November 1925, he earned a living by providing labor at a farm club near Brashear. Around the same time, he was part of an orchestra which included Gail Platz, Laurence Rowe and Russell Murfin. Then in March 1929, he moved to Kansas City to join a band. He and his first wife were married by October 1930 and lived in Topeka. Then by 1934, they migrated to California. Ralph by 1937 had become a popular entertainer who, with his nephew Farrell Haliday "Rusty" Draper, used the stage name "Cy Perkins and Freckles." The pair performed on radio shows on WTAD-AM in Quincy, MO and KMA-AM in Shenandoah, IA. In addition to his nephew, one of the talents he had on the show was "another young unknown singer by the name of Patti Page," said the Kansas City Times. Page went on to a six-decade career in pop and country music and is considered the best-selling woman artist of the 1950s who sold more than 100 million records. Ralph also played banjo in the well-known band of his nephew. Using the technique of voice impersonations, he also went by the name "Uncle Si." He ran afoul of the law in Shenandoah in August 1939. While operating his motor vehicle under the influence of a half case of beer, he plowed into two cars on Jefferson Street and was arrested. He was released and fined $140 for reckless driving. Ralph joined the U.S. Army during World War II and circa 1944 was quartermaster at Camp Lee, VA before being transferred to San Francisco. On June 15, 1971, at the age of 65, Ralph married Arietta (Mitchell) Hamm ( ? - ? ). When named in the newspaper obituary of his sister Della Mae in 1979, he resided in Strathmore, Tulare County, CA. Death swept him away in California, at the age of 93, on July 24, 1999. A death notice appeared in the Fresno Beewith a listing in the Los Angeles Times. His remains lie in eternal sleep in Lindsay-Strathmore Cemetery.
Daughter Cleta Aileen Powell (1916-1999) was born on Feb. 5, 1916 near Brashear, Adair County, a twin with her brother Clinton. She attended school in Brashear. When she was 22 years of age, on March 5, 1938, she tied the knot with Joe Herschel Moyer (Aug. 4, 1913-2008), the son of Joe Lewellyn and Dora (Kephart) Moyer. Born on a homestead near Wildwood, Alberta, Canada, Joe and his parents migrated to Rye Creek near Kirksville when he was about two years of age. He had gone to school at Novinger and Connelsville, and as a young man,, labored in a family coal mine and on farms in Bee Ridge and Brashear. The couple established their longtime home on a farm in rural Novelty, MO. Their only son was Joe Allen Moyer. The Moyers held a membership in the Locust Hill Community Church, where Cleta was active with the Ladies Aid Group, and he served on the school boards of Mote and Novelty schools. In her free time, she liked to garden, quilt, travel and be out-of-doors. Sadly, Cleta died at the age of 83, in Kirksville's Northeast Regional Medical Center, on Sept. 1, 1999, at the age of 83. Rev. Luke Turnbough led the services. Her obituary appeared in the Edina (MO) Sentinel. Joe survived his bride by nearly nine years. Death enveloped him at the age of 94, in Kirksville, on July 25, 2008. His funeral was co-officiated by Rev. Reese Blaine and Rev. Bill Gaines. Their remains sleep for all time in Locust Hill Cemetery in Knox County.
Grandson Joe Allen Moyer (1941-2023) was born on Nov. 20, 1941. As a boy he attended grade school in a one-room building called Mote, southwest of Novelty, MO. He was a 1959 graduate of Novelty High School. He was united in matrimony on June 2, 1962 with Nancy "Louise" Hall (June 2, 1939-2018), daughter of Lester Emmett and Evia Louise (Rudd) Hall. Their wedding ceremony was held in Locust Hill, MO. Louise was a 1957 graduate of Novelty High School and received a degree in elementary teaching from Northeast Missouri State University, later renamed Truman State University. For five years, prior to motherhood, she taught first grade at Moberly (MO) Elementary School. Joe obtained bachelor's and master'sdegrees from Northeast Missouri and went on to teach mathematics in the Moberly district. Together they bore two offspring, Lynette Louise McGuire and Joe Anthony Moyer. Grief cascaded over the family when their son Joe died in infancy. In 1972, the Moyerses relocated to a farm in or near Locust Hill/Hurdland, Knox County, MO, where Joe and Louise worked together in putting up hay, raising cattle and gathering the fall crop harvest. He continued to teach mathematics at Northeast Missouri for 22 years, from 1982 to 2004. They belonged to Locust Hill Community Church, and Joe was an officer with the Democratic Party in Knox County. He liked to fish and hunt and was active with the boards of directors of the Knox County Nutrition Center and Mark Twain Telephone Company. They belonged to Locust Hill Community Church and Mt. Tabor Primitive Baptist Church. As time allowed, Louise enjoyed travel, jigsaw puzzles and fishing in ponds on their property. Sadly, at the age of 78, Louise surrendered to the spirit of death on Jan. 3, 2018, in Kirksville. As they had done for Joe's father a decade earlier, Rev. Reese Blaine and Rev. Bill Gaines jointly conducted the funeral service. Interment was in Locust Hill Cemetery. The widowed Joe married later that same year to Bonnie Henderson ( ? -living). They spent their few years together in Hurdland, MO. He died in Kirksville at the age of 81 on June 23, 2023. Said an obituary, "Joe loved traveling. Adventures included white water rafting, road trips to Alaska, a mule ride into and out of the Grand Canyon (which he also had walked) and whale watching on both coasts. He had visited all but two states in the Continental U.S. and had plans to check them off as well with Bonnie this summer." Elder Alan Curtis presided at the funeral service, with interment at Locust Hill.
Great-granddaughter Lynnette Louise Moyer ( ? -living) wed Vince McGuire ( ? -living). Their two offspring are Aaron Michael McGuire and Caitlyn Louise McGuire. For many years, the McGuires have made a residence in Elsberry, MO. Lynnette was employed as a teacher over the years and recently retired. She graciously has shared her research findings for this biography. Son Aaron married Angels and lives in Lakewood, CO, and daughter Caitlyn makes her residence in Elsberry.
Son Clinton Allen Powell (1916-2000) was born on Feb. 5, 1916 near Brashear, Adair County, a twin with his sister Cleta. During World War II, he joined the U. S. Army and attained the rank of sergeant. After the war, Clinton returned home and as of 1950 worked as a mechanic in an automobile garage. Later that year, on June 18, 1950, at the age of 34, he was joined in wedlock with 30-year-old Dorothy Fern Daniels (Dec. 12, 1919-2005). Rev. W.R. Kornegay officiated. The Powells were wed in Dorothy's hometown of Kirksville and resided there for decades. The angel of death gathered away Clinton on Oct. 30, 2000. Dorothy outlived him by almost five years. She passed away on June 4, 2005. They rest in the sleep of ages in Bullion Cemetery in Kirksville.
Stepdaughter Fannie Belle Powell (1887-1925) was born on Feb. 26, 1887 in Linn County, MO. She resided in young womanhood in Brashear, Salt River Township, MO. On Feb. 3, 1909, just a few weeks shy of her 22nd birthday, she wed Robert Allen Morrow (1886-1959) of Kirksville. Officiating their nuptials was Rev. E.B. Cater. The couple dwelled in Brashear. Their four sons were Russell Morrow, Richard Morrow, Kenneth Morrow and Robert Lee Morrow. The family grieved at the death on Nov. 6, 1922 of newborn son Robert. Sadly, in about 1915, at the age of 30, Fannie contracted a blood disorder known as "secondary anemia," where her body did not produce enough healthy red blood cells. She endured her illness for a decade, but there was no hope for a cure. She died at the age of 38 on Sept. 17, 1925. Interment of the remains was in the Sabbath Home Cemetery following a funeral in the Sabbath Home Church, led by Rev. John Lane. In an obituary, the Kirksville Daily Express said that she "had been in poor health for the past ten years, and had been gradually failing. Her condition had been very serious for several days." Robert lived in as a widower for nearly 35 years. He died at the age of 73 on Nov. 8, 1959.
East side of the square, Kirksville |
Stepdaughter Ida "Grace" Powell (1888-1972) was born on July 20, 1888 in Missouri. At the age of 22, on July 5, 1910, she was joined in wedlock with 26-year-old James "Terrill" Rigdon (1884-1961), a fellow Brashear resident. Justice of the peace C.A. Hamilton led the wedding, held in Kirksville. One son produced by their union was Gerald Wayne Rigdon. The family relocated to Nebraska, where their son was born in O'Neill, Holt County in 1917, and thence to California by 1925. As of 1930, in Pomona, Los Angeles County, Terrill drove a truck for an oil company. They are believed to have returned for a time to Kirksville but then by 1940 were back in the Golden State. When the federal census enumeration was made in 1940, Grace and Terrill lived in Upland, San Bernardino County. At that time, he continued to earn a living as a truck driver for an oil company. In 1948, when named in a Pomona news story about their son, they dwelled in San Jacinto, CA. By 1950, the Rigdons had migrated to Hemet Township, Riverside County, CA, with Terrill having no occupation that year at the age of 65. Sadly, Terrill passed away at the age of 76 on March 23, 1961. His obituary in the San Bernardino County Sun said he was a "native of Missouri [and] had lived in California 26 years. He had been a truckdriver at the Lockheed Air Terminal in Burbank." Ida Grace survived for another 11 years. At the age of 84, she died in Riverside County on Aug. 18, 1972. Burial was in Mountain View Cemetery in San Bernardino.
