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Minerva (Minerd) Mayle

See Minard and Mayle/Male Photo Album


Bray School Cemetery

Minerva B. "Nervie" (Minerd) Mayle was born in March 1874 in Barbour County, WV, the daughter of William and Margaret (Male) Minerd.

When Minerva was age five, her parents separated and then divorced. The following year, at age six, as shown in the 1880 census, she lived with an uncle and aunt, Charles and Rachel Croston, in the Pleasant District of Barbour County. Her sisters Cyrena and Emily resided with their maternal grandparents, Reese and Delilah Mayle, near Grafton, Taylor County, WV. 

Minerva may have been married to Granville Male circa 1880, as is shown in an old marriage license on file today in the Barbour County Courthouse. But this is highly unlikely, and is not confirmed, as Minerva would have only been six years of age. But there is no one else by that name alive at that time in Barbour County.

At the age of 17, Minerva was united in the bonds of holy matrimony Ellsworth O. Mayle (1865-1952) on Sept. 14, 1891 at Deer Park. He was the son of Isaac and Sarah Male, and their marriage license noted that they were "second cousins." The Minerd/Minard and Mayle families were close, and Minerva's brother Dewitt Minard married Ellsworth's sister Rebecca J. Mayle.


Minerva's father in law, Isaac Mayle (center?), date unknown


The Mayleses are believed to have had seven children -- Ernest H. Mayle, Dorothy Gertrude Shaffer, George "Dewey" Mayle, Henry Russell Mayle, Grace Sines, Helen Selina Mayle and Tina Mabel "Tiny" Madden. They also raised a brother in law, Clarence A. Mayle, who was like a son.


Obituary, 1909

A newspaper once noted that Ellsworth "lived on a farm at Swallow Falls for about 60 years. He was a member of the Methodist church."

In 1899, Ellsworth's mother died, and the following year, in October 1900, having inherited 10 acres of land from Ellsworth's widowed father, Ellsworth and Minerva attempted to sell the tract. It was part of the Western end of Military Lot #1700 in Garrett County, and they conveyed it to Hester J. Garrett. However, the deed was defectively prepared, and in July 1903, after Hester's death, they prepared another deed to convey the property fully and legally to her widower John J. Garrett and children Resley M. Garrett, Revin C. Garrett, Granville V. Garrett, Lorenzo J. Garrett, George F. Garrett, Lillie M. Hoge (wife of Isaac R. Hoge) and Mary E. Brant (wife of Albert Brant). Also in July 1903, the Males sold the coal and mineral rights of a 40-acre parcel to Edward G. Bucher of Blair County, PA, for $800. In a third transaction dated July 1903, Minerva purchased a 50-acre tract in Garrett County, known as Military Lot #1700, from relatives Isaac Male, Hugh Male, Rebecca and DeWitt Minard (all of Garrett County), and Idella and Upton Croston (of Marion County, WV).

Mayle/Sines reunion, Mayle farm, fall 1927. Dewitt Minard stands at far left, with his wife Rebecca two away.



Obituary, 1952

Minerva passed away on Oct. 9 1909, at the age of 35, and was buried the following day at the Bray School Cemetery in Garrett County. In an obituary, a local newspaper reported that "She leaves a husband and seven children, four girls and three boys. The cause of her death was spinal disease."

Ellsworth outlived Minerva by a remarkable 43 years. 

The 1930 census shows him living with his son Henry and laboring as a general farmer. 

Ellsworth died on March 31, 1952, at the age of 87, at the home of his married daughter Grace Sines on old Deer Park Road in Oakland. The funeral was held at the Pine Grove Church at Swallow Falls, officiated by Rev. H.O. Teagarden of Oakland and Rev. Jonas W. Sines. He was buried beside Minerva. At the time of his death, he and Minerva had produced 27 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren.


Bray School Cemetery in a farm field near Thayerville, MD --  tranquil burial site of Minerva and Ellsworth Mayle.


~ Son Henry Russell Mayle ~


Obituary, 1950

Son Henry Russell Mayle (1907-1950) was just two years of age when his mother died. He was a member of the Methodist Church at Bray, near Swallow Falls. 

Heartache rocked the family when he became sick in December 1950, and was admitted to the Garrett County Memorial Hospital. He did not recover, and died there on Christmas Day 1950, at the age of 43. 

