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Benjamin 'Franklin' Younkin
(1861-1937) and
Cora Etta Swarner


Cora Etta Swarner was born on Aug. 9, 1869 in Kingwood, Somerset County, PA, the daughter of Henry S. and Barbara Jean (Younkin) Swarner

She migrated to Kansas at a young age with her parents and siblings.

On Feb. 15, 1884, when Cora was only 14 years of age, she married a double cousin, 22-year-old Benjamin Franklin "Frank" Younkin, son of Frederick J. and Delilah (Faidley) Younkin, also of Kingwood. The nuptials were celebrated in Junction City, Geary County, KS. 

The families were close, and Cora's sister Martha Ellen Swarner tied the marital cord with their mutual cousin John Vough Jr. of the family of Missouri (Younkin) Wingerd.


Home of the Younkins for years

The couple produced a family of eight children -- Frederick Younkin, Walter Younkin, Henry "Allen" Younkin, Robert Andrew Younkin, Gladys Sohns Riley, Frank Younkin and Hazel Parkhurst. They also raised at least three grandchildren -- Lucille (Younkin) Parkhurst Pierce, Alene Younkin and Frank Sohns.

Even though Cora's parents eventually returned to their native Somerset County, she and Frank remained in Kansas for the balance of their long lives,  earning a living as tenant farmers.

The same month that he was married, Frank made news when he fell into the icy river in Clay Center. The Clay Center Times said that he "stepped off the pier at the ferry Sunday night into the river. If it hadn't been for his overcoat and grip he would have stood a better show for taking a full bath." 

Frank may have been a carpenter or house-builder. He is known to have finished constructing a "nice house in the north part of town" in December 1886 as reported in the "Milford" section of the Manhattan Republic. Then in February 1890, the family announced plans to move into the Brown residence in Junction City. A month later, he made news again when cutting up 40 tons of ice measuring in thickness between six inches and eight inches. Another relocation was in late 1894 when he agreed to "manage Fawley's farm south of town for the next year," said the Junction City Daily Sentinel.

Frank's work ethic continued to generate public interest in July 1898. The Junction City Weekly Union noted that he "is set up on the Rodgers ranch, is demonstrating what one man can do when he starts out to accomplish something. He has been looking after 200 head of steers and will this week have finished plowing the third time 90 acres of mighty fine corn. He feeds the cattle twice daily." The Rodgers place was 4.5 miles northwest of town.

The Younkins were in Milford in 1900 as shown in the United States Census. They remained on the Rodgers farm that year and hosted "an old fashioned platform dance" in May 1902. In June 1902, Cora traveled back to Pennsylvania to visit with her parents, "whom she had not seen for sometime," reported the Junction City Union. Her father "came here twenty-five years ago and was one of our substantial farmers."

Their time on the Rodgers tract came to an end in January 1903 when Frank agreed to rent the Shaw house, located at the corner of 14th and Washington in Junction City. He took on a county contract to grade the Rush Creek Bridge in April 1905, at a price of 17 cents per yard.

Double obituary, YFNB, 1937

Their marriage was troubled, and in May 1905 Cora sued for divorce, citing "drunkenness." The case was dismissed in court in June and noted in the Junction City Republic. The couple stayed together for the rest of their lives. But resentments lingered. Later in the month of June, Cora charged her neighbor Carrie Walters with assault and slander, said the Republic, "one of the afterclaps of Mrs. Younkin's having been a prosecuting witness in a case recently where Miss Walters was fined $100 for an unseemingly charge. The case finally got into the police court Tuesday and was decided against Mrs. Younkin, in fact that she had neither been assaulted or slandered and the cost amounting to nearly $16.00 taxed to her."

By 1910, the family was in Junction City. At that time, 64-year-old Richard Crum boarded in their household. They are known to have traveled to Kansas City at times to visit with relatives. A local newspaper reported in January 1916 that Frank and "two sons of this city will farm the Rait place. The Rait place has some mighty good bottom land on it, and raises some mighty good crops."

They migrated again during the decade of the 1910s to a farm in Seven Mile, Riley County, KS. Apparently they were back in Junction City by the summer of 1915. In mid-July 1915, Cora received a telegram saying that her sister Martha Ellen Vough had died back in Rockwood, PA, as reported in the Junction City Weekly Union.

By 1930, the family had returned to Junction City.