Step-grandson Gerald Wayne Rigdon (1917-1987) was born on March 4, 1917 in O'Neill, NE. He moved to California in boyhood with his parents and in 1930 was with them in Pomona, Los Angeles County. He attended the San Antonio and Garey Avenue Schools and the Emerson Junior High School in Pomona before moving back to Kirksville, where he graduated from high school. He and his parents returned to the Golden State where he attended Chaffey Junior College in Ontario and where he met his future wife. At the age of about 23, on July 3, 1940, Gerald married Zelma Pearl Scott (1918-1959), daughter of H. Clay Scott and a native of Elsinore, CA. The nuptials were held in the Elsinore Methodist Church. In announcing the marriage, the Lake Elsinore Valley Sun-Tribune said that the bride "was attired in a white satin gown with a train made in princess style with full length sleeves and a sweetheart neckline... Her bouquet was gardenias, centered with an orchid corsage used later with her going-away ensemble." They were the parents of an only daughter, Cassandra A. "Sandy" Rigdon. Zelma was a 1936 graduate of Elsinore High School. They established a residence in Burbank, CA, where he was employed for nine-and-a-half years as a supervisor for Lockheed Aeronautical Company. Then in 1948, desiring to be his own boss, he opened Jerry's Pipe Shop, selling pipes and tobacco, at the address of 115 West Commercial Street in Pomona. The launch of the business prompted a news story in the Pomona Progress, which said that in relocating back, he "couldn't stay away from Pomona!" He served as president of the Lockheed Pipe Club and was an original member of the National Order of Pipe Smokers. Zelma was active the Elsinore lodge of the Order of Eastern Star and served a term as matron. They enjoyed fishing and hunting together. The family made news in the gossip columns of the Valley Sun-Tribune in 1950 when it was reported that they had spent New Year's Day with Roy Macy, watching the Tournament of Roses Parade and football games on television. They lived on Old Elsinore Road in Riverside, and as their daughter grew, Zelma became active in the Parent-Teacher Association and Sunday School. Sadly, as her health was in a long decline, Zelma was admitted to Riverside Community Hospital. She died there at the age of 41 on Dec. 13, 1959. An obituary was printed in the Valley Sun-Tribune. Funeral services were held in the First Methodist Church, officiated by Rev. Carl Schmitt. Interment was in Elsinore Valley Cemetery. The widowed Gerald maintained a home in Riverside as of 1961. After three years alone, he wed again in Riverside on Dec. 14, 1962 to Elizabeth "Betty" (Einsel) Jameson (1922-2006), daughter of Armeda Einsel. Also married previously, to Roy George Jameson Jr., Elizabeth brought three known stepsons into the union with Gerald -- Roy George Jameson III, Loren Earl Jameson and Lee Jameson. Gerald died in Florence, OR on Jan. 20, 1987. Elizabeth survived her spouse by nearly two decades. She passed away on Sept. 28, 2006 in Redlands, CA.
Step-great-granddaughter Cassandra Rigdon (1946- ? ) was born in about 1946. She was 13 years of age at her mother's untimely death. On Aug. 3, 1963, when she was age 17, she entered into marriage with her step-brother, Leroy George Jameson (1941-1993). The wedding was held in Riverside, CA.
Step-step-great-grandson Leroy George "Roy" Jameson III (1941-1993) was born on March 16, 1941 in Los Angeles. He was married and the father of Roy Dean Jameson, Dee Jameson and Michelle Hopkins. In 1993, the family lived in Cathedral City/Desert Hot Springs, CA, where Roy worked as a foreman in a wrecking yard. Tragically, on March 19, 1993, at the age of 52, he was killed in an airplane crash. The Palm Springs Desert Sun reported that the Cessna 172 aircraft, owned by Aero Investments Inc., had been stolen from the Palm Springs Regional Airport and had "clipped a communications tower and crashed into a Painted Hills canyon."
Step-step-great-grandson Loren Earl Jameson ( ? - ? ) was born on (?). He was a graduate of Pamona High School and, during the Vietnam War, spent four years of service in the U.S. Air Force. On Aug. 12, 1972, at St. Jude's Catholic Church in Ceres, CA, he wed Suszanne Marie Gadke ( ? - ? ), daughter of Robert Gadke. She was a 1968 alumna of Ceres High School and at the time of marriage worked in data processing for Stanislaus Memorial Hospital.
Step-step-great-grandson Lee Jameson ( ? - ? )
Stepdaughter Lula Blanch "Lulu" Powell (1890-1979) was born on Feb. 8, 1890 in Hancock County, IL. Her first spouse, whom she married on Feb. 24, 1912, was Freeman J. "Free" Spangler (June 4, 1883-1918) of Brashear, the son of Jacob and Mary (Voorhees) Spangler, the father a prominent farmer and livestock raiser. Rev. E.B. Cater led the nuptials, as he had done a year earlier for Lula's sister Fannie Belle. Two children produced by the couple were Stanley Wayne Spangler and Mary Kathryn Rowe. Freeman circa 1916 was active with the Adair County Democratic Committee. Circa 1918, the family resided near Bullion, MO. Tragically, Freeman contracted appendicitis at the age of 34 and a few days later died on March 19, 1918. Burial was in Sabbath Home Church Cemetery. An obituary in the Brashear News reported that he was "one of the highly respected young men of the community..." His death also was noted briefly in the Edina (MO) Sentinel. Rev. E.O. Basye officiated the funeral in the Sabbath Home Church. The widowed single mother carried on with her life and hosted church social events in her home. Then on Dec. 17, 1922, she was joined in marital union with her second husband, Brashear resident and widower William H. Downing (1889-1971). Methodist-Episcopal Church pastor Rev. J.H. Lane led the ceremony. William and his first wife, Loretta "Blanche" Smith (Sept. 17, 1895-1919), who had died of scarlet fever, had borne their own family of three -- Ivorine Gale Downing, Garnet Lee Downing and a son. The combined family dwelled in Brashear in the mid-1920s-early 1930s. They bought 160 acres of land spanning the Adair and Knox County border in 1924 but appear to have defaulted on their payments as of January 1932, prompting a sale. In the late 1930s and into 1932, they owned and occupied the "Boss Scott Farm" in the Grand View section of Knox County, and then in early 1932 sold it to Grover Christian and relocated to the farm in Bullion, northwest of Brashear, which she had inherited from her first father-in-law, Jacob Spangler. Lula and William are known in September 1933 to have traveled with her sister and brother-in-law, Ida "Grace" and James "Terrill" Rigdon to Illinois for a visit. William passed away on Nov. 11, 1971, at the age of 82. Burial was in Maple Hills Cemetery, Kirksville. Lula died in Kirksville at the age of 89 on March 21, 1979.
Stanley Spangler's alma mater, Kirksville State Normal School, later named Northeast Missouri State Teachers College and Truman State University |
Step-grandson Stanley Wayne Spangler (1914-1985) was born on March 14, 1914 in Adair County. He was just four years of age at his father's death. Stanley attended school in Kirksville, MO and was a 1938 bachelor's degree graduate of the Northeast Missouri State Teachers College, today known as Truman State University. Then in October 1940, at the age of 27, he was arrested for having possession of a stolen overnight bag he had purchased from two youths in Kirksville. The Kirksville Daily Express reported that "Officers accompanied him to a cornfield about a half mile south of the Fairview schoolhouse, east of Kirksville, and the loot was found in themiddle of a big shock of corn." He was charged with committing a felony but the matter appears to have blown over. Stanley is known to have been employed by the goverenment at Rolla, MO in 1941. That same year, in 1941, he married Marion Frances Caddell (1922-1995), with their nuptials held in Memphis, MO. They bore a family of three -- Barrett Davis Spangler, Barbara Downey and Brenda Lawson. Then in September 1942, having joined the U.S. Armed Forces, he sold at auction his farm located four miles west of Brashear and eight miles east of Kirksville, including 11 head of cattle, 16 hogs, two horses, 24 sheep, 30 White Rock chickens and 150 bushels of old corn. He trained at Camp Barkeley, TX and as a veterinary technician at Beaumont Hospital in El Paso. By November 1944 he had been deployed to New Caledonia and the Philippines. Living in Brashear in 1953, he received a master of science degree from the University of Missouri at Columbia and in 1958 his doctorate in agricultural economics from Northeast Missouri State. He became a professor of agricultural economics at Northeast Missouri State. Simultaneously for about two decades, he owned and managed Spangler Construction Company. Said the Columbia Missourian, "Mr. Spangler served eight years on the state Appellate Judicial Commission, stepping down in 1974," having been appointed in 1967 by Gov. Warren E. Hearnes. He belonged to the local posts of the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars as well as the Methodist Church. He died at the age of 71 on June 22, 1985 in Columbia's Candlelight Care Center. Rev. Fr. Michael Quinn conducted a memorial service, and the remains were placed into repose in the mausoleum of Memorial Park Cemetery in Columbia. In an obituary, the family asked that any memorial donations be made to the Alzheimer Disease Association. Marion followed him to the grave in Columbia on March 23, 1995.
Great-grandson Barrett Davis Spangler (1945- ? ) was born in 1945 at A.S.O. Hospital. His birth was announced in the Kirksville Daily Express. Circa 1985, he was in Columbia, MO.
Step-great-granddaughter Barbara Spangler married (?) Downey. She lived in Columbia, MO as of 1985.
Step-great-granddaughter Brenda Spangler wed (?) Lawson. She dwelled in 1985 in Centralia, MO.