The funeral was held in the Pine Grove Church of the Brethren at Swallow Falls. Pallbearers were Theodore Sines, William Ream, William Lee, Thomas Winters, Kermit Helms and Clayton Markley. Others attending the funeral, said a local newspaper, were Ernest Mayle and daughter Viola, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Mayle, of Shinnston, WV; Mr. and Mrs. Emory Shaffer and two children of Terra Alta, WV; John F. Rose and May Rose of Piedmont, WV; and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Durham and two daughters of Westernport, MD. In a published "card of thanks" in a local newspaper, Ellsworth and family wrote: 

We desire to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all our friends and neighbors for their kindness and helpfulness during the illness and following the death of our son and brother, the late Henry Russell Mayle. We also want to thank all who gave flowers and contributed the use of their automobiles for the funeral service. ELLSWORTH MAYLE and FAMILY


Clarence and Mae

~ Son Clarence Allman Mayle ~

Adopted son Clarence Allman Mayle (1884-1970) was born on Dec. 16, 1884, said to have been the son of Ellsworth Mayle and Minerva's sister Rachel Minerd.

At the age of five, the boy's mother placed him on a train bound for either Grafton, WV or Canton, OH, where relatives are known to have been living. He apparently remained away for several years, until he eventually was taken into Minerva and Ellsworth's home in Maryland, raised to adulthood and adopted as their own.


Oakland Republican's vintage photo
of Clarence and work crew, 1907

Clarence did not see his birth mother again for decades. In about 1912, she and her husband John Ellsworth Mayle moved from the Philippi area to Ohio, settling in Brilliant, near Steubenville, Jefferson County, OH.

Clarence married Eleanor "Mae" Trout  (1898-1985).

The couple produced a family of eight children, among them Clarence W. Mayle Sr., Guy Forrest Mayle, Harold Ellsworth Mayle, Alva Ray Mayle, Nellie Beatrice DeWitt and Pauline Sophronia Skipper.

He enjoyed visiting with his extended family, especially his cousins. In 1913, while residing in Ottaway, MD, he is known to have sent a short note on a penny postcard to his cousin Maud Minard, letting her know he would come by soon and present her with one of his photograph portraits.

Clarence was unexpectedly reunited with his mother in 1939, at the funeral of his uncle (and her brother) Dewitt Minard in Deer Park, MD. They are said to have visited in Dewitt's kitchen for about an hour or so, and then never saw or talked to each other again.

In July 1963, a vintage photograph of Clarence among a sawmill crew was printed in the Oakland (MD) Republican. Clarence was mentioned in the accompanying story, saying "the group was engaged in sawmill work at the time near Bowden, W.Va.  Most of those shown were from Garrett county, and the job was only a temporary one." Others pictured in the image, dated 1907,, were Henry Ellis, Lydia Kisner, John Selby, Pat Kisner, William Yutzy, Arthur Cross, Icie Maust, Grant King, Belle Kisner, Joe Kisner, William King, Edward Yutzy, Frank Kisner and George Garrett. Clarence would have been age 24 at the time the photograph was taken.


Clarence "Bud" and Mary

The Mayle family lived in Swallow Falls near Oakland in 1952.


Clarence passed away in May 1970, and was buried at the Taylor/Sines Cemetery in Garrett County.

Taylor-Sines Cemetery

Mae outlived him by 15 years, and died in 1985. Inscribed on their grave marker is this verse from Scripture: "Let not your heart be troubled."


Son Clarence W. "Bud" Mayle Sr. (1922-1977) was born in 1922. He married Mary Virginia Hensley, the daughter of Thomas and Hazel (Werdebaugh) Hensley. Rev. R. Russell performed the ceremony in Hancock, MD, at the Hancock United Methodist Church, on the day after Christmas 1951. They resided on Bray School Road had six children -- Ray Mayle, Carolyn Mellott, Barbara Ann Dintaman Skeweris, Mary Kathryn Mayle, Mark Mayle and Clarence W. Mayle Jr. The girls Carolyn and Barbara were raised by their grandparents, Clarence A. and Eleanor Mayle. On Dec. 26, 1976, Clarence and Mary celebrated their silver wedding anniversary with an open house in their home, and were pictured with an article in a local newspaper. At the time, said the newspaper, they had eight grandchildren. Little else is known about Bud, except that he died on Nov. 18, 1977, at the age of 55. After the funeral, held at Stewart Funeral Home, he was buried at Taylor-Sines Cemetery. Clarence's grave marker, seen here, was photographed by the founder of this website.



