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Anna Eliza (Farabee) Burke


Anna Eliza (Farabee) Burke was born on Jan. 3 or March 5, 1866 in Greene County, PA, the daughter of Spencer and Nancy (Minor) Farabee.  Little is known of her short life.

She entered into marrige with Emmet Burke ( ? - ? ), a native of Blacksville, WV.

They produced one known son, Milton Burke. 

The young family resided in Wetzel County, WV.

Tragedy struck on April 8, 1886, when Anna died at age 19, in Wetzel County.  The cause of her death is not known, although it may have been in childbirth.

Adding to the heartache, son Milton died young, also in West Virginia.

Widower Emmet did not live for many years after that. He is thought to have died in West Virginia sometime in the early 1900s. 

No records have been found in the West Virginia Vital Records database that would confirm these deaths. More research needs to be done.

They are mentioned in Louis Thomas Farabee’s book, Genealogy of the Farabees in America.

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