Step-granddaughter Mary Kathryn Spangler (1916-2013) was born on July 10, 1916 in the rural outskirts of Kirksville. She was an alumna of Kirksville High School and went on to study at the Northeast Missouri State Teachers College, later renamed Truman State University, where she earned a bachelor's degree in physical education. On March 2, 1935, she entered into marriage with Lawrence G. Rowe (Sept. 14, 1906-1984), son of Edmund and Rosa Lee "Rosie" (Hill) Rowe of Kirksville. The wedding was held at Fulton, MO and made public in the Kirksville Daily Express. Their union endured for 47 years until cleaved apart by death. Lawrence also was a graduate of Kirksville High and in 1933 of Northeast Missouri State. At the time of marriage, he taught school at Algoa Farms at Jefferson City. Their two daughters wereKathie Wachholder and Elizabeth Ann "Libby" Godwin. Lawrence served in the U.S. Navy during World War II and attained the rank of lieutenant. He trained at submarine chaser school in Miami and then the military's West Coast Sound School in San Diego. He received his honorable discharge on Jan. 30, 1946. He went on to earn a master's degree from Iowa State University and in 1947 accepted a position on the chemistry faculty of La Crosse State College in Wisconsin. Mary Kathryn also worked on the campus for 28 years in the Murphy Library. They were members of the Asbury United Methodist Church. One of Lawrence's fields of expertise was gas chromatography, and he presented papers on the topic. He is known to have held the treasurership of the La Crosse Subsection of the American Chemical Society. At retirement in 1974, he was named professor emeritus. Their home address in the 1970s and 1980s was 1103 Nancy Court, La Crosse. The La Crosse Tribune once said that Mary Kathryn "was a talented seamstress, sewing most of her daughters’ clothes for many years and she enjoyed baking pies and pastries. Her caramel pecan rolls were an exceptional favorite among friends and family. Her great love was the game of bridge at which she excelled, enjoying more than 50 years of play. During her retirement, she delivered food to homebound seniors through the Meals on Wheels program and was a hospital volunteer, working in the gift shop, and knitting caps for premature babies." Mary Kathryn was an active blood donor for the Amereican Red Cross, giving more than five gallons over the years. Sadly, Lawrence passed away in La Crosse Lutheran Hospital at the age of 77 on May 21, 1984. Funeral services were held in the Asbury United Methodist Churcy, by the hand of Rev. Kent D. Richmond. Mary Kathryn lived for another nearly three decades as a widow and as of 1985 continued to make a residence in La Crosse. Then in 2001 she moved to be with her daughter in Illinois. The spectre of death summoned her at the age of 97 on Dec. 11, 2013. Burial was next to her husband in Maple Hills Cemetery, Kirksville.
Step-great-granddaughter Kathie Rowe ( ? - ? ) was born on (?). She married Edward Wachholder ( ? - ? ). As of 1984, they were in Elgin, IL, near Chicago, and in 2020 in Gilberts, IL.
Step-great-granddaughter Elizabeth Ann "Libby" Rowe (1951-2020) was born on Aug. 27, 1951 in La Crosse, WI. She was a 1969 graduate of Central High School and then received a bachelor's degree in communications in 1973 from the University of Missouri at Columbia. She went on to obtain a masters degree in communication disorders from the University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire in 1975. On Dec. 29, 1976, she was united in marriage with Joseph H. Godwin ( ? - ? ) of Jackson, MO. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. Thomas Jarrell in the Lake Street United Methodist Church of Eau Claire, WI, and announced in the Eau Claire Leader-Telegram. Two sons born to the couple were Justin Godwin and Joel Godwin. Libby spent her professional career as an education administrator, working at schools in Palmyra, WI; Athens, GA; and Belding, MI. In 1990, she was awarded her doctorate in education administration from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. In 2001, she was named superintendent of schools in Decatur, MI, where she worked until retirement in 2014. Libby had a special love for engaging with developmentally disabled adults and children. Said an obituary, she "enjoyed traveling, scuba diving in Mexico, boating around the lake on her pontoon, cooking for family and friends, driving her pickup truck, and visiting with others. She also enjoyed hosting foreign-exchange students such as Silvia and Ana Picallo from LaCoruna, Spain and continued to enjoy many phone calls and visits with them and their family. Libby was active on the Van Buren County Library Board, the Decatur Optimist Club, the Study Club and enjoyed reading student essays for VFW awards."Their final home together was in Decatur. Elizabeth passed away at the age of 68 on July 7, 2020. Their son Justin lived in Decatur, IL and son Joel in Auckland, New Zealand, both circa 2020.
Step-granddaughter Ivorine Gale Downing (1916-2000) was born on June 16, 1916 in Brashear. On Feb. 21, 1937, in a ceremony at the home of Rev. Joseph W. Thompson, Ivorine became the bride of Eugene A. Locke (Sept. 16, 1915-1996), a fellow resident of northeast Kirksville and the son of A.A. Locke. One son born to this pair was Monty Locke. Eugene stood 5 feet, 10˝ inches tall and weighed 150 lbs. in young manhood. The Brashear News reported that their first home as newlyweds was on the farm of George Bennett. When the federal census enumeration was made in 1940, the couple resided on a farm in Salt River Township, Adair County. Then during the 1940s Eugene became employed as an agent for an oil company, as shown in the 1950 United States Census. In 1985, the Lockes resided in Kirksville. Sadly, Eugene died on July 6, 1996. Ivorine lived for another three-and-a-half years in Kirksville. The spirit of death plucked her away on Jan. 16, 2000. Her remains were lowered into the sacred soil of Sabbath Home Church Cemetery.
Step-great-grandson Monty Locke (1949- ? ) was born in Dec. 1949. Evidence suggests that he was owner and manager of the Adair County Mapping and Drafting Company in Kirksville in recent years, located at 106 West Washington Street.
Step-grandson Garnet "Lee" Downing ( ? - ? ) was born on (?). During World War II, he was inducted into the U.S. Armed Forces in August 1944. He made his home in 1985 in Topeka, KS and eventually in Clinton Township, MS.
Stepson Fred Powell (1893-1937) was born on Sept. 20, 1893 in Hancock County, IL. On July 26, 1917, he wed Beulah Ruth Gordon (1898-1945). They dwelled in 1930 some two miles west of Brashear, and in September 1930 their farmhouse burned. Said the La Plata Home Press, "The fire started from the flue and the entire roof was on fire before it was discovered by the family. All the furniture and clothing upstairs were destroyed by the fire, but most of the furnishings downstairs were saved." The marriage was troubled, with Beulah filing for divorce in December 1932. In her petition, she asked that her maiden name be restored and that Fred "be restrained from selling their livestock," reported the Brashear News. When they defaulted on their payments, the pair in 1937 were forced to sell their farm in Section 24, Township 62, Range 14. Fred as a single man lived on a farm near Brashear, and was more than once arrested for public intoxication and illegal possession of liquor. On the fateful evening of Dec. 5, 1937, Fred got into a deadly brawl with a 20-year-old coal miner "over a bottle of beer," reported the Jefferson City Post-Tribune. The scene developed when Fred, having been to a dance, walked into the Snappy Service Inn at 11 p.m. on a Saturday. He exchanged words with the miner, who had once before bought him a drink, and an argument ensued about repayment. The two men then crossed the street and went into an alley behind thedance hall to settle their differences. After being punched in the face, Fred fell to the pavement and fractured his skull. He was not discovered for about 10 minutes, and then was rushed to Stickler Hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival. In testimony before a coroner's jury, witness Jimmie Edwards said he saw Fred get knocked down twice. Reported the Kirksville Daily Express, "The second time Powell's head hit the sidewalk and 'popped like a shotgun,' Edwards said. Dr. F.B. Farrington, who performed the autopsy, said he found a 10-inch crack in Powell's skull." The killer was charged with first-degree murder. In noting his death, the Daily Express said Fred's sister Stella Eagan had traveled from California to attend the funeral, but not their other sister Grace Rigdon, also of California, due to illness. His body rests in eternity in Sabbath Home Church Cemetery.
Stepson Isaac "Earl" Powell (1897-1949) was born on May 30, 1897 in Brashear, Adair County, MO. He had a seventh grade school education and labored for his father on the family farm. Earl was of medium height and build, with blue eyes and brown hair. He served with the U.S. Army during World War I as a member of the 164th Depot Brigade. He returned home to Adair County after the war and in 1920 lived with his parents in Salt River Township, having no occupation that year. By 1940, unmarried at age 42, he was a resident of the Veterans Administration Hospital in Danville, IL. Earl died at the age of 51 in Vermilion County, IL on Feb. 12, 1949. His remains were brought back to Brashear for burial in Sabbath Home Church Cemetery.
Stepdaughter Della Mae Powell (1899-1979) was born on Jan. 12, 1899 in Willmathsville, Adair County. On Nov. 4, 1920, in Kirksville, she was united in matrimony with Brashear resident Samuel C. Draper (1900-1989). Rev. Fred W. Condit presided. They became the parents of Ferrall Haliday "Rusty" Draper, Ronald Vance "Ronnie" Draper, Samuel K. Draper and Phyllis Terrell. Samuel is known to have owned and operated a country store at one time. Della and Samuel both played musical instruments and two of their sons grew up to be professional musicians. They relocated to Tulsa, OK and Quincy, IL. By 1968, their residence was in Sacramento, CA. The pair spent 31 years in California. Della surrendered to the angel of death in Lindsay, Tulare County, CA at the age of 79 on New Year's Day 1979. Burial was in Montecito Memorial Park in Colton, San Bernardino County, CA. Her survivors included 11 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren.
Rusty Draper. William Morris Agency |
Step-grandson Farrell Haliday "Rusty" Draper (1923-2003) was born on Jan. 25, 1923 in Kirksville. He sported red hair and bore the nicknames "Rusty" and "Freckles." He and his parents moved to Tulsa when he was young. Having shown an aptitude for music in boyhood, he received a $3.50 guitar at his 11th birthday. His first job was in his father's country store and first sang professionally in a tavern in Clay, MO. In Tulsa, Farrell and his uncle Robert "Ralph" Powell combined their talents in the band "Cy Perkins and Freckles." The pair performed on radio shows on WTAD-AM in Quincy, MO and KMA-AM in Shenandoah, IA. One of the talents he sang with in those early years was a young, unknown Patti Page, who proceeded to become the most popular woman singer of the 1950s. At a young age, Farrell sang on the "Sons of the Ozarks" show on KWK-AM Radio hosted by Ed Wilson. He joined a band called the "Rhythm Rangers" but that left him broke and hitchhiking home from Cincinnati. He is known to have once worked for a radio station in Des Moines, IA, filling in for sports announcer Ronald Reagan. At age 17, he migrated to San Francisco to entertain military servicemen and found work in a nightclub. Farrell was signed by Mercury Records but then dropped when officials felt he sounded like too similar to Frankie Laine for their tastes. He found work on a show featuring singer Eddie Cantor and again was signed by Mercury. The first song released by Mercury was How Could You (Blue Eyes).