Clarence Allman Mayle's postcard note in November 1913 to his cousin Maud Minard, daughter of Dewitt and Rebecca (Mayle) Minard


~ Son Ernest Harold Mayle ~

Son Ernest Harold Mayle (1891-1970?) was born in 1891 in Garrett County. 


Nettie Mayle's obituary

He married Nettie Beryl Miller (1902-1943), the daughter of Joseph Nathan and Alice Belle (Metz) Miller. He was age 33, and she 22, at the time of their wedding, which took place in Wyatt, Harrison County, WV on April 2, 1924.

They had five children -- Dennis Wright, Carma Mayle, La Esta Belle Mayle, Viola Mayle and Donna Jean Mayle. Circa 1952, they lived in Peora, near Shinnston, Harrison County, WV.

Sadly, Nettie suffered from an incurable case of pulmonary tuberculosis, and at about age 40 went to live in the Hopemont Sanatorium, where she remained for 11 months. As she neared death, she was taken home by ambulance so she could pass away there. Death came a day later, on Sept. 7, 1943, when she was only age 41. She was laid to rest at the Masonic cemetery in Shinnston, following a funeral at the United Brethren Church in Peoria. At the time, her son Dennis and two young grandchildren lived in Baltimore. Said a newspaper, "Out-of-town people attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mayle and three sons, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Sines and grandsons, of Oakland; Mr. and Mrs. Emory Shaffer and five children of Terra Alta; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Madden, of Grafton, W.Va.; Miss Helen Mayle, Piedmont, W.Va." 

Ernest is thought to have returned to Garrett County, where he passed away at the age of 79 in May 1970.

Industrial Grafton, with the B&O Railroad roundhouse in the foreground


~ Daughter Grace (Mayle) Sines ~


Grafton Mountain Statesman

Daughter Grace Mayle (1893-1985) was born in 1893.

She married Jonas W. Sines (1892-1969), the son of Henry and Harriet J. Sines of Garrett County, MD. Their wedding took place in about 1917, when they were both of the age of 25.

They had four children -- Faye G. Coulter, Emma V. Sorge, Mary G. Lewis and Chester Sines. The Sineses lived in Preston County, WV circa 1930, where Jonas worked as a coal miner and teamster; and later on old Deer Park Road in Oakland, Garrett County.

Jonas passed away in 1969, at the age of 77.

Grace outlived him by 16 years. She died at Memorial Hospital in Cumberland, Allegany County, MD on Nov. 15, 1985, at the age of 92. Following funeral services at Stewart Funeral Home in Oakland, Grace was laid to rest at the Garrett County Memorial Gardens, officiated by Rev. Arlie W. Sigley. At the time of her death, Grace (and Jonas) had produced 14 grandchildren, two step- grandchildren, 20 great- grandchildren, eight step- grandchildren and five great-great grandchildren. In Grace's obituary in the Grafton Mountain Statesman, daughter Faye Coulter was listed as living in Arlington, VA; daughter Emma Sorge in Grafton; and daughter Mary G. Lewis in Oakland.

[Note -- Jonas is not to be confused with one of his cousins, Jonas Sines, the son of William T. and Alice (Mellott) Sines. This other Jonas was a Church of the Brethren preacher and helped with the funeral of our Ellsworth Mayle in the Pine Grove Church in Swallow Falls in 1952. He and his wife Pearl (Beeghly) Sines are pictured in the 1936 book, History of the Church of the Brethren in Maryland, authored by Jerry Maurice Henry.]


Picturesque Swallow Falls near Oakland, MD


~ Daughter Dorothy Gertrude (Mayle) Shaffer ~

Daughter Dorothy Gertrude Mayle (1901-1978) was born in 1901.

She married Emra Campbell Shaffer (1900-1975). They resided over the years in Sines, Garrett County, MD and in the 1928-1931 era relocated to Terra Alta, Preston County, WV, where they remained for good. 

The Shaffers bore nine children -- Homer Emra "Shaf" Shaffer, Ross Shaffer, Hester June Bohon, James Donald Shaffer, Harlan Bernard Shaffer, Arlene Metheny, Twila Jane Canipe, Galen Ray Shaffer and Dorothy Ann Johnson Taylor. Sadly, son Ross, born suffering from a lack of oxygen (then called a "blue baby") died in infancy, sometime before the age of three months.