Sadly, Franklin and Cora died within 44 hours of each other in Ogden, KS in 1937 -- she on Jan. 27 aged 67 years, five months and 18 days -- and he on Jan. 29, at the age of 75 years, four months and 28 days. The news of their respectives passings was published in the Clay Center Economist, which said that a double funeral was held in the Methodist Church of Junction City, officiated by Rev. Lynn Rupert. Interment was in Highland Cemetery. Added the Economist, "Mr. Younkin was a native of Pennsylvania, but came to the Wakefield section over fifty years ago." 

A distant cousin living in Wichita, Grover Cleveland Younkin -- son of Thaddeus A. Younkin -- who was president of the Kansas Younkin Reunion, clipped the obituaries from a local newspaper. Grover then sent them east to Charles Arthur "Charleroi Charley" Younkin of Charleroi, PA, organizer and secretary of the Younkin National Home-coming Reunion, and publisher of the Younkin Family News Bulletin. With the clippings in hand, Charley wrote to reunion president Otto Roosevelt "Pete" Younkin in Masontown, PA: "Just to break the news of the death of two more dear old Younkins who have died quite recently in Kansas. Frank and his wife of Junction City Kan. this being a brother of Wm. L. Younkin of Kingwood Pa. They died the latter part of Jan., both died within 30 hrs. of each other, there being a double funeral, this being sent by cousin Grover of Wichita."

Charley re-published their joint obituary in the Christmas 1937 issue of the family newspaper, the first edition ever published. They are named in the 1938 book Descendants of Barbara Hochstedler and Christian Stutzman, authored by Rev. Harvey Hostetler (Gospel Book Store, Berlin, OH).

~ Son Frederick Younkin ~

Son Frederick Younkin (1885-1956) was born in Aug. 21, 1883 or 1885 in Milford, KS.

As a boy he relocated with his parents and family to Junction City, KS. 

On Nov. 15, 1904, at the age of 19, Frederick married his first bride, 16-year-old Anna Belle "Annie" Dushane (1905-1934). The wedding was led by Probate Judge William Ziegelasch of Geary County, KS.

They became the parents of two -- Dorothy Vough and an infant who died in Junction City in February 1906. The baby's tender remains were laid to rest in the old Milford Cemetery and later relocated to the new one in Milford.

The  young family lived in Junction City in 1905 but in April of that year moved to nearby Milford, with the Junction City Union reporting that "Mr. Younkin will work for Mr. Kennett this summer." The Junction City Republic said at that time that "Fred Younkin has moved into the Major Gaines' house on the west side. He will work for W.H. Kennett and occupy the new house on 7th street when it is completed."

When the federal census enumeration was made in 1910, the Younkins dwelled in Milford and were farmers. Their next-door neighbors were James and Rosa (Ferguson) Younkin of the family of Jeremiah and Elizabeth (Branscom) Younkin

By the spring of 1913, they had moved again to 819 West 14th Street in Junction City. During the wee hours of the morning of May 1, 1913, their dwelling burned to the ground despite the fire company being summoned and bringing an extra hose. Said the Junction City Union, "The blaze had made great headway before it was discovered. The house was not occupied, Mr. Younkin being away and Mrs. Younkin was spending the night with relatives."

Stereoview of a stone sawing mill near Junction City, perhaps Fred's employer circa 1917 -  Library of Congress

When required to register for the military draft during World War I, they lived in Junction City. Fred at that time worked separating tinder for Joseph Hood. Also that year, he earned income at the Kaw rock crusher north of town. One day, while headed to work, Fred found a"gigantic" frog on the road near a small stream, and he secured it and took it to the jobsite. It was weighed at 7 lbs. The body was dissected and a small duck carcass discovered in the stomach. 

Then in 1920, their address was East Fourth Street in Junction City, with him now managing the stone quary.

Another move was to Wichita during the 1920s, with him employed as a truck driver for a coal and building materials business. In 1921, the couple separated, and Fred took out an advertisement in the local newspaper, saying he would not be responsible for her debts henceforth. He sued for divorced in September 1923, but the case was dismissed, and the pair may have reconciled.

Their final address together was at 1807 South Waco in Wichita.

Sadly, at the age of 46, Anna died on June 10, 1934. A short death notice appeared in the Wichita Beacon. The body was taken for burial to Highland Cemetery in Junction City. 