His first big hit, in 1953, was Gambler's Guitar, which he recorded in New York having never heard it before, and as the B-side of a record Free Home Demonstration which was expected to be a smash. Gambler's Guitar ended up selling 800,000 copies, and Farrell finally had his break into the big time. He appeared on national television programs such as The Ed Sullivan Show and Ozark Jubilee. He also hosted radio shows in San Francisco and on KNX-AM in Los Angeles circa 1957, was on a variety show with Arthur Godfrey, and as a television actor appeared in guest roles on shows such as Rawhide, Laramie, T he Danny Thomas Show and 77 Sunset Strip. A feature story in the Kansas City Times on Aug. 6, 1966 said that Ferrell was a "professional entertainer with a daily television show, who has sold more than 20 million records" and won five gold records. His music, which he dubbed "town and country" as a mix of popular, country and western styles, was especially popular in Asia and Europe. Among future bestselling records were Night Life, Shifting, Whispering Sands and Are You Satisfied? Other hits followed such as In the Middle of the House, Freight Train and Mule Skinner Blues. He parted ways with Mercury in 1962 when he signed a contract with Monument Records, but by then his sound had grown out of style. In 1966, he was co-host with Molly Bee of the country music TV show Swingin' Country, with Roy Clark as a regular performer. He was a fan of all sorts of musical artists and once told a journalist that he considered Bob Dylan "a modern day court jester, a troubadour" and that the Beatles were "great writers."
Above: Rusty serenades Danny Thomas and his television wife Jean Hagen on a 1957 episode of Make Room for Daddy. Below: with coh-hosts Roy Clark and Molly Bee on their 1969 daytime TV show, Swingin' Country. |
Farrell was twice-married. His first wife was Maria M. Willsey ( ? - ? ). They became the parents of John Draper and Judy Draper. The couple divorced in March 1967. His second bride, whom he wed in 1967, was Fay Evelyn (Olson) White DeGraaf (1919-2009), who had been married twice previously and brought four stepchildren into the union with Farrell -- Cynthia Ann (White) Olsen, Rebecca F. (DeGraaf) Napier, Dick DeGraaf and Mark DeGraaf. She was a native of El Paso, WI who had worked as a model and as an employee of Boeing. Farrell's final decades were spent enduring throat cancer, heart disease and strokes. Farrell passed away in Bellevue, WA at the age of 80 on March 28, 2003. He was survived by 15 grandchildren and a baker's dozen great-grandchildren. Evelyn outlived her third husband by six years and lived in King County, WA. Death swept her away into eternity at the age of 90 on Aug. 17, 2009.
Great-grandson John Draper lived in Sacramento, CA in 2003.
Great-granddaughter Judy Draper made her home in 2003 in Sultan, WA.
Step-great-grandson Mark DeGraaf dwelled in Kirkland, WA in 2003.
Step-grandson Ronald Vance "Ronnie" Draper (1932-1968) was born on Oct. 7, 1932 in Clay Township, Adair County. He served for two years in the U.S. Army during the Korean War and attained the rank of corporal. He married Marilyn ( ? - ? ). The pair's two sons were Gary Draper and Terry Draper. Their home in the 1960s was in Seattle. Ronald too was a professional entertainer as a guitarist and banjo player. In 1968, working for Clark's Enterprises, he toured Hawaii and the Pacific region, performing for military servicemen. On the fateful day of Aug. 14, 1968, while performing in Bremerton, WA, he collapsed onstage. Death carried him away the following day at the age of 35.
Stepdaughter Stella Esther Powell (1902- ? ) was born in about 1902 in Missouri. On Sept. 16, 1926, at about the age of 24, she became the wife of James O. Eagen ( ? - ? ) of Brashear. Rev. Francis A. Loftus, rector of the local Catholic Church, officiated their wedding ceremony. They relocated to California before 1934 and in 1938 were in Pomona. When they came back to Kirksville for a visit in August 1938, a Powell and Eagen family reunion was held in Brashear Park. By 1948, they moved to Colton, CA. As of 1979, Stella made her dwelling in San Bernadino, CA. Their son, Msgr. I.B. Eagen, served as chaplain for the San Diego Chargers football team for years.
Daughter Ella Mae (Cornell) Ferguson ~
Ella Mae Cornell (1888-1970) was born in 1888 in Missouri.
Circa 1905, when she would have been about 17 years of age, Ella Mae married her 30-year-old neighbor, Clarence Delmar "Dell" Ferguson
(1875-1950), a native Iowan who was the son of Madison L. and Mary Ann (Drake)
Ferguson, and the grandson of John and Nancy (Anderson) Ferguson. The couple were a baker's dozen years apart in age.
The Fergusons became the parents of Opal Ammerman, Wayne D. Ferguson and Clarence Ferguson.
They were farmers for decades in the Hazel
Green community, eight miles north of Brashear, Adair County, MO. (Click to see a memoir
of the Fergusons' life.)
When the federal census enumeration was made in 1910, the family is shown on a farm in Clay Township, Adair County. The eldest two children were in the household that year.
The Fergusons' church. Jacqueline Alkula |
Clarence is mentioned in a biographical profile of his father in E.M. Violette's 1911 book, History of Adair County.
The Fergusons remained in Clay Township during the decades of the 1910s and 1920s, as shown in the census records. Clarence continued to work over those years as a farm laborer.
Clarence suffered with heart lesions and low blood
pressure for a number of years. Just a month before his 75th birthday, Clarence suffered a
heart attack and died suddenly on Jan. 21, 1950. His remains were laid to rest
in the Sabbath Home Church Cemetery.
Ella survived her spouse by two decades. She passed into eternity at the age of 86 on July 3, 1970. They sleep side by side for eternity in the Sabbath Home Church Cemetery.
Daughter Opal Marie Ferguson (1905-1996) was born on Aug. 22, 1905 in Missouri. On Aug. 22, 1923, she married Myrl D. Ammerman (Aug. 6, 1902-1983), a native of Wilmathsville, Adair County, MO, and the son of Albert Henry and Clara Maud (Dotson) Ammerman. Rev. J.H. Lane, of the local Methodist Episcopal Church in Brashear, MO, officiated the wedding ceremony. Because Opal legally was too young to marry, her father gave his written consent. Myrl stood 5 feet, 7 inches tall and weighed 140 lbs., with blue eyes and brown hair. They became the parents of three offspring -- Leland Roscoe Ammerman, Vivian Florine Ammerman and Sandra Ammerman-Paser. The federal census enumeration of 1950 shows the Ammermans in Worth, Cook County, IL, with Myrl employed as an inspector for the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad. Circa 1941, when Myrl was required to register for the military draft, the family dwelled in Chicago Ridge at the address of 105th and Oxford. Opal was the historian
for descendants of this branch of our family. She planned and hosted reunions in
Kirksville, MO in 1963, 1965 and 1966. Some of the information in this biography
was drawn from her
scrapbook, in which she meticulously organized her precious information. The couple in time relocated to Colorado and resided in Englewood, Arapaho County. Myrl died on Dec. 15, 1993, terminating their marriage which had lasted for 70 years. The widowed Opal made a home in Littleton, Jefferson County, CO. She passed away in Denver on Nov. 14, 1996. Interment of the remains was in Chapel Hill Gardens in Cook County, IL. They are named in Vol. 5 of the 2003 book Sayre Family: Another 100 Years.
Grandson Leland Roscoe Ammerman (1924-2009) was born on Oct. 16, 1924 in Wilmathsville, Adair County, MO. Missouri. Lee enlisted in the U.S. Navy just after his 17th birthday. He served during World War II on the battleship Minneapolis with deployment in the South Pacific as a radar operator. He remained aboard the same ship until the end of the war. On Sept. 6, 1949, at the age of 24, he was was joined in matrimony with Doloris Lyla Tinsley ( ? -2006). The couple adopted two daughters, Dawn Louise Ammerman and Nancy Jo Austin. Lee joined the Oak Lawn (IL) police force near Chicago and was employed as a detective for many years until his retirement. Circa 1974, he served as a juvenile officer with the Worth Township Youth Commission, charged with preventng or combating juvenile delinquency including developing "a programof psychological assistance which seeks to understand underlying family or social problems and to guide the juvenile back into the mainstream of society," said a report in the Surburbanite Economist. Doloris was a member of the Oak Lawn Business and Professional Women's Association. He and Dolores eventually moved to Conway, AR to be near their daughter Nancy. Doloris passed away at the age of 76 in May 2006. Her obituary appeared in the Tinley Park (IL) Southtown Star. Interment of the remains was in Chapel Hill Gardens South Cemetery. Leland died in Conway on Aug. 6, 2009.
Great-granddaughter Dawn Louise Ammerman ( ? - ? ) was deceased by 2006.
Great-granddaughter Nancy Jo Ammerman was valedictorian of the Oak Lawn Community High School in 1983. When pictured in the Chicago Tribune, she said she wanted to attend Michigan State University and pursue a career in physics research. She entered into marriage with (?) Austin. Nancy's home in 2009 was in Conway, AR.
Granddaughter Vivian Florine Ammerman (1927-2011) was born on Dec. 15, 1927 in Chicago. She worked for Johnson & Johnson in Chicago for many years. On June 20, 1946, when she was 18 years of age, Vivian entered into marriage with Kenneth Arnold Schaal (Jan. 1, 1922-1990), a native of Oconto County, WI. The trio of offspring they produced together were Larry Alan Schaal, James Richard Schaal and Janet Lee Ross. Kenneth worked in maintenance for United Airlines in Chicago. After retirement the pair moved to Florida. Kenneth surrendered to the angel of death on May 26, 1990 in Haines City, Polk County, FL. After Kenneth’s passing, Vivian moved to Clintonville, WI to be near her daughter. Death swept her away on Aug. 27, 2011 in Shawano, Shawano County, WI.