Adult offspring of Ellsworth and Minerva Mayle, L-R: Clarence A. Mayle, Ernest Harold Mayle, George Dewey Mayle, Grace Sines, Helen Selina Mayle, Dorthea Gertrude Shaffer and Tina Mabel "Tiny" Madden

Circa 1940, as the Great Depression was slowly ending, census records show Emra and their eldest son Homer both earning a living as laborers on road projects with the Works Progress Administration (WPA). During the 1930s, with the nation in the iron grip of the Depression, President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the federal government tried to fight unemployment by forming the WPA, widely considered one of the Roosevelt's largest and most ambitious undertakings of his "New Deal" to get the nation back on sound economic footing. Over the years, the WPA hired millions of out-of-work individuals to build public works projects, such as roads, bridges, retaining walls and buildings. Many of these structures still exist today and continue to benefit society.

Emra passed away in 1975, at the age of 75.

Dorothy outlived him by three years, and died in 1978, at the age of 77. Gertrude and Emra are buried in Terra Alta Cemetery and are named in Janice Cale Sisler's book, In Remembrance: Tombstone Readings of Preston County, West Virginia (Volume II). 

Mountaineer Field, West Virginia University
Son Homer Emra "Shaf" Shaffer (1920-2012) was born on Oct. 22, 1920 in a log cabin in Sines, Garrett County. He married Helen Jo Robinson ( ? - ? ). The pair together bore a brood of three children -- Timothy H. Shaffer, Lori McCune and Todd Shaffer. Homer obtained a bachelor and master's degree from West Virginia University. Said the Washington Observer-Reporter, "He served as the scoreboard operator and spotter for radio broadcasts for 278 consecutive games at WVU. [He] worked as a high school teacher and coach in Virginia, West Virginia and Pennsylvania. His teams won several championships in football, basketball and baseball. He retired from Central Greene School District, where he taught driver's education for many years. He continued teaching driving privately until the age of 88." He spent his final years in Waynesburg, Greene County, PA and in Morgantown, Monongalia County, WV. He died at the age of 91, in a retirement village in Kingwood, Preston County, WV, on Sept. 3, 2012.

  • Grandson Timothy H. Shaffer ( ? -2011) was born in (?). Evidence suggests that he was unmarried. His residence in the early 2010s was in Bridgeville, PA. Sadly, at the age of 53, he passed away on May 9, 2011. Funeral services were conducted in the First United Methodist Church of Waynesburg.
  • Granddaughter Lori Shaffer wed Carl McCue Jr. Their home circa 2011-2012 was in Morgantown.
  • Grandson Todd Shaffer has dwelled in Waynesburg, PA. 

Daughter Hester June Shaffer (1924-1979) was born on June 2, 1924. She married (?) Bohon. Sadly, Hester died in Terra Alta in June 1979 at the age of 55.

Son James Donald Shaffer (1928-1967) was born in about 1928. He was united in wedlock with Lola Yonkers ( ? - ? ). In an interesting twist, James' brother Harlan married Lola's sister Mary. They were the parents of Linda Shaffer, Bonnie Shaffer, James Shaffer and Betsy Shaffer. Sadness enveloped the family when son James died in 1967 at about the age of 39. Details will be added here once learned.

  • Granddaughter Linda Shaffer ( ? -2015) passed away in 2015.
  • Granddaughter Bonnie Shaffer
  • Grandson James Shaffer ( ? -2015) succumbed in 2015.
  • Granddaughter Betsy Shaffer

Son Harlan Bernard Shaffer (1931-living) was born in 1931. He married Mary Yonkers ( ? -1975). She passed away in 1975.

Daughter Arlene Shaffer (1933-living) was born in 1933. She wedded Frederick J. Metheny (July 13, 1929-2000). They resided in around Frederick, MD and had at least one daughter, Kaye Valentine. Sadly, Frederick passed away on Oct. 28, 2000.