Later in that same year, on Nov. 21, 1934, at the age of 49, he tied the marital cord with Elsie Curtis ( ? - ? ). They exchanged their vows in Wichita. 

Then in 1950, he pulled up stakes and migrated to Oklahoma, settling in Fairfax, OK. He remained there for the last six years of his life.

Death spirited him away at Fairfax Memorial Hospital, at the age of 72, on Feb. 27, 1956. An obituary in the Fairfax Chief said he "had been in ill health for over a year." His funeral rites were held in the Pentecostal Church by the hand of Rev. Curtis Shook of the Nazarene Church. Burial was in Fairfax Cemetery.

The widowed Elsie outlived her spouse by over four decades. She succumbed to the spectre of death on St. Patrick's Day 1997.

Daughter Dorothy Almedia Younkin (1906-1942) was born on March 4, 1906. She wed a distant quadruple cousin, Oren Vough (1906-1944), of the family of John and Martha Ellen "Ella" (Swarner) Vough Jr., of the family of Missouri (Younkin) Wingerd. See their biography for more.

~ Son Walter William Younkin ~

Son Walter William Younkin (1891-1956) was born in March 1891 in Milford, KS.

He married Willana Fincher (Oct. 21, 1894-1917).

The family lived in Kansas City, where Walter was employed with Armour Packing Company.

The two daughters born to this union were Lucille Parkhurst Pierce and Alene Schloe Pierce.

Willana was known as "a truly good woman, faithful to her family and greatly beloved by her associates," said the Junction City Daily Union. "She was a member of the Christian church and when the Billy Sunday meetings opened in Kansas City she and her husband took a great interest and they enjoyed the love of Christ more than ever because of this revival."

Grief cascaded over the family on July 19, 1917 when Willana died in the home of Walter's parents at the age of only 23.

Walter married again on Oct. 5, 1922 to Mildred Steppe (Feb. 5, 1903-1996), originally from Wakefield, KS.

Two more daughters resulted from this coupling -- Verna Mae Stover and Mildred M. Anderson. 

The pair remained in Junction City for the balance of their lives. They made a home at 439 West Fourth.

Old railroad depot in Junction City - Library of Congress

Walter was a longtime employee of the Union Pacific Railroad, working as a pipefitter. Later in his career he joined the Union Pacific Oldtimers Club. He belonged to the Methodist Church, and Mildred held a membership in St. Xavier Catholic Church in town.

Sadness shrouded the family when Walter, having retired just a few months earlier, succumbed unexpectedly to the spectre of death at home on or about Dec. 23, 1956. Rev. J. Ray Wonder of Manhattan led the funeral rites, followed by interment in the sacred soil of Highland Cemetery. The Manhattan Mercury published an obituary.

Mildred survived him by four decades and remained in Junction City. She endured the deaths of three of their daughters. With her health in decline, she was admitted to the Valley View Professional Care Center. There, at the age of 92, she was carried away into eternity in 1996. An obituary was published in the Salina Journal, which gave the headcount of her survivors as seven grandchildren, three great-grandchildren and one great-great grandchild.

Daughter Lucille Younkin (1911- ? ) was born on Dec. 3, 1911. She was but five years of age when her mother died, and she was raised by her Younkin grandparents. She married a step-cousin, Kenneth A. Parkhurst. See their entry elsewhere on this page.

Daughter Alene Younkin (1917- ? ) was born on May 22, 1917. She first tied the marital cord with (?) Schloe ( ? - ? ). They moved to Virginia and in 1956 were on Chincoteague Island, VA. Evidence suggests that she entered into marriage with John Pierce ( ? - ? ). As of 1973, the Pierces lived in Salina, KS at 1512 Osborne.

Washington Street looking north in Junction City 

Daughter Verna Mae Younkin (1923-1973) was born on July 20, 1923 in Junction City. In 1942, she wed Henry D. Stover (1921-1991), said to have been born in Honolulu, HI. They put down roots in Junction City. Four offspring in their brood were Henry D. Stover Jr., Kenneth Stover, Theresa Bissonnette and Luetta Oppenlander. Verna is known to have belonged to the local First Christian Church. Sadly, having suffered a heart attack in their residence, she was spirited away into the heavenly host at the age of 49 on July 19, 1973. Her remains sleep for the ages in Junction City's Highland Cemetery. An obituary in the Salina Journal said she was a "lifelong Junction City resident." Henry endured for another 18 years and married again on Sept. 6, 1974 to Donna Owens. Henry died in Topeka on May 3, 1991.