Great-grandson Larry Alan Schaal (1947-2001) was born on Oct. 8, 1947 in Chicago. He died on Sept. 16, 2001 in Clintonville, Waupaca County, WI.
Great-grandson James Richard Schaal (1952- ? ) was born in 1952 in Chicago.
Great-granddaughter Janet Lee Schaal (1955-2012) was born on Oct. 11, 1955 in Chicago. She married Marvin Ross ( ? - ? ), son of Floyd and Marie Ross. They became the parents of one known daughter, Sara Nichol Ross. The Rosses resided in Bowler, IL. Sadly, Janet passed away on June 27, 2012 in Clintonville, Waupaca County, WI. Marvin went on to marry again to Deborah ( ? - ? ). Nine years after Janet's death, their daughter Sara (July 31, 1981-2021) died without warning at the age of 40, on Oct. 13, 2021, in ThedaCare Regional Medical Center of Appleton, WI. Said an obituary, Sara "liked playing video games, going bowling, and collecting unicorns. Sara always loved little children and especially enjoyed spending time with family and friends."
Granddaughter Sandra Ammerman (1941-living) was born in about 1941 in Illinois. She was united in the bonds of wedlock with Kent Milton Paser ( ? -2019), son of George F. and Melda (Milwid) Paser and a native of Oak Lawn near Chicago, IL. The couple established a home in Littleton, CO and produced four children -- Christine Elizabeth Paser, Jeffrey Kent Paser and twins Jennifer Lynn Paser and Kathleen Susan Paser. In the summer of 2000, shortly after this website was launched, Sandra contacted the founder and has shared a significant amount of content and images for her branch, going back to her great-great-grandfather, John Minerd Jr. A member of the U.S. Air Force Reserve, Kent spent his career in aviation, employed by Martin Marietta on projects such as Titan launch vehicles and the Apollo, Skylab and Mars Observer missions In his spare time, circa 1970, he built an airplane using a set of drawings in their one-car garage at home and then made his inaugural flight in January 1971. Over the next four decades, he made many changes allowing him to increase his maximum speed by 50 percent, to more than 250 miles per hour, while doubling the craft's fuel economy. The airplane, a Bushby Mustang II, is now in the Wings Over the Rockies Museum. Over the years, the Pasers attended pilot meetings, fly-ins and air shows as his airplane garned many awards.
Above: Kent Paser at the helm of his Bushby Mustang II. Below: cousin Christine (Minerd) Smith with the airplane at the Wings Over the Rockies Museum. |
This obituary, written by his family, describes a renaissance man interested in a wide variety of life experiences.
With his passion for flight starting at a very young age, he built his first plane at the age of 5. His grandpa educated him in the ways of craftsman tools, which included carpentry, blacksmithing, and the knowledge of how things work. His mother and father kept a blossoming interest in music with a guitar, trumpet, and fiddle always left on top of the piano for eager, young fingers to play. Kent’s life was filled with great ideas of flight and music. He served in the United States Air Force Reserve working on P-51 Mustangs during the Korean War. He also played the Baritone horn in the Air Force Band. While attending college for Aeronautical Engineering, Kent also conducted his church choir at Oak Lawn Community Church at the age of 19 with the wonderful gift of being able to teach every voice. Through his family’s involvement in the church, he met his life time partner Sandra Ammerman who, at the age of 14, played the organ for the church. They worked together creating music and within two years Kent and Sandra were married and began walking together through this journey called life.
Wings Over the Rockies Museum display |
After attaining his degree, Kent and Sandra moved to Littleton, Colorado in 1959 where Kent began his career with Martin Marietta as an Aerospace Engineer. While sending man into space with Skylab and helping to put man on the moon through the Apollo flights, he also created significant tools for space and star charts currently used in The International Space Station. Sharing his passion for flight with astronauts and rocket scientists and the like, Kent retired after 33 years from his distinguished career and continued to fly his Mustang II airplane. It took 3 years for Kent to build his Mustang II. Its maiden flight was in the winter of 1971 with the call numbers N5672. He became a member of the Experimental Aircraft Association and a Charter Member and President of the local EAA Chapter 301. With his keen knowledge and expertise in Aviation History, Kent knew the performance and power specifications of every aircraft manufactured. He used his knowledge to convert his plane into a sleek and efficient racing machine that, to this very day, is discussed in flight circles around the world. Earning awards, such as in the Pazmany Efficiency Races, and being recognized for his excellent work in flight, Kent shared his creation and modifications in his book “Speed With Economy” published in 1994. Kent traveled around the country teaching seminars and sharing his book with hopes to help others achieve success with their flying machines. All the while enjoying and always keeping his music in the forefront of his mind. Kent loved music, especially Gospel, Bluegrass, and Symphonic Classics. While working on his plane and cars, and perfecting the art of gardening, he would clearly whistle the tune of the day. His family and friends will remember him as a loving, gentle soul, with a ready laugh. He was always primed to help and could make or repair almost anything.
Sadly, the Pasers endured the untimely death of their twin daughter Kathleen in Littleton, CO in 2014. Further grief enveloped the family when, at the age of 83, Kent passed into eternity on Aug. 15, 2019. A memorial service was conducted at the Mountain View Christian Church in Highlands Ranch, CO.
Son Wayne D. Ferguson (1908-1973) was born in about 1908 in Missouri. He was united in holy matrimony with Iva Lucille Dodsworth (June 17, 1908-2001), a native of La Crew, Lee County, IA. Their two known children were Robert Cecil Ferguson and Myrl D. Ferguson. The family's home in 1931 was near Brashear, Adair County, MO. Grief blanketed the family when infant son Robert, born prematurely, died at the age of four days on Dec. 30, 1929. Wayne died in his mid-60s in 1973. Iva outlived him by 28 years. Her final years were spent in Greentop, Schuyler County, MO. There, she died at the age of 93 on July 30, 2001. The couple is in eternal repose in Sabbath Home Church Cemetery.
Grandson Myrl D. Ferguson (1931-2013) was born on March 24, 1931, with Dr. R.R. Ellis delivering the baby. News of his birth was announced in the Kirksville (MO) Daily Express. When he was 21 years of age, on May 18, 1952, he was joined in wedlock with Betty Lou Alger (April 6, 1934-2003), daughter of Nile and Ellen (Stinson) Alger. Their union endured for 51 years. The couple produced two sons -- Robin Ferguson and Danny Ferguson. After graduation from high school, Myrl made a living for 25 years by farming and operating a bulldozer. Then in 1968, he swapped his farm for a salvage yard property and conducted the business with his sons. He and Robin also owned and ran Ferguson Auto Parts for two decades. Myrl served for two terms as commissioner of Adair County. Betty Lou attended Northeast Missouri State Teachers College and went on to a 37-year teaching career of 7th and 8th grade social studies and geography at Kirksville Junior High School. She retired in 2002. The couple were proprietors of a dog kennel and enjoyed buying and restoring antiques. At some point, they began making a home in Greentop, Schuyler County, MO. In his spare time, Myrl also liked to fish, hunt and race automobiles. He was a member of the local lodges of the Masons and Shrine, and she of the Order of Eastern Star. Sadly, Betty Lou passed away in Greentop at the age of 69 on Sept. 24, 2003. Chaplain Norm Snowbarger officiated at the funeral, with the hymns What a Day That Will Be and One Day At a Time sung by a soloist. The Kirksville Daily Express & News published an obituary. Myrl survived as a widower for nine-plus years. In his later years, he became a resident of the LaPlata Nursing Home in LaPlata, MO. He was gathered in by the Angel of Death at the age of 81 on Jan. 27, 2013. Funeral services were conducted by Pastor Ralph Wheeler. He rests eternally in Maple Hills Cemetery in Kirksville, Adair County.
Son Clarence Ferguson (1916-2002) was born in about 1916 in Clay Township, Adair County. He lived in young manhood in Brashear, Adair County, MO. On Oct. 28, 1933, he was united in matrimony with LaVerne Ammerman ( ? - ? ), daughter of Paul Dewey and Nora Ammerman and stepdaughter of Bill Dunham of Willmathsville, MO. The wedding ceremony was officiated by Rev. J.H. Lane. Two daughters produced by this union were Darlene Ferguson and Wanda Lee Ferguson. The family made its residence in 1937 at 807 South Davis Street, Kirksville. Grief cascaded over the family when daughter Wanda Lee, born prematurely at 4 lbs., contracted bronchial pneumonia and died at age two months, 26 days on March 31, 1937. The marriage was troubled, and the 19-year-old LaVerne filed for divorce in June 1937 in Adair County Circuit Court. Then on Aug. 31, 1940, in Glasford, Peoria County, IL, Clarence wed a second time to Lena Margaret Schmidt (April 12, 1909-1998), a native of Mapleton, Peoria County. The pair relocated to Glasford, IL and were there in 1946. One daughter was born to the second union, Patsy Kay Stone. Sadly, Lena passed away on Aug. 24, 1998 in Pekin, Tazewell County, IL. The widowed Clarence then rekindled his relationship with his first wife, LaVerne, and they married in 1993 on what otherwise would have been their 60th anniversary. They were ecstatically happy and maintained their own homes and spent part of their lives in Pekin, IL and part in Lancaster, Schuyler County, MO, next door to their daughter Darlene. Clarence died on Valentine's Day 2002 in Lancaster. His remains sleep for the ages in St. John Lutheran Cemetery, Bartonville, IL. LaVerne outlived him by seven years. Death carried her away into eternity on Feb. 7, 2009, in Kirksville. Her burial took place at Arni Memorial Cemetery in Lancaster.