Daughter Twila J. Shaffer (1935-2012) was born in 1935 in Terra Alta, Preston County, WV. Evidence suggests that she was joined in the bonds of wedlock with Richard McVicker Sr. ( ? - ? ) and Paul E. Canipe ( ? - ? ). Her five offspring included Debra Kale, Beth Bollinger, Sandra Canipe, Richard McVicker Jr. and Michael Canipe. Her home for many years was in Maryland. In 2003, she relocated to Florida. There, she joined the Community United Methodist Church of Fruitland Park. In her free time she enjoyed water exercise, playing cards and walking. She died at the age of 76 at Lady Lake, FL on March 28, 2012.

Son Galen Ray Shaffer ( ? -2017) was born in (?). He moved to Baltimore, MD. There, he married Betty Jo (Oct. 13, 1939-2015), a native of Hendricks, WV. The couple produced two daughters, Carol Lovell and Jodi Ward. "Betty was an avid seamstress and quilter," said her obituary. The Shaffers relocated in 1977 to Arlington, TX. After a divorce, Betty moved to North Carolina to be nearer to one of their daughters and then in 2015 to Middleburg, FL to reside near to her sisters and brothers. On Dec. 2, 2015, at the age of 76, she died with her daughters at her bedside. Galen passed away on Feb. 19, 2017.

Daughter Dorothy Ann Shaffer (1942-living) was born in 1942. Her first husband was Charles Johnson ( ? - ? ). After a divorce, she then wedded Donald Taylor ( ? - ? ).




~ Son George "Dewey" Mayle ~

Dewey, Audra, Betty and George.Courtesy Tracy Carl Mayle. 


Obituary, 1971

Son George "Dewey" Mayle (1898-1971) was born in 1898 in Oakland, MD.

In young manhood he established a residence in Peora, a small community west of Enterprise, Harrison County, WV.

On April 15, 1925, when he was 27 years of age, Dewey married 21-year-old Audra Murl Nay ( ? - ? ), a resident of Shinnston, Harrison County, and the daughter of Asa and Clara Nay. Rev. W.M. Slaughter, of the Church of United Brethren in Christ, officiated the nuptials held at his home in Clarksburg at 402 Duff Street.

The Mayleses bore five children -- Vada Ruth Mayle, Emma "Jean" Dunlap, Clara Annalee McCoy, George Herbert Mayle and Betty Lou Oldaker.

They made a residence in the Eagle District of Harrison County in 1940 and later in Shinnston circa 1946-1971, where Dewey labored as a coal miner, operating motor cars in the mine.

The family belonged to the United Methodist church at Peora.

Dewey passed away at his home at Peora, Route 1 in Shinnston in 1971, following an illness of a decade's duration. Said a local newspaper, "Relatives attending the funeral included Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Mayle and two sons, Mrs. Paul Mellott, Richard Gerlach and Mrs. Jonas Sines, of Oakland; Mrs. Milton S. DeWitt and daughter, of San Run; Ray Mable, of Waldorf; Miss Helen Mayle, of Piedmont; and Emory Shaffer and Mr. Turley, of Terra Alta." He was laid to rest in the IOOF Cemetery in Wyatt, WV. Surviving his passing were 13 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

L-R: Vada, Betty, Dewey, Audra, Jean, Annalee and George Mayle
Courtesy Tracy Carl Mayle

Audra lived for another five years as a widow. Death claimed her in Shinnston in August 1976.

Daughter Vada Ruth Mayle (1925-2004) was born on Aug. 21, 1925. She appears not to have married. She resided in Shinnston, Harrison County. At the age of 78, as a patient at Ruby Memorial Hospital at West Virginia University, she was swept away by the angels on April 1, 2004. Pastor Robert Shingleton led the funeral service, with burial following in the Odd Fellows/Wyatt Cemetery.

Daughter Emma "Jean" Mayle (1926- ? ) was born in on Aug. 30, 1926 in Shinnston, Harrison County. She migrated from Shinnston to Bellevue near Pittsburgh and obtained employment in a hospital. At the age of 20, on Dec. 7, 1946, she married widower William Clarence "Bill" Dunlap (July 9, 1923- ? ), son of Sidney Clarence and Relhm (Grove) Dunlap of Glenfield, PA. Because she was legally underage, her parents had to sign their consent. Rev. William E. Collins officiated at the wedding. The Dunlaps resided in Haysville and Sewickley, PA and were the parents of Roger Dunlap, Ronald Dunlap, Judith White, Daniel Dunlap and Donald Dunlap. William was employed as a steelworker. Sadly, he died at the age of 77 on Aug. 24, 2000. His obituary was published in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. His survivors included 10 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Jean outlived her husband by seven years. She passed into eternity on Oct. 14, 2007.