  • Grandson Henry D. Stover Jr. dwelled in Junction City in 1994. 
  • Grandson Kenneth Stover put down roots in Junction City. 
  • Granddaughter Theresa Stover (1948-1994) was born on Aug. 11, 1948 at Fort Riley, KS. On Oct. 25, 1966, she married Ted Bissonnette ( ? - ? ). They made a home in Junction City and bore two children, Joseph Alex Bissonnette and Verna Marie Bissonette. Theresa earned a living in the mid-1990s as a checker and picker with the Footlocker Distribution Center. Grief swept over the family when, at age 45, Theresa died on Feb. 28, 1994. Her funeral mass was held in the St. Xavier Catholic Church. An obituary appeared in the Wichita Eagle.
  • Granddaughter Luetta Stover was joined in wedlock with (?) Oppenlander. Circa 1994, she was in Junction City.

Daughter Mildred M. Younkin (1925-2014) was born on July 26, 1925 in Junction City. She entered into marriage with John Anderson ( ? - ? ). Their trio of offspring were Joan Patterson, Michael Walter Anderson and John Anderson. The family was plunged into mourning at the death of two-day-old son Michael on Feb. 25, 1958, and then again at the passing of son John at birth on Sept. 9, 1959. Mildred's home in 1973-1996 was in Salina, KS, with an address of 409 South 11th Street. Said an obituary, "One of Mildred's greatest joys was working for Asbury Hospital as a Certified Nurse's Aide for 31 years... Mildred had many additional family members she adopted through the years; some two-legged and some with four legs." At the age of 89, on Nov. 14, 2014, she passed away in Salina. Burial of the remains was in Highland Cemetery in Junction City.

  • Granddaughter Joan Anderson married Michael Patterson.

~ Son Henry "Allen" Younkin ~

Son Henry "Allen" Younkin (1892- ? ) was born on Jan. 10, 1892 in Kansas.

At the age of 20, in October 1912, he and Jesse Filby were hired to manage a new branch of the Miller Clothing Company store at Manhatta, KS. Then in 1915, the Junction City Daily Union called him "one of the hustling young Junction City men" and reported that he had purchased a restaurant in Wichita. In June 1915, he also had business interests in Blackwell, OK. 

During World War I, he joined the U.S. Army and held the rank of mess sergeant with the 390th Bakery Company. 

Allen made news when arrested in January 1926 at a time when he owned and operated the Exchange lunch cafe on East 21st Street. After getting into an argument with F. Brenan, he apparently fired his gun at his adversary and struck him with a blackjack. "When officers arrived," reported the Wichita Eagle, "they found Brenan bleeding freely from various cuts on his head and face. He was taken to the county jail, where his wounds were dressed, and then released. None of those concerned seem willing to give details of the fight." 

He again entered into public controversy and was arrested in February 1933 when police seized 10 slot machines which he had distributed to various businesses in the city. The Eagle reported that "Younkin, who was charged with having gambling apparatus in his possession, under the terms of the ordinance, was released from custody on payment of a fine of $100 and costs."

Allen continued to dwell in Wichita when named in the 1937  Clay Center Economist obituary of his father. His final address was 2352 South Santa Fe.

Sadly, Allen passed away in a local hospital on Oct. 21, 1948. Conducting his funeral rites was Maue Gates of the Spiritualist Church. The remains were taken to Junction City for additional services presided by Rev. Harry Weed and the American Legion. Burial was under the sod of Highland Cemetery. The Eagle carried an obituary.

~ Son Robert Andrew Younkin ~


Book naming Robert
and Mary Younkin

Son Robert Andrew Younkin (1893- ? ) was born on Aug. 16, 1893 in Milford, KS.

On Jan. 21, 1921, in a ceremony held in Junction City, he was wedded to Mary Caroline "Mayme" Nickelson (March 6, 1903-1954), a native of Minco, OK. Rev. Oliver C. Bronston officiated. Their marriage is noted in the 1938 book Descendants of Barbara Hochstedler and Christian Stutzman, authored by Rev. Harvey Hostetler (Gospel Book Store, Berlin, OH).

The couple produced five  children -- Robert Oren Younkin, Reuben Alvin Younkin, Merilyn Enid Younkin, Floyd Arnold "Jackie" Younkin and Harvey Allen Younkin.

