My return to the National Archives in 2023 |
A greater sense of “belonging” and “community” were the essence of Minerd.com and its Facebook page, blog and national reunion in 2023, catalysts that connect thousands of perfect strangers to each other through shared family history and story.
An upswing in visitors came to our sites this past year as, emerging from the shackles of Covid-19, I believe more and more people sought a meaningful link to previously unknown family over long distances and remote relationships and environments. Our sites originally were created as an information repository but have become trusted centers were people can meet and unite.
Cousin Debra Cyphert made the profound comment that our website and Facebook page “bring many people happiness and provide connection – something that is so very needed. If we could all embrace a love for family and adopt a deep respect for those who paved a way for generations who followed, we too could perhaps make our world a bit better and our families a lot happier.”
Join our private family page |
Cousin, historian and genealogist Linda Marker of the Rockwood (PA) Historical Society said that “You are writing a mighty history of Somerset County, and the movement to other areas. This will be invaluable someday.”
Joseph Iamartino, of the Thompson (CT) Historical Society, after sharing a wealth of family photographs of 19th century millionaire-cousin Norman Bruce and Caroline (Putnam) Ream, wrote that the site does "such a great job. No one has anything like this!" The statistics of engagement are proof of this appeal to the public's immense "longing to belong.”
At the 2023 Minerd-Minard-Miner-Minor Reunion in Mill Run, PA. Courtesy Chip Frederickson |
Selfie at the Little Big Horn Battlefield |
Helping to drive Minerd.com’s search engine popularity is the ongoing, relentless research and pursuit to document all of the known names sprawling from 10 to 12 generations of our enormous Minerd-Minard-Miner-Minor, Gaumer-Gomer-Garmer and Younkin-Younken-Youngkin family trees. During 2023, as in years past, the site was updated nearly every day. Like-minded, serious cousins find us when they Google their family names and then engage and that’s the model on which this site originally was built.
During the year I returned to the National Archives in Washington, DC to copy hundreds of pages of original Civil War pension records of newly discovered cousin-soldiers. I also had the privilege of traveling to the Little Big Horn Battlefield in Montana and touring other General Custer battle sites at nearby Pompey’s Pillar and Pease Bottom and then going to Johnson County War museums in Wyoming to gather knowledge about cousin-connections who took part. Much more will come this year on the family’s role in the Wyoming cattle war of the early 1890s and the conflict's reflection in American film, television and print.
Judge at National History Day at
Pittsburgh's Heinz History Center |
A number of fascinating cousins were discovered along the MMMM research trail -- Fox News founder Roger Ailes -- television entertainer and Gold Record musician Rusty Draper -- Oakland A’s pitcher Bill Mooneyham -- and two newly discovered Civil War veterans.
A deep dive into the life of German immigrant Johann “Herman” Youngken led to the identification and biographies of his eight known children, 32 known grandchildren, 111 known great-grandchildren and 271+ known great-great grandchildren. Some of the offspring were prominent in the Union Army during the Civil War, while others dwelled in the South, owned slaves and fought for the Confederacy. Among Herman’s offspring were "Lincoln’s railroad man" Col. Henry Haupt -- Dorsey Syng Baker, who built the 32-mile Walla Walla and Columbia River Railroad in Washington State -- John Franklin Boyer, who co-founded the Baker Boyer Bank of Walla Walla -- Charles E. Pennock, whose mill rolled the iron plates used on the U. S. ironclad Monitor in its famous duel to the death with the enemy Merrimac -- Dr. Jefferson Church of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society and dear friend of abolitionists John Brown, Wendell Phillips, William Lloyd Garrison -- Abraham Piesch, a Philadelphia shipping merchant who lost everything during the War of 1812 -- Capt. Donald Byal Bradner, buried at Arlington National Cemetery for his work on chemical warfare -- Hugh Bradner, PhD., who helped J. Robert Oppenheimer to set up the atomic bomb lab at Los Alamos, NM -- Joseph Brevitt Townsend, chancellor of the Law Association of Philadelphia and co-founder of Philadelphia's prestigious Union League and his son Joseph Jr., who in 1978 merged their law firm into the Pittsburgh-based giant Reed Smith Shaw & McClay. You can’t make this stuff up. Our “In Lasting Memory” page helps us remember those we’ve lost and gives a sense of how many of us are “out there.” Since we began counting on July 1, 2000, some 5,609 known cousins and spouses have passed away, a number that surely will increase as more research is done. Well over 1,000 of these deaths were discovered during the past year. Over the span of the 23.5 years, we’ve averaged a loss every 1.53 days. And at some periods of time, the frequency has been one every 1.31 days. On 13 particular dates, we lost five cousins in a single day.
~ New and Updated Minerd.com Feature Pages in 2023 ~
(Click to view larger)
~ A National Reunion of Strangers ~ |
Our 2023 national reunion was held at a historic park in Mill Run, PA |
After postponements the previous two years, we held our national reunion in 2023, marking the 110th anniversary of the first gathering in 1913. Some 60 cousins from seven states and 17 Pennsylvania towns attended from as far away as California in addition to Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Ohio and Virginia. Together, we celebrated the 110th anniversary of the inaugural Minerd Reunion held in southwestern Pennsylvania in 1913. The Friday evening activity involved a dinner and Saturday was an all-day picnic at historic Camp Christian in Mill Run, PA. Not only was the camp a perfect fit for our group, but also had the historical significance as the site of our clan’s reunion in 1914 in the days when it was known as Killarney Park. On Sunday, we worshipped at the Indian Creek Baptist Church. I shot some Facebook Live videos which are posted on our reunions webpage to try to capture the sense of family, history and peace that our reunion tries to be.
~ Rapidly Growing Facebook Page ~