  • Grandson Roger Dunlap married Donna.
  • Grandson Ronald Dunlap wedded Valerie.
  • Granddaughter Judith Dunlap was joined in marriage with Benjamin White.
  • Dan Dunlap
    Grandson Daniel "Dan" Dunlap ( ? -living) was born on (?). In mid-Nov. 1973, he was united in wedlock with Susan Scherfel ( ? -living). Sue is an alumna of Ambridge High School. Together they created a family of children including Dan Dunlap Jr., Natalie Dunlap and Michele Dunlap. Pittsburghers who have listened to the "soft-rock and yesterday's favorites" FM station Wish 99.7 should immediately recognize his name, an on-air voice personality for more than two decades. Dan's deep, rich and soothing voice not only was broadcast on weekdays from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., but heard in countless voice-overs on television, radio, web, commercials and corporate presentations. Visit his official WSHH profile and his independent Dunlap Productions webpage to hear examples of the range of his voice characters, which he describes as "from evil to evangelical... the 'guy next door' to Don LaFontaine-esque (the movie trailer guy) to Ernie Anderson." He and Sue have an interest in their respective family roots. They marked their golden wedding anniversary in Nov. 2023 with a party where everyone dressed in hippie costumes representing the 1970s.

Great-grandson Dan "Danny" Dunlap Jr. ( ? -living) is a musical composer in Los Angeles whose creations were featured in no fewer than three Super Bowl television commercials in 2010 featuring Bridgestone tires, Career Builder and Hyundai. The Feb. 7, 2010 edition of the Beaver County Times said that Danny "wrote the music for a Wendy's commercial featuring a fake boy-band singing with vocals distorted by Auto-Tune. Rap star Jay-Z later said that commercial inspired him to write 'D.O.A. (Death of Auto-Tune)' a nominated song last Sunday at the Grammy Awards." He entered into marriage with Danielle ( ? -living).

Great-granddaughter Natalie Dunlap ( ? -living) wed Kevin Daily Jr. ( ? -living), son of Kevin and Barb Daily Sr. Three offspring of this union were Dominick A. Dunlap, Denelle Balach and Danica Balach. Kevin later wed Sarah ( ? - ? ). Grief cascaded over the family when son Dominick, who resided in Baden, Beaver County, died at the age of 28 on Dec. 6, 2023. Dominick had been employed for five years at Rite Aid in Sewickley and was a 2013 graduate of Quaker Valley School District. He is said to have excelled in mathematics making “Pi Day” (March 14) his favorite holiday. Later he performed automotive detailing at Sewickley Car Store and was a machinist at Ryerson Metals in Leetsdale.An obituary in the Beaver County Times said that "Dominick will always be remembered for being so kind and thoughtful; by the way he could make you laugh with his witty sense of humor." His mass of Christian burial was held at Saint Luke the Evangelist Church, Ambridge.

Great-granddaughter Michele Dunlap ( ? -living) is a companion of Kristin Sasinoski.

  • Grandson Donald Dunlap married Leslie.

Daughter Clara "Annalee" Mayle (1929-2022) was born on Feb. 27, 1929 in Peora, WV. On June 10, 1947, she entered into marriage with Basel Eugene McCoy (1929-1984). Their family of offspring were Curtis Eugene McCoy and Kenneth Lee McCoy. Sadly, Basel succumbed to death in 1984 at the age of 54. The remains were lowered under the sod in Wyatt-Odd Fellows Cemetery, Harrison County. Clara outlived her spouse by 38 years. She held a membership in the Peora United Methodist Church. Said an obituary, Annalee "enjoyed her gardening and loved her flowers and watching the birds visit her feeders. She loved her family and enjoyed playing with her grandchildren and always had a smile and a kind word for everyone." She made her home in 2020 in Monongah, WV at the time of death of her grandson Neil. As her health declined, she was admitted to Ruby Memorial Hospital in Morgantown, where she surrendered to the spectre of death at age 93 on May 6, 2022. Officiating her funeral was pastor Harry Holbert. Burial was at Wyatt. 