Granddaughter Patsy Kay Ferguson (1943- ? ) was born in 1943 in Peoria, IL. On Nov. 26, 1960, when she was about 17 years of age, she tied the knot with William J. Stone ( ? - ? ). The couple became the parents of three -- Steven Bryan Stone, Christine Renee Stone and Gregory Shane Stone.
Emelia Waddill |
~ Daughter Emelia (Cornell)
Waddill ~
Emelia Cornell (1870-1959) was born in 1870.
On Aug. 10, 1886, Emelia wed John W. Waddill (Oct. 19, 1866-1939), the son of Robert
S. and Margaret (Dunham) Waddill. He was born on a farm northeast of Kirksville and moved with his parents to near the Sabbath Home Church in boyhood.
They together bore two children --
Glenn B. Waddill and Bessie L. Waddill. Sadly, daughter Bessie died just a few
weeks after her first birthday, on Sept. 2, 1888.
The Waddills resided on a 160-acre farm about five miles northwest
of Brashear, MO. John is profiled in the E.M. Violette's 1911 book, History of Adair County which
says that he was:
... one of the best known horsemen in North Missouri... He raises pure-bred
draft horses and pure-bred coach horses, owning what is known as the Pioneer
Stock Farm. His horses are registered, and he is one of the best known breeders
in the state... [He] is a member of the Methodist church. He is a Republican in
Sabbath Home Cemetery |
John also was a breeder of Jersey cattle, as referenced in the
1911 History. Their home farm was located three miles north of Edina, MO. He is said by the Edina Sentinel to have been "a great help in church work in the Sabbath Home locality" and to have sung in the church choir for 50-plus years.
He suffered a light stroke in the fall of 1939. Seven weeks later, he passed away on Nov. 5, 1939, at
the age of 73. He was laid to rest at the Sabbath Home Cemetery, with Rev. M. Waggonnecht and Rev. John Lane jointly leading the services at the family church. An obituary in the Kirksville Graphic said he "was one of the most widely known horsemen in North Missouri, and had raised purebred draft horses for several years."
Emelia outlived
him by nearly two decades. She was named in the 1956 Sentinel obituary of her sister Martha Estella Powell.
She died at the age of 89 on May 26, 1959, and rests
beside her husband for eternity.
Son Glenn B. Waddill (1897-1976) was born in 1897. He grew up in the Sabbath Home section of Kirksville. He made news as a boy in March 1909 when found lying on the road unconscious. Said the Kirksville Daily Express, "When he revived Glen was unable to say how he was hurt, but the supposition is that he was kicked by a horse. He had been riding a horse and was opening a gate to pass through when the accident happened." On Nov. 28, 1915, the 18-year-old Glenn entered into marriage with 22-year-old Zola Ann Gardner (1893-1978), at the parsonage of the Methodist Episcopal Church, led by Rev. E.O. Basye. Their union announced on the pages of the Brashear News, which opined that "Both are excellent young people from representative families of this community and they have the best wishes of their friends for a happy and prosperous married life." Over the next many years, the local newspapers frequently printed their names for their social comings and goings. Their home was in the country north of Brashear. Two known offspring of the pair were Dorothy Faye Kittle and Leonard B. Waddill. The federal census enumeration of 1930 shows the family living under the farmhouse roof of Glenn's parents in Salt River Township. Sadly, Glenn died at the age of 78 on Feb. 1, 1976. Burial was in Brashear Cemetery. Zola lived for another two-and-a-half years. Death swept her away on Nov. 18, 1978.
- Granddaughter Dorothy Faye Waddill (1917-2013) was born on Aug. 23, 1917 on a farm southeast of Brashear, MO. She grew up attending the Normal Mound School and was a 1935 graduate of Brashear High School. Then as a young woman, she received additional education at the American Technical Society Business School of Chicago. When she was 21 years of age, on July 1, 1939, she was joined in wedlock with Perry Elijah Kittle (March 28, 1915-2000), son of Lewis and Alma (Erwin) Kittle. Their wedding was held in Canton, MO. The couple did not reproduce. Perry had been raised in Adair and Schuyler Counties and went to school at the Oak Grove School. He was a longtime farmer and livestock raiser, with a specialty in purebred Hereford cattle. Also during his lifetime, he was engaged with the Civilian Conservation Corps and volunteered with the Rural Northern Fire Department. Dorothy's life's work was as an educator. For 39 years and four months, she taught in the Kirksville area. In 1963, she received a degree from the Northeast Missouri State Teachers College, later renamed Truman State University. Based on her civic and professional accomplishments, Dorothy in 1974 was bestowed the "Outstanding Teacher of America Award." The pair held a membership in the Sabbath Home Church, Northeast Missouri Trail Riders and Schuyler County Trail Riders. They loved to attend square dances, play cards, and travel on bus tours, visiting 49 of the 50 states and all Canadian provinces and Northwest Territories. Perry succumbed to the spectre of death at age 85, in Kirksville, on Oct. 28, 2000. Dorothy outlived him by nearly a baker's dozen years, maintaining a residence in Greentop. She died at age 95, in Queen City, MO, on Aug. 5, 2013. Interment was in Park View Memorial Gardens, Kirksville. Rev. Scott Cooper presided over the funeral service.
- Grandson Leonard Brice Waddill (1920-2007) was born on May 21, 1920. In 1945, he married Martha "Avalee" Sandefur (Oct. 21, 1923-1967), daughter of Arthur and Martha (McCully) Sandefur of Green City, MO. The Waddill home was in rural Brashear. Avalee earned a living as a nurse's aide. The family was plunged into mourning when, stricken with kidney disease, Avalee died in the University of Missouri Medical Center at the age of 43 on Aug. 1, 1967. Her remains were lowered into the sacred soil of Brashear Cemetery. Leonard endured as a widower for four decades. The angel of death plucked him away in La Plata, MO, at age 87, on June 16, 2007.
The old Sabbath Home Church and
Cemetery where generations Cornells worshipped and are buried, as photographed in
mid-2009. Jacqueline Alkula |
~ Daughter Mary Alice
(Cornell) Waddill ~
Mary Alice Waddill |
Daughter Mary Alice Cornell (1874-1968) was born in July 1874.
On June 13, 1894, when she was age 19 or 20, Mary Alice was united in matrimony with Luther Mitchell "Doc" Waddill (April 15, 1870-1930), the son of Jonathan Wesley and Isabel (Darrow) Waddill. Rev. W.L. Scull officiated at the nuptials, held in the Cornell home, and news of the wedding was published in the Kirksville Weekly Graphic.
The Waddills bore four known children -- Letha Morehead, Leta Roasa, Myron "Mike" Waddill and Jennie Spurling. The first child was not born until after the couple had been married for seven or eight years.
Early in their marriage, the couple resided on the of Luther's father. They relocated to their own farm in about March 1897. He was appointed road commissioner of District 24 in Adair County for a three-year term in February 1901. Their frequent weekend visits with family and friends often were covered in the gossip columns of the local newspapers.
When counted in the federal census enumeration of 1900, Mary Alice and Luther lived with his father and brother in Salt River Township, Adair County. They remained in Salt River Township during the decade of the 1900s as shown on the 1910 census.
The 1911 book History of Adair County featured Luther, saying he "owns a farm of eighty acres, situated five miles
northwest of Brashear. He does general farming and stock raising. In politics he
is a Republican. He has been a farmer all his life and belongs to one of the old
pioneer families."
Kirksville's north side square |
Luther's means of earning a living changed during the 1910s, and in about 1917 they moved from their farm near Brashear into the town of Kirksville. He became a gasoline station attendant and watchman at Auto Sales Company in Kirksville, and worked in this role for 11 years, in the 1919 to 1930 timespan. Their address was 310 East McPherson Street.
Tragically, Luther was killed on May 10, 1930 when, while
working as a night watchman at the garage at 215 West Washington Street, he was pinned and crushed to death under a heavy automatic elevator in the basement. He was discovered fully clothed but with shoes unlaced, and his cot on the elevator with tidy straightened covers, and his wrench and hammer at his side. The horrific tragedy was front page news in the Kirksville Daily Express:
Supposedly alone in the garage when the accident occurred, exact circumstances leading to Mr. Waddill's death are still shrouded in mystery. He had been ill during the night, however, and the fact he was suffering from a condition that could have induced dizziness or a faint offered a loophole for theorization that he might have become semi-conscious while pulling a cable that actuates the elevator to a descent, and crumpled under it. A post-mortem was conducted on the corpse yesterday afternoon by Dr. F.L. Bigsby and Dr. Spencer Freeman but no further light was shed on the mystery. Mr. Waddill's body was found when employes arrived at the garage yesterday morning shortly after 7 o'clock... Testimony from [workmen] at the Auto Sales Company, brought out that the elevator moves up and down slowly, allowing sufficient time for a man under it to move out of its path even after it has started the descent. Its movements are characterized by a great deal of vibration in the mechanism, it being said, and possibility of its switch being thrown and movement started without the knowledge of one under it is not likely.
His remains were laid to rest in the Bethel
Cemetery, also known as the Sabbath Home Church Cemetery. Rev. E.N. Garrett, of the Methodist-Episcopal Church, officiated the funeral service. Several weeks later, an obituary in the Edina (MO) Sentinal said that Luther had been suffering from bladder discomfort and had called a doctor, who advised him to apply hot compresses. The cloths were found on the garage radiators, and the Sentinel speculated that "It is believed that he went to the basement to get hot water and becoming faint pulled on a large rope, whcih pulled the elevator down on him. He was in a sitting posture and the weight crushed his head down between his knees. His back was broken, and rigor mortis had set in, and it was necessary to take the body to the undertaking establishment in a sitting posture."
The old Sabbath Home Church Cemetery. Jacqueline Alkula |
Mary Alice lived for another nearly four decades as a widow. She was mentioned by name in the 1956 Edina (MO) Sentinel obituary of her sister Martha Estella Powell.
She was swept away by the Angel of Death on Sept. 15, 1968.