Circa 1920, he made a living as an elevator operator. In 1937, at the death of his father, Robert made a home in Monument, KS. They belonged to the Methodist Church.

Sadness blanketed the family when Mary Caroline died in Wichita at the age of 51 on July 6, 1954. 

Robert remained in Monument for good. He was cleaved away by the grim reaper of death at the age of 68 on May 18, 1962.

Son Robert Oren Younkin (1921-1995) was born on Sept. 25, 1921. On Nov. 1, 1942, at the age of 21, Robert entered into marriage with Lillian Tholen (Jan. 29, 1920-1981), a native of Walker, KS. The wedding was held in Pueblo, CO. Together, they bore a brood of 10 offspring -- Mary Lynn Younkin, Kathleen Ann Younkin, Robert Stephen Younkin, Timothy Gregory Younkin, Teresa Kay Younkin, Deborah Susan Younkin, Madonna Louise Younkin, Kevin Michael Younkin, Rebecca Ann Younkin and Jennifer Marie Younkin. Lillian died in Wichita at the age of 61 on Nov. 21, 1981. Robert outlived her by 14-plus years. He succumbed to the spectre of death on June 15, 1995 at the age of 73.

  • Granddaughter Mary Lynn Younkin (1943-1985) 
  • Granddaughter Kathleen Ann Younkin (1946- ? ) 
  • Grandson Robert Stephen Younkin (1949- ? ) 
  • Grandson Timothy Gregory Younkin (1951-1981) 
  • Granddaughter Teresa Kay Younkin (1952- ? ) 
  • Granddaughter Deborah Susan Younkin (1953- ? ) 
  • Granddaughter Madonna Louise Younkin (1954- ? ) 
  • Grandson Kevin Michael Younkin (1956- ? ) 
  • Granddaughter Rebecca Ann Younkin (1958- ? ) 
  • Granddaughter Jennifer Marie Younkin (1960- ? ) 

Son Ruben Alvin Younkin (1925-1951) was born on April 2, 1925. He was married to Alma Jane Kepler ( ? - ? ), daughter of Jack and Alice Kepler. They became the parents of two -- Thomas Alvin Younkin and (?). Ruben served in the U.S. Army Air Forces during World War II and attained the rank of corporal in the Bomber Group. In about 1950, the Younkins moved to a hardscrabble farm in the town of Pavillion, WY. Tragedy struck on July 18, 1951. At the age of 26, while swimming in the Wyoming Canal, Ruben drowned. The remains were returned to his home state for interment in Oakley (KS) Cemetery. As published in the Casper (WY) Star-Tribune and Billings (MT) Gazette , the Associated Press reported the community's extraordinary response. 

Pavillion is going all out to help a neighboring homesteader's family which has struck it hard. Residents of this town of 175 persons and ranchers have contributed $265 to help the Ruben Younkin family... His death left the family in distress. Not only lacking money, Mrs. Younkin was left with a farm on which a lot of work had to be done if she were to make a living for herself and children ages 2 and 4. Fifty other homesteaders in the area have joined forces to plant and harvest the Younkin crops this fall. A dance to be held in Legion hall is expected to raise another $100 for the family. 

After about two years of grieving, the widowed Alma wed again in 1953 to (?) Judson. They frequently moved to Wheatland; Fort Ord, CA; Fairbanks, AK; and Casper, WY.

  • Grandson Thomas Alvin Younkin (1948-2013) was born on April 15, 1948 in Colby, KS. He was three years of age at his father's death. When his mother remarried, Thomas took on the stepfather's surname of "Judson." Thomas was a 1966 graduate of Pavillion High School. After attending Arizona State University, he received a degree from the University of Wyoming. Thomas was joined in wedlock with Nancy. They produced a daughter, Joanne Judson. Said the Casper Star-Tribune, "He taught briefly in Green River, but after working for the Gertch-Baker Architecture firm in Laramie, Tom fell in love with building and would return to UW to take classes in design and architectural engineering. For the last thirty five years of his life, Tom was a member of the Wyoming State Board of Architects, and worked for various firms across the state of Wyoming and well as in his own firm in Riverton. The buildings, bridges, and private homes Tom designed are too numerous to list here, but there are few communities in Wyoming wherein he did not design something." In his free time, he liked to read, watch old movies, tell stories and attend meetings of the High Noon Toastmasters. Thomas died at the age of 64 in Cheyenne Regional Medical Center on April 8, 2013. He was pictured in his Casper Star-Tribune obituary.