  • Grandson Curtis Eugene McCoy (1949-2008) was born on Feb. 4, 1949. He served in the U.S. Navy. At the age of 31, on May 10, 1980, he was united in wedlock with Vickie Lynn Stalnaker ( ? - ? ), daughter of Dana and Sandra Sue Stalnaker. The couple produced five children -- Brian Eugene McCoy, Jesse Cole McCoy, Neil Demus McCoy, Matthew Thomas McCoy and Tisha Jane Jacquillard DeAngelis. They lived in Peora, WV. In his free time, he liked to garden, fish and work with wood, all in the out-of-doors. Curtis died at the age of 59, on Nov. 25, 2008, as a patient at United Hospital Center in Clarksburg. Pastor Robert L. Shingleton led the funeral service, with burial following in Hardesty Cemetery. An obituary appeared in the Times West Virginian. The widowed Vickie Lynn made her home in Bridgeport in 2020.

Great-grandson Brian Eugene McCoy was in Kentucky in 2020.

Great-grandson Jesse Cole McCoy dwelled in Boothsville, WV.

Great-grandson Neil Demus McCoy (1981-2020) was born on Aug. 26, 1981 in Harrison County. He was the father of Dustin Ray Jones and Brianna McCoy and the stepfather of John Griffin. He resided in Bridgeport near Clarksburg. Neil held the reputation as a jack-of-all-trades who was "always on the move." He especially liked doing yardwork. Sadly, at the age of 39, he died suddenly at Pine Bluff on Nov. 1, 2020.

Great-grandson Matthew Thomas McCoy made a home in Peora, WV.

Great-granddaughtr Tisha Jane McCoy married (?) Jacquillard and later by 2020 to Gary DeAngelis. Tisha and Gary reside in Florida.

  • Grandson Kenneth Lee McCoy ( ? - ? ) married Bonnie Lou. They also put down roots in Peora.

Son George Herbert Mayle (1933-1991) was born on Aug. 1, 1933 in Harris, Wood County, WV. He married Delores M. Basnett (Jan. 17, 1936-1995). They were the parents of three -- Robin Dorrine Fortney, George "Brent" Mayle and Tracy Carl Mayle. There was a 16-year age difference between his eldest and youngest children. The family lived in Shinnston, Harrison County, WV. Sadly, George passed away at the age of 58 on Oct. 24, 1991. Interment of his remains was in Wyatt Cemetery in Harrison County, WV. Delores is believed to have moved to Pittsylvania, VA and married again to Clinton Pennell ( ? -living). She passed on May 4, 1995.

  • Granddaughter Robin Dorrine Mayle (1954-2020) was born on Oct. 20, 1954 in Fairmont, Marion County, WV. In young adulthood she made a home in Enterprise, WV. On Nov. 19, 1971, when she was 17 years of age, she married John Wesley Fortney ( ? -living), son of Lee and Leanora C. (McFarland) Fortney and stepson of Robert Watson. Their union endured for 49 years. Children born to their marriage were Stacy Fortney and Trista Swiger. They spent several decades living in the community of Fort Gay, WV. At the age of 66, Robin was carried away into eternity on Nov. 10, 2020.

    Great-granddaughter Stacy Fortney ( ? -living)

    Great-granddaughter Trista Swiger ( ? -living)

  • Grandson George "Brent" Mayle (1953-2025) was born on Nov. 30, 1953 in Clarksburg, WV. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps and went on to a career with the federal government. With his first wife, in 1975, he produced a son, George Adam Mayle. In 1978, he wed a second time to Anita Fisher ( ? -living). Their union held over 46 years together. They made a home in Jacksonville, FL and were the parents of April Marie Young, Jonathan Keith Mayle and Georgette Joanne Gafford. Sadly, Brent died in Jacksonville at the age of 71 on Feb. 9, 2025. Interment of the remains was in the Jacksonville National Cemetery. The headcount of his survivors was nine grandchildren.

    Great-grandson George Adam Mayle (1975-living) was born in 1975. He wed Yi ( ? - ? ).

    Great-granddaughter April Marie Mayle (1979-living) was born in 1979. She married Michael Young ( ? - ? ).

    Great-grandson Jonathan Keith Mayle (1980-living) was born in 1980. He is married to or a companion of Theresa McNair ( ? - ? ).

    Great-granddaughter Georgette Joanne Mayle (1983-living) was born in 1983. She tied the knot with Greg Gafford ( ? - ? ).