Daughter Leta
Waddill (1903-1995) was born on Oct. 25, 1903 in Salt River Township, Adair County, MO, a twin with her sister Letha. She was an alumna of Kirksville High School and in February 1925 graduated from Kirksville State Teachers College. For many years, she taught mathematics and science at Granger High School as well as coaching boys and girls athletics. In May 1928, in nuptials held in Edina, MO, she wed Minor C. Roasa (Aug. 24, 1907-2001), often misspelled as "Rosa" and "Rosea," and originally from Scotland County, MO Their union endured the ups and downs of an extrardinary 67 years together. The trio of offspring born into this union were Luther Roasa, Willa Prather and Mary "Janis" Pettigrew. In 1930, at the death of her father, they lived in Granger, on a farm along Route 136 near the Clark County border. The clan moved to Memphis, MO in 1945 and later relocated to Bethany, MO, where Minor opened a Western Auto Store. Eventually they moved yet again to Kansas City, MO, where Minor was employed in the City Water Department. They retired and in 1972 migrated to Texas, settling in Weslaco, Hidalgo County, in the Pine-to-Palm Retirement Park. They were members of the United Methodist Church. Leta died on April 15, 1995 in Weslaco. Burial of the remains was in Granger Cemetery in Scotland County, MO, following a funeral officiated by Rev. Charles Hammack. An obituary in the Memphis Democrat said that she was survived by nine grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. As a widower, Minor returned to Memphis, where he resided in the Scotland County Care Center. He surrendered to the angel of death at age 94 three days before Christmas 2001. Brother David Barton led the services, and the obituary was printed in the Democrat.
- Grandson Luther Roasa ( ? - ? ) was born on (?). In young manhood, he was a student at Central Missouri State College. On June 10, 1961, in a ceremony held at Lake Lotowana Community Church, he entered into marriage with Lila A. Warren (March 23, 1941-2021), daughter of Lyle and Evelyn (Lowder) Warren of Kansas City, MO. They became the parents of four -- Mindy Hanway, Beth Reynolds, Julie Roasa-Bell and Jill Lockard. Lila had grown up at Lake Lotowana in Lee's Summit, MO and grew up along the lake, where she raced sailboats and enjoyed canoe-riding, waterskiing, boating and horseback riding. She was a 1958 graduate of Lee's Summit High School, where she was elected homecoming queen. She went on to attend the University of Missouri and then transferred to Central Missouri State College. Their first home was in Lee's Summit before moving to Gower, MO, remaining there for 32 years. In 2008, the family returned to Lee's Summit. Said an obituary, Lila "was a member of multiple clubs, organizations, volunteered at her children's schools, ran a daycare for teachers children, and always was an avid card player. Lila loved sports and never missed a Chiefs or Royals game. She loved playing Texas Holdem with many online groups." Sadness blanketed the family when Lila died on Jan. 25, 2021.
Great-granddaughter Mindy Roasa married Jerry Hanway.
Great-granddaughter Beth Roasa wed Ken Reynolds.
Great-granddaughter Julie Roasa was united in wedlock with (?) Bell.
Great-granddaughter Jill Roasa was joined in matrimony with Kris Lockard.
- Granddaughter Willa Roasa married Harold Lewis "Lew" Prather. They put down roots in Memphis, MO.
- Granddaughter Mary "Janis" Roasa (1936-2022) was born on May 17, 1936 on the family farm along Route 136 near the Clark County border. She grew up in Memphis and Bethany, MO and was a 1954 graduate of King City High School. In 1954, at the age of 18, she was united in matrimony with Paul Francis Pettigrew (March 18, 1936-2008). Their pair of children were Sandra Mooneyham and Kenneth Wayne Pettigrew. Immediately after marriage, Paul left to begin serving in the U.S. Air Force and made a career in the U.S. Armed Forces, attaining the rank of master sergeant. His postings included in Germany and then Little Rock Air Force Base, where they spent 10 years. They transferred in 1965 to Wurtsmith AFB and remained for five years while Paul was deployed to Vietnam on a KC135 tanker providing aircraft refueling to fighter jets over the Demilitarized Zone. The family moved yet again in 1970 to Castle AFB in California, with Janis becoming employed there as a civilian. The couple divorced after decades of marriage. In 1993, Janis transferred to Whitman AFB in Missouri and worked for another baker's dozen years until retiring at the age of 70. She is said to have been a people person who made friends everywhere she went. Said an obituary, "She was proud of her sacrifice, serving this country as a military wife for 20 years where she learned how to stretch a dollar and fish or wild game and her garden veggies into enough food to feed a family of 4; as well her Civil Service to the military for another 34 years. She walked 5 miles almost every morning and enjoyed her friends on bowling and bocci ball teams, duck club and deer camps, and regular BBQ’s and luncheons. Several times she flew into disaster zones to help military families with the aftermath." She endured the untimely death of her son Kenneth in 2016. In 2014, Janis was admitted to reside in the Scotland County (MO) Nursing Home and remained until it closed in 2022. She then went to the Clark County Nursing Home in Kahoka, MO, and passed away on Feb. 9, 2022. Former husband Paul married again to Gloria Delaine Stovesand (1930-2011). He is known to have re-connected with his son after a long estrangement. He died on April 22, 2008, at the age of 72. His ashes rest for all time in the Arkansas State Veterans Cemetery in North Little Rock.
Above: Bill Mooneyham pitched for the 1986 Oakland A's. Used with team permission. Below: his cards produced by Donruss and Topps. |
Brett Mooneyham, 2012
Elite Extra Edition |
Great-granddaughter Sandra Pettigrew (1955- ? ) was born in 1955 in Kirksville, MO. She wed William "Bill" Mooneyham (1960- ? ), a native of Livermore, CA. A talented baseball pitcher, standing 6 feet all and weighing 175 lbs., Bill was selected in the Major League Baseball draft in 1980 by the California Angels. He spent nine years in the organizations of the Angels, Milwaukee Brewers and Oakland Athletics, for teams in Salinas, Holyoke, Nashua, Edmonton, Modesto, Huntsville and Tacoma. He finally made it to the Big Leagues in 1986, playing on an A's team that included Dusty Baker, Jose Canseco, Steve Henderson, Dave Kingman, Carney Lansford and Mark McGwire. That year, Bill pitched in 45 games with six starts, amassing a record of 4 wins and 5 losses, with a 4.52 earned run average, 75 strikeouts and 67 walks. Sandra and Bill's trio of offspring are Brett Mooneyham, Leah Mooneyham and Logan Mooneyham. After baseball, Bill was employed as a physical education teacher at Weaver Middle School in Merced, CA, retiring in 2022. Sandra is known to have made her dwelling in Memphis, MO in 2022. Their son Brett, a lefthander who pitched for Stanford University in 2009-2012, was drafted by the Washington Nationals and has pitched for Team USA and Yarmouth-Dennis in the Cape Cod League. Brett's minor league career with the Hagerstown (MD) Suns resulted in a 16-win, 14-loss record with a 4.09 ERA over 233 innings pitched. Today Brett is a telecommunications business representative for Pacific Gas and Electric Company.
Great-grandson Kenneth Wayne Pettigrew (1956-2016) was born on Oct. 13, 1956 at Hot Springs, AR, where his father was stationed at Little Rock Air Force Base. He grew up near air bases in Wurtsmith, MI and Atwater, CA. He was a graduate of Atwater High School and followed his father's example by enlisting in the U.S. Air Force. He served at England AFB in Louisiana and Travis AFB in California before leaving the service and moving back to Atwater. He was joined in marriage with his first wife, Janelle ( ? - ? ). The two children they bore together were Stacy Lickiss and Kevin Pettigrew. He earned a living at Woods Fruit Company and drove for Canteen Vending, Langendorf Bread Company, Wonder Bread Company, Otis Spunkmeyer and Central Valley Concrete. He also was employed at Whiteman AFB in Missouri. Said an obituary, "Although he struggled daily with his personal demons, he was a good father, son, brother, grandpa, uncle and friend. He was always willing to help anyone who needed it or just to lend an ear. He was a life-long Oakland Raider fan and loved to watch as much football and baseball as he could. His favorite sporting activity was to watch his nephew, Brett, pitch, attending all of his high school and college games in the PAC-12, and watching all of his minor league games online." After a long estrangement with his father, the two reconnected and reconciled prior to the father's passing in 2008. Kenneth died in Atwater on Sept. 9, 2016. Daughter Stacy married Steve Lickiss and has lived in Jackson, CA, while son Kevin wed Alyssa and moved to Williamsburg, VA.
Daughter Letha May Waddill (1903-1985) was born on Oct. 25, 1903 in Brashear, Salt River Township, Adair County, MO, a twin with her sister Leta. When she was 22 years of age, on Aug. 22, 1925, she was united in the bonds of matrimony with Cecil Boyd "C.B." Morehead (Feb. 27, 1905-1959) of Brashear and the son of Charles William and Myrtle Irene (Forquer) Morehead. Charles H. Brott presided at the wedding. Two known children produced by this marriage were Wayne Dee Morehad and June Ann Simonson. In 1930, the Moreheads made a home in Chicago, with Cecil employed by the government as a storekeeper. By 1950, they had relocated to Peoria, IL, with census records showing Cecil working in tax and gauge services at a distillery for the United States Government, and Letha as a sales lady in a department store. Sadly, at the age of 54, Cecil died in Peoria on April 19, 1959. Letha outlived her husband by 26 years. She passed away at the age of 81 in Pueblo, CO in April 1985. She sleeps for all eternity in Springdale Cemetery, Peoria, IL.