Daughter Merilyn Enid Younkin (1929- ? was born on Sept. 8, 1929. She married Jack Lee ( ? - ? ). In the mid-1960s, they made their dwelling-place in Monument, KS.

Son Floyd Arnold "Jackie" Younkin (1931-2001) was born on Oct. 31, 1931 in Monument, KS. He wed Lyla Maye Sidles (Aug. 2, 1935-2017). Their pair of children were Randall Alan Younkin and Tamera Lynn "Tami" Poore. they were longtime farmers and ranchers in Oakley, Thomas County, KS. Lyle was employed for six decades in the insurance industry. Floyd died at the age of 70 on Nov. 1, 2001. His funeral rites were held in the Oakley United Methodist Church with burial in the Oakley Cemetery. The family asked that any memorial gifts be made to the Oakley Fire Department, Monument School Alumni or Oakley United Methodist Church. Lyla outlived him by 16 years. The angel of death cleaved her away in 2017.

Son Harvey Allen Younkin (1944-1965) was born on June 27, 1944 in Colby, KS. He was a graduate of Monument (KS) High School and then attended Fort Hays State College. He was married to Wanda ( ? - ? ). The couple shared a home in the Midwest Trailer Court in Hays in 1965 as he was beginning his senior year of college. Grief cascaded overe the family when he suffered a heart attack and died in his sleep at the age of 21 on Sept. 26, 1965. Unable to rouse him, Wanda called the county sheriff's office. Funeral rites were performed by Rev. Harry T. Barnett in the First Methodist Church of Oakley. The remains were lowered under the sod of Oakley Cemetery. Among those known to have attended the services were Mrs. U.G. Tholen, Luverna Tholen, Lucille Tholen and Mrs. Harvey Truan of Walker, KS.

~ Daughter Gladys Evangeline (Younkin) Sohns Argubright Riley ~

Daughter Gladys Evangeline Younkin (1895- ? ) was born in January 1895 in Kansas.

In 1911, when she was age 16, she married barber Archie Sohns (1891-1975).

Two known sons were born to this union, Frank Sohns and Lester Merle Sohns.

After 11 years of marriage, Archie filed for divorce in January 1922, alleging cruelty and gross neglect of duty.

In 1923, Gladys made her residence in Denver. That year, in September, changes were made in her divorce decree over aliminy and permanent custody of the children.

She wed again by 1937 to Milo Argubright ( ? - ? ) and lived in Newton, KS. Milo appears to have been employed as a special agent of the Santa Fe Railroad. The Wichita Beacon said of him in 1938 that "In size and facial features, he is almost a double for Captain Pennington of the Wichita vice squad. One day last summer Argubright was walking one of the streets here and was worried because he was pointed out by women who appeared at upper story windows. Walking down the other side of the street, the pointing continued. 'What's going on,' he asked a companion. Just then, Pennington hove into sight, wearing a suit and hat identical to those of Argubright. 'Let's go back to the hotel and let me change clothes,' Argubright cried. 'They all think I'm Pennington'."

The Argubrights' marriage ended in divorce.

Gladys and her son Frank dwelled in Kansas City in 1943-1944 and spent New Year's Day 1944 with Frank Younkin, Verna Mae Younkin, Mildred Younkin and Shirley Younkin.

Circa 1946, she was married to William B. "Will" Riley (April 12, 1886-1962) of Kingman, AZ. He was a native of Lane, KS who was a longtime employee of West Coast Powder company. He had been married before and brought stepchildren Francis Riley, Walter Riley and Lorraine Gay into the second union.

The Rileys further moved to Washington State and in 1950-1962, were in Bothell, WA. Their home was at 15402 Bothell Way. William died in a hospital at the age of 76 on Dec. 17, 1962. His obituary ran in the Everett (WA) Daily Herald. The remains were cremated and placed into rest in View Crest Abbey. 

Gladys outlived her last spouse by four years and moved to Stanwood just a month before she died. Following a lengthy illness, she surrendered to the angel of death at home on New Year's Day 1967. The Daily Herald published an obituary. 

