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Younkin Reunion Planning Committee - June 1936
Face Identification Page

Each of the 30 faces at the Younkin Reunion Planning Committee meeting of June 1936 has been numbered in red for identification purposes. Below the photo, each known name is listed beside her or his corresponding number. Scroll to the right to see the entire width of the photo.
The event  was held at the home of Mollie (Younkin) Lenhart (#20) near Kingwood, Somerset County, PA. 

This photograph was published by Donna (Younkin) Logan in the April- May- June  edition of the Younkin Family News Bulletin newsletter, asking for additional names. Please contact us if you can identify anyone else.









1. Unknown 11. Unknown daughter of #10 and #12 21. Betty (Younkin) Sanner of Rockwood, PA
2. Ross A. Kreger, husband of #24 12. Edward Wiley, husband of Nellie B. Younkin - #10 22. Beverly Jean "Snooks" Beynon -- daughter of #5 and #6
3. Otto Roosevelt Younkin, reunion president 13. Lillian (Pletcher) Younkin, wife of Frank William Younkin (#14) 23. Fred Fisher, husband of #8
4. Mildred (Coldren) Younkin, wife of #3 14. Frank William Younkin of Johnstown, PA, son of #15 24. Minta (Younkin) Kreger, wife of #2
5. Beulah (Swearington) Beynon (also spelled "Binen") - wife of #6; mother of #22 15. David Franklin Younkin of Johnstown, PA 25. Carmie Lula (Forsythe) Earle, daughter of Nancy (Younkin) Forsythe - #19
6. Earl Beynon (also spelled "Binen") - husband of #6; father of #22 16. Charles Arthur Younkin - reunion organizer and YFNB publisher 26. David F. Younkin III, son of #14
7. Emma Evans 17. Georgianna Younkin, wife of #18 27. Alma Jean Younkin, daughter of #14
8. Gertrude (Younkin) Fisher, wife of #23 18. Harvey Younkin, husband of #17 28. Janie Lou Younkin, daughter of #14
9. Fred Younkin, wearing bowler hat - husband of Mary (Layfield) Younkin - also has been identified as Bill Lenhart, husband of #20 - need to clarify 19. Nancy (Younkin) Forsythe 29. Harry "Tom" Younkin, son of #3 and #4
10. Nellie B. (Younkin) Wiley 20. Mollie (Younkin) Lenhart, mother of #3 30. "Charles" - orphan who worked on the farm of #3 and #4


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