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Maps of the Original Minerd Pioneer Farm

Along the Mountainous Border
of Fayette and Somerset Counties, PA

Above: the farm outlined in red is the property where Jacob and Maria (Nein) Minerd Sr. settled in 1791. The tract actually was owned by James Nob. The tract outlined in green is the farm of their son in law and daughter, Leonard and Martha (Minerd) Harbaugh Sr. (circa 1830), and the tract outlined in blue is the farm of their grandson and granddaughter, Charles and Adaline (Harbaugh) Minerd (circa 1867), who were married to each other. The diagonal line running between the green and red farms is the county line.

Above: a Fayette County (PA) patent map showing the U-shaped tract warranted to James Nob in 1794 and patented to James Fulton in 1837, and where Jacob and Maria (Nein) Minerd Sr. settled in 1791 and dwelled for many years, although they did not own the property.

Copyright © 2005 Mark A. Miner