Son Frank R. Sohns (1912-1945) was born in 1912 in Kansas. He went to live with his grandparents after his parents' marrige broke up. At the age of nine, in 1922, he wrote a letter to Santa Claus asking for a sled, fountain pen, warm shirts and overalls. He made news in July 1930 when staying at the farm of his uncle Frank Younkin in Junction City. When the Younkins traveled to town one evening, the 17-year-old Frank was left to guard the farm. Reported the Wichita Eagle, "Hearing a noise in the gasoline shed, he took a rifle and ordered the intruders out. They replied with a shot and escaped... [He] is suffering from a bullet wound in one leg..." Sadly, he died in 1945. Burial was in Highland Cemetery in Junction City. Inscribed on his grave marker is this epitaph -- "And to him the fields and streams become the house of our Lord..."

Son Lester Merril Sohns (1914-1981) was born on Jan. 19, 1914 in Junction City. At times his middle name has been spelled "Merle." He was but a boy when his parents divorced. Lester and his brother were taken in by their grandparents and raised to manhood. In manhood he stood 5 feet, 10 inches tall, weighed 201 lbs. and sported a mole on the back of his neck. Lester tied the marital cord with Blanche Lorena Barker (1919-1991), daughter of Jacob and Gladys Barker and stepdaughter of William B. Riley. The pair became the parents of Sharon LaRena Shannon Hathaway and Lena Hartig. They resided at first in Newton, KS, where in 1940 Lester owned a sign company, named Midwest Neon Company. He also was employed circa 1941-1942 by the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad at Little River. They eventually pulled up stakes and migrated to Montana, making a home in 1950 in Shelby, Toole County. His occupation at that time was as a business manager for a neon sign company. Lester and Blanche are known to have relocated again to Washington State, where they lived in Arlington, WA in 1960. In December of that year, they were injured in but survived an automobile accident in a head-on collision with a county gravel truck. He changed professions at some point and became an engineer with an airplane manufacturing business. Circa 1975, when named in his father's news obituary, Lester dwelled in Marysville, WA. His final residence was 11 miles west of Tonasket, Okanogan County, WA. Burdened with congestive heart failure, chronic kidney failure and diabetes, he died at the age of 67 on Aug. 10, 1981. Burial was in Tonasket (WA) Cemetery, with an obituary appearing in the Wenatchee (WA) World.

  • Granddaughter Sharon LaRena Sohns (1939-2006) was born on June 23, 1939 at Axtell Christian Hospital in Newton, KS. The Carmen (OK) Headlight announced her birth, saying she weighed 6 lbs., 11 oz. She was twice-wed, first to (?) Shannon and by 1966 to Glen Hathaway (1930- ? ). They dwelled in Bothell, WA in 1966-1967. Other communities where they lived over the years included Tonasket, Chesaw and Oroville and for the last 11 years of her life in Kettle Falls and Colville. Sharon passed away at home in Colville at the age of 66 on March 7, 2006. The remains were placed into eternal repose in Garden Valley Cemetery in Ferry County, WA.
  • Granddaughter Alena "Lena" Sohns (1945- ? ) was born in about 1944 in Kansas. She married (?) Hartig. The pair settled in Bothell, WA.

~ Son Benjamin Franklin "Frank" Younkin Jr. ~

Son Benjamin Franklin "Frank B." Younkin (1897- ? ) was born in March 1897 in Kansas.

Frank entered into marriage with Sarah A. Moyer ( ? - ? ).

The couple's two children were Donald Eugene Younkin and Shirley Joan Younkin. 

He was employed in 1930 as a road patrolman, keeping stores of gasoline and oil at his farm. As such, he became a target of thieves, and during one heist in July 1930, while the Younkins were away in Wellington, their 17-year-old nephew Frank Sohns routed them out but got shot in the leg for his trouble.

Circa 1937, the family resided in Ogden, KS and provided care for his aging parents. At Christmas 1944, they entertained family including Mr. and Mrs. Fred Younkin and Allen Younkin of Wichita, Lucille and Kenneth Parkhurst of Salina, and the Walter Younkin family of Junction City. 

He is known to have been in Manhattan, KS in 1956, with a dwelling-place at 1810 Poyntz.