Our private Facebook page is the voice of the sprawling, diverse MMMM family as can best be gathered. It was launched on April 20, 2019 and in the first year grew to 449 members. At the end of 2022 we had 791 and at year-end 2023 that number jumped to 955. We hope to reach our 1,000th early this new year and then keep going.
It is so gratifying to see that many of the members form Facebook friendships within and comment on each other's posts. It's also fascinating when cousins see longtime friends on the page and say, "I didn't know we were related!" This is the true magic of the work.

The Facebook page is a forum for sharing genealogy information, discoveries, heirlooms, photos, stories, obituaries, queries, prayer requests and more. Members know that all posts must be reasonable and civilized -- with no libel, defamation or rants about specific individuals -- and absolutely no political debate.
One of our most prolific content posters is Tom Beck, who regularly pens essays of reminiscence of a kinder, gentler and quirkier era of America. Heather (Miner) Dandy used the page to solicit family recipes and then distribute the resulting cookbook in print and digital formats, Meinert Essen Buch. Cousins are encouraged to share photos in celebration of Mother's Day, Father's Day, Veteran's Day, graduations, marriages, new babies and Christmas holiday gatherings. We regularly post obituaries of cousins who have passed.

~ Other Public-Facing Engagement ~ |
Award-winning exhibit and documentary
Courtesy Beaver Area Heritage Foundation |
For the second year in a row, the Minerd.com Archives played a supporting role in the award-winning exhibit and video documentary, “Senator Matthew Stanley Quay: Saint or Sinner?” produced by the Beaver Area (PA) Heritage Foundation. They captured state and national awards from the Pennsylvania Federation of Museums and the American Association for State and Local History. The AASLH in turn invited me to help lead its Small Museums Summit on "Unearthing Untold Histories: Navigating Sensitive Narratives" with moderator Laura Casey of the Texas Historical Commission and co-presenters Rachel Ferrante of the Maine MILL (Museum of Innovation, Learning and Labor) and Joy Summar-Smith of the Dr Pepper Museum. The Archives was cited in the presentation which was viewed by 160 participants coast to coast.
In March, I was honored to serve as a judge of student essays on National History Day at Pittsburgh’s Heinz History Center, in affiliation with the Smithsonian. Our team was tasked with assessing the clarity of presentation and historical quality of top local high school seniors' research papers on the theme of "Frontiers in History: People, Places, Ideas." During the year, we learned that in 2020, Raymond Anthony Washlaski, of the The 20th Century Society of Western Pennsylvania and the Virtual Museum of Coal Mining in Western Pennsylvania, updated his report about the Hill Farm Mine Disaster of 1890. His report reproduces two vintage sketches of the disaster scene, with credit, by cousin Allen Edward Harbaugh (1849-1916), the famed "Mountain Poet" of Mill Run, PA.
The Beaver Area Heritage Foundation award from PA Museums with L-R: Rusty Baker, Leslie Przybylek, Ed McLaughlin, Beth Spence, Tom Dowlin and me. View the documentary on YouTube>>> |
~ 2023 Photo
of the Month Recap (click to view larger) ~ |
January |
February |
March |
April |
May |
June |
July |
August |
September |
October |
November |
December |
Thank You's – So many cousins stepped up to help or expand connections in 2023. I want to especially thank Bobbi Marzullo for the invitation to her Ravenscroft/Ravenscraft Reunion of the Rankin/Addis branch at Hutchinson near Uniontown, PA, and to Craig Falkenstine who met over lunch in Morgantown, WV.
Ravenscroft/Ravenscraft Reunion at Hutchinson, PA
Michael Patrick Connelly shared his encyclopedic knowledge of his Younkin/Pringey/Liston branches and writings for publication on this site. He also helped identify the unmarked 1840s burial site of our ancestors Nicholas and Dorcas (Settle) Hartzell of Humbert, PA, co-founders of the Jersey Baptist Church of Ursina, the oldest church west of the Allegheny Mountains. Amy Nichols provided a number of vintage photos of her branch of the fam. And there were many more.
To our reunion advisory team, including new secretary Cindy (Mayle) Devine, new treasurer Sue (Colbert) Martin and member-at-large Chip Frederickson, and others including Peg (Grimm) Mansberry, Jill (Channing) Aird, Barb (Holly) Minerd and Tom Beck, the event simply could not have taken place without your passion and hard work.
Laurel Foster, Hoofprints of the Past Museum, Kaycee, Wyoming, with the spurs of a cousin who was a cattleman and shootist in the 1892 Johnson County War
Laurel Foster of the Hoofprints of the Past Museum in Kaycee, WY and Jennifer Romanoski of the Jim Gatchell Memorial Museum in Buffalo, WY met with me and graciously shared their voluminous knowledge, photographs and documents related to the Johnson County War.
Longtime reunion treasurer
Doris (Sands) Hawker |
Victoria (Smith) Gunderson shared