  • Grandson Tracy Carl Mayle (1969-living) was born in 1969 in Fairmont. At the age of 30, on Aug. 14, 1999, he was united in matrimony with Lisa Michelle Johns ( ? -living). Together they bore a brood of three sons -- Isaiah Paul Mayle, Jacob Brent Mayle and Noah Benjamin Mayle. The family resides in Jacksonville, FL.

    Great-grandson Isaiah Paul Mayle (1998-living) was born in 1998. He currently serves in the U.S. Navy. 

    Great-grandson Jacob Brent Mayle (2001-living) was born in 2001.

    Great-grandson Noah Benjamin Mayle (2007-living) was born in 2007.

Daughter Betty Lou Mayle (1942-2023) was born on Feb. 11, 1942 in Peora, Harrison County. On June 8, 1963, in nuptials held in Shinnston, the 21-year-old Betty Lou wedded 18-year-old Ray Edward "Butch" Oldaker (July 1944-living), son of Harry William and Wilma Virginia (Bell) Oldaker of Clarksburg. Rev. Robert L. Harvey, of the Peora Evangelical United Brethren Church, officiated the marriage ceremony. Their union endured the ups and downs of a remarkable 59½ years. Their fivesome of children were Lisa Caloccia, Debbie Norman, Donnie Oldaker, Regina Wolfe and Kevin Oldaker. Grief blanketed the family when son Kevin died in in infancy. In 1971, they were in Peora. Their final home together was in Shinnston, WV. During the last years, Ray was "her rock and devoted caretaker who tended to her every need," said an obituary. Betty Lou died at the age of 81, in United Hospital Center, on April 1, 2023. In an obituary, she was remembered for the fact that she "enjoyed listening to 50's and 60's music, especially Fats Domino. Betty loved animals and always wanted to take in stray kittens. She will always be remembered by her family and friends for having a big heart."

  • Granddaughter Lisa Oldaker married Darren Caloccia. They have lived in Clarksburg.
  • Granddaughter Debbie Oldaker wed Mark Norman. The pair put down roots in Mt. Clare, WV.
  • Grandson Donald Oldaker was joined in wedlock with Shellie. They have dwelled in Shinnston.
  • Granddaughter Regina Oldaker was united in matrimony with Dan Wolfe. Circa 2023, they were in Shinnston.


Obituary, 1986

~ Daughter Helen S. Mayle ~

Daughter Helen S. Mayle (1895-1986) was born in 1895. She never married. 

As a girl, Helen attended a one-room school in Swallow Falls, taught by Miss Iva Friend. Other students in the class had names familiar of pioneer families in the region -- Reams, Kimmell, Beeghley and Sines.

Helen lived for decades in Piedmont, Mineral County, WV. The Keyser (WV) News-Tribune said she was a member of Trinity United Methodist Church for 69 years. 


Helen Mayle's student photo, as reprinted
in the Oakland Republican in 1961

Said a niece, "She was a quilter and a wonderful cook. Although she had no children or grandchildren of her own, she touched many lives. I loved her like a Grandma." 

In May 1961, a vintage school photograph showing Helen and her one-room school classmates was reprinted in the Oakland Republican, under the headline "Students of a Bygone Era." The owner of the image, Nelson A. Lewis, had furnished the school and knew most of the names of the children. Said the Republican, "Mr. Lewis was unable to determine the reason for the gathering, but judging by the equipment held by some of the boys a baseball game must have been planned."

Helen died at the age of 91, at Potomac Valley Hospital, on Nov. 24, 1986. Services were initially held in Piedmont at the Fredlock Funeral Home, led by Revs. Curtis Saville and S.D. Sawyers. Her remains then were returned to Oakland for the funeral at the Stewart Funeral Home led by Rev. Jonas Sines, with burial at Garrett County Memorial Park. Her obituary was published in the Keyser News-Tribune.


~ Daughter Tina Mabel (Mayle) Madden ~

Daughter Tina Mabel Mayle (1903-2005) was born in 1903.

She married Thomas "Clarence" Madden ( ? -1976). They made their home in Grafton, Taylor County, WV. 

She was a "waitress at many restaurants in Grafton and a former elevator operator at the B&O Hotel in Grafton," said the Grafton Mountain Statesman. "She was a member of the Grafton Baptist Church." 

Clarence died in December 1976. 

Tina outlived him by more than a quarter of a century. She passed away at the age of 101 on May 13, 2005.


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