Son Donald Eugene Younkin (1929-2024) was born on Sept. 19, 1929 in Manhattan, KS. Four days after Christmas 1950, he was joined in wedlock with Kathryn Rose Brenner (Nov. 13, 1931- ? ), daughter of Albert F. and Rose R. Brenner. The nuptials were held in Junction City, KS. The pair produced two sons -- Terry Donald Younkin and James M. Younkin. Donald is known to have served in the U.S. Army. Upon his return home he became employed as manager of a local hardware store. The couple remained in the town for good, over the ebbs and flows of the extraordinary 73 years of their lives together. Said an obituary, "They spent time traveling, sharing time with their family, spending time outdoors and often walking the local mall. Don thought the world of Kathryn and cared for her up until the day of his passing." Sadly, he died on Feb. 22, 2024. Interment was in the local Sunset Cemetery. An obituary was published in the Mercury.

  • Grandson Terry Donald Younkin (1953- ? ) was born in 1953 in Manhattan, KS. When he was 26 years of age, on Feb. 2, 1980, he first wed Barbara G. Akin ( ? - ? ). The wedding ceremony was conducted in Los Angeles. Later, he was united in matrimony with Belle and settled in Spring, TX.
  • Grandson James M. Younkin (1957- ? ) was born in 1957 in Manhattan, KS. He has been wed twice. His first wife was Christine ( ? - ? ). In time, he married Glenda. They put down roots in Manhattan, KS. 

Daughter Shirley Joan Younkin ( ? - ? ) was born on (?). She tied the marital cord with (?) Shreve ( ? - ? ). She made her residence in Dallas in 2024.

~ Daughter Hazel M. (Younkin) Parkhurst~

Daughter Hazel Younkin (1900-1948) was born on Jan. 23, 1900 in Milford, KS. The Junction City Weekly Union announced her arrival, saying "Mr. and Mrs. Frank Younkin, up on the old Rodgers farm, have a new daughter."

She is believed to have wedded J.G. Hodges ( ? - ? ) and to have dwelled in Wichita in 1923.

By 1937, she had married Clarence F. Parkhurst (Oct. 4, 1881-1967). He had been married previously and brought two stepchildren into the second union, Hazel Grace Flinn and Kenneth A. Parkhurst.

One known son or stepson in this family was Robert H. Parkhurst, born in Missouri in 1929.

They first lived in Junction City circa 1935 and by 1940 had resettled in San Diego, CA. There, he drove a daily newspaper delivery truck. They remained there as of 1946.

Sadly, Hazel died on Nov. 12, 1948 at the age of 48. Burial was in Highland Cemetery in Junction City. 

Clarence outlived his wife by 19 years. The angel of death spirited him away on June 24, 1967. 

Stepdaughter Hazel Grace Parkhurst (1905-1991) was born on May 28, 1905 in Braman, OK. She wed Byron Flinn (1904-1983). Their two known offspring were Clarence B. Flinn (1924-1995) and Gaylord J. Flinn (1928-2003). Death swept her away in Mulvane, KS, on July 19, 1991, at the age of 86.

Stepson Kenneth A. Parkhurst (1906-1965) was born on June 1, 1906. He tied the marital cord with his stepmother's niece, Lucille M. Younkin (1911-1990), daughter of Walter and Willana (Fincher) Younkin. The pair resided in Junction City until relocatin themselves in 1937 to Salina, KS. Said the Salina Journal, Lucille "owned and operated several businesses in Salina including Edgewood Riding Stables, The Pierce Motel, Pierce's Carpet and Upholstery and later Pierce's Carpet Warehouse." She held memberships in the University United Methodist Church, American Business Women's Association, Lady Elks and Ladies of the Moose. Sadly, at the age of 58, Kenneth surrendered to the angel of death on Jan. 14, 1965. Lucille endured for another quarter-of-a-century and wed again to John R. Pierce ( ? -1977). Her final address was 1512 Osborne in Salina. She passed away on Jan. 22, 1990. Funeral rites were conducted by Rev. Harry Tysen, with an obituary appearing in the Journal. The couple sleeps at each other's side in Junction City's Highland Cemetery.

Son Robert Parkhurst (1929-1999) was born in 1929 in Junction City, KS. He tied the knot with Sharon P. (1941- ? ). They are believed to have been the parents of Robert Parkhurst. Death swept him away into the hereafter at age 69 on July 22, 1999. He sleeps for all time in Greenwood Union Cemetery in Hunter, KS. 

Copyright © 2013, 2016-2017, 2020, 2025 Mark A. Miner

Research for this page graciously shared by the late Olive (Rowan) Duff and the late Donna (Younkin) Logan