- Grandson Wayne Dee Morehead (1928-2007) was born on April 4, 1928 in Chicago and spent his childhood on the city's North Side. After high school graduation, in the 1940s, he joined the U.S. Navy. He then enrolled in Knox College in Galesburg, IL where he met his future bride and received a bachelor's degree in English. In 1952, at the age of about 24, he was joined in matrimony with Carlene (?). Their union survived the ups and downs of a remarkable 55 years until cleaved apart by death. Three children born to this marriage were Keith Morehead, Matt Morehead and Janet Gail. The pair immediately relocated to San Francisco, with all of their possessions in a U-Haul trailer, to where some of their friends were residing at the time. They remained in the Golden State for good. Wayne was employed in the early 1960s as an office manager by U.S. Gypsum in Daly City and was transferred in 1964 to Santa Rosa to take on a sales position. At that time they moved to a new home in Rincon Valley, CA. There, he was active on the board of directors and as a coach with the Rincon Valley Little League. Then in the early 1970s, Wayne accepted a job as an auditor with the Sonoma County Department of Public Works and worked there until retirement, attaining the position of supervising accountant. Said a newspaper, he "had an ease with numbers that carried through both on and off the job. Whether he was keeping official score for his kids' Little League games or maintaining careful accounts as treasurer for the county bowling league, Morehead was always ready to lend his skills as a number cruncher." Wayne and Carlene liked to travel and stay in elderhostels and in company with members of Sons in Retirement. In his spare time, he liked to golf at the Bennett Valley Golf Course, play bridge, bowl, tinker with computers and read. He also was active with local investment club and Druids and a fan of the San Francisco 49'ers of the National Football League. Wayne was diagnosed with a type of cancer known as "angiosarcoma" affecting one's blood vessels and lymph nodes. After enduring the illness for a lengthy period of time, death carried him away in Santa Rosa at the age of 79 on Nov. 14, 2007.
Great-grandson Keith Morehead ( ? - ? ) entered into wedlock with Shelly. Two offspring of the couple are Malorie Morehead and Taya Morehead. They have resided in Santa Rosa, CA in 2007.
Great-grandson Matt Morehead ( ? - ? ) wed Debbie McCoy. They established a dwelling in Sacramento, CA. Their four children are Jessica, Allie, Lily and Rosie.
Great-granddaughter Janet Gail Morehead ( ? - ? ) married (?) Benford. She is the mother of Brooke Benford and Darren Benford. Janet has lived in Rohnert Park, CA.
- Granddaughter June Ann Morehead (1933-2019) was born on July 10, 1933 in Chicago. She grew to adulthood in Grayslake, IL. On June 23, 1951, at the age of 17, she entered into marriage with Allen Merle Simonson (Nov. 13, 1928-2018), son of Lionel and Ruth (Scharberg) Simonson of Sergeant Township, Mower County, MN. The wedding was held in Grayslake. Their family of six children included Judith Ann Simonson, Michael Simonson, Cathy Hoyt, Linda Simonson, Diane Stanton and Nancy Beechum. Allen was an alumnus of Hayfield High School. During the Korean War, from 1950 to 1954, he served in the U.S. Navy. The couple at one time farmed in Sargeant, MN. Allen also was employed by International Business Machines for 22 years. After a relocation to Rochester, MN, June worked for a dozen years for International Transport. They together liked to camp, fish and spending winters in Mesa, AZ, while she enjoyed making crafts. She was a member of the Evanger Lutheran Church and Hayfield American Legion Auxiliary. Their final home together was in Hayfield, MN. Allen passed away at the age of 90 three days before Christmas 2018 as a patient at Field Crest Care Center, Hayfield. The widowed June went to live in Rochester's Cottagewood Senior Communities. There, she died at the age of 86 on Dec. 6, 2019. Her survivors included six grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Rev. Dwight DoBell led the funeral rites, with burial in Evanger Lutheran Cemetery. Her obituary appeared in the Rochester Post-Bulletin.
Great-granddaughter Judith Ann Simonson ( ? - ? ) died young.
Great-grandson Michael Simonson wed Patty. They made a home in 2019 in Spring Valley, MN
Great-granddaughter Cathy Simonson married Henry Hoyt. They established a home in Prescott, AZ.
Great-granddaughter Linda Simonson has resided in Rochester, MN.
Great-granddaughter Diane Simonson was joined in wedlock with Paul Stanton. They have lived in Hayfield, MN.
Great-granddaughter Nancy Simonson was united in matrimony with Richard Beechum. The pair put down roots in Adel, IA.
Son Myron "Mike" Waddill (1906-1991) was born on Feb. 20, 1906 near Brashear in Salt River Township, Adair County, MO. In childhood, he attended the Sabbath Home School and was active with the American Youth Foundation Camp Conference. He also earned income as a youth by delivering the Kirksville Daily Express newspaper. He stood 5 feet, 8 inches tall in adulthood and weighed 140 lbs. Myron made headlines in the Kirksville newspaper in October 1925 when, while driving his Ford automobile with his married sister and a girlfriend to a pie supper at the Oak Dale schoolhouse, the car spun out of control and flipped twice on Missouri State Route 6 west of Brashear. Fortunately no one was hurt. He went on to graduate from Kirksville High School. Seeking work, he and friend Carrol "Pat" Snow moved to Los Angeles in early 1927 and then motored to St. Louis in May to continue the search. He is known in the late 1920s to have been a student at the Kirksville State Teachers College and to have made a number of public presentations and speeches. Myron lived at home with his parents circa 1930, and that year received his degree from Kirksville State, a diploma for having completed 120 hours of classes. On Jan. 24, 1930, he was united in matrimony with Colorado native Zola Kathleen Phillips (Aug. 8, 1910-1959), daughter of J. Pryor and Ruby (Wine) Phillips. The nuptials were held in the home of the bride's parents in Fairmont, MO, by the hand of Rev. C.R. Daniels of Wyaconda, MO. In announcing the marriage six months later, in July, the La Belle Star said that "The home was artistically decorated with potted ferns and bouquets. The color scheme of the decorations was pink and white. The nuptials music was rendered by the bride's aunt. Mrs. Robert Allen..." The couple does not appear to have reproduced. Zola was a 1927 graduate of Wyaconda High School and after attending a term at the teachers college, had been assigned to a school at Luray. At the same time, said the Star, he was about to begin his first teaching assignment at Wellsville. Their home in 1935 as in New Florence, Montgomery County, MO. Then later in the 1930s, he gave up teaching to accept more lucrative work in the railroad mail service in St. Louis, as shown in the federal census enumeration of 1940. When he registered for the military draft during World War II, he bore a scar at his left temple. By 1950, still in St. Louis, he was employed as a mail clerk with the post office, while she made a living as a receptionist in the city hospital. Their final residence together was at 4012 A Lafayette Avenue. Diagnosed with breast cancer in 1958, Zola suffered for 14 months and at the age of 48 died at home on May 3, 1959. Interment was in Forest Grove Cemetery in Canton, MO. Myron died in Pueblo, CO in June 1991.
Daughter Jennie Lorene Waddill (1917-2013) was born two days after Christmas 1917 in Kirksville. She was an alumna of Kirksville High School. On Sept. 21, 1935, Jennie was joined in holy marriage with Rev. Willard "Leo" Spurling (April 30, 1917-2005), also a resident of Kirksville and the son of Rev. Thomas Earl and Sally (Sansberry) Spurling. Because both were legally underage to marry, her mother and his father had to sign their consents. Leo's father presided at the wedding. Together, the pair bore two daughters, Judith Anne Hampton and Rita Carter. Leo studied at the Chillicothe (MO) Business College in 1936, and in 1938 the family lived in Des Moines, IA, with him clerking there in a grocery store. But by 1940, they had returned to Missouri where he had become a pastor with the Church of Christ and appears to have been assigned to the South Gifford Christian Church congregation in Milan, MO. Then in August 1942, he became ordained in the Christian Church and went on to a three-decade career in communities in northeast Missouri. One of his first assignments was to preach the first Sunday of each month in the Knox City Christian Church, an arrangement which continued into 1944. As of 1945, he was leading services at the Novelty Christian Church on the first and third Sundays of every month. His name constantly appeared in local stories about upcoming services, house calls to members and revival meetings as well as weddings and funerals, including World War II casualties in the community. In Jennie's own right, said an obituary, "As the precious wife of a minister she was loving and caring and gave spiritual guidance to those dear to her family, church members, neighbors and friends." Then circa 1950-1969, Leo was in charge of the services at the Callao Christian Church, often accompanied by his daughter Reta. Leo returned to Callao in July 1989 to help his former congregation celebrate its centennial anniversary. Their residence in the mid-1990s-2000s was in Centralia, MO, where they belonged to the Parkview Christian Church. Leo died suddenly on July 21, 2005. His obituary appeared in the Christian Standard, which noted that "The memorial service was conducted in Centralia by Garreth Reese, professor at Central Christian College of the Bible in Moberly, MO, assisted by Lon Hardy, minister of the Parkview Christian Church. Lloyd Pelfrey, chancellor of Central Christian College of the Bible, sang." Jennie outlived him by eight years and four days, dying on July 25, 2013 as a patient in Audrain Medical Center of Mexico, Boone County, MO. Her pastor Lon Hardy officiated the funeral service, with interment of the remains in Centralia Cemetery.
- Granddaughter Judith Anne Spurling (1938- ? ) was born on March 30, 1938 in Des Moines, Polk County, IA, where her father worked as a clerk in a grocery store. Dr. H.A. Barquist assisted in the delivery. She married (?) Hampton. Her home in 2005 was in Thompson, MO. Evidence suggests that she was interested in her family history and took part in chat forums on Genealogy.com.
- Granddaughter Rita Spurling (1946- ? ), also spelled at times as "Reta," was born in about 1946. She wed (?) Carter. They established a residence in Westmont, IL.
Copyright © 2002-2003, 2009, 2020, 2023 Mark A. Miner |
History of Adair County pages
courtesy Google Books. Sabbath Home
Church and Cemetery photographs courtesy
Jacqueline Alkula. Betty McClanahan, Sandra Ammerman-Paser and Lynnette Louise (Moyer) McGuire generously have contributed content for this biography. Donald L. Kear published extensive information in his book The John Cears Kear Family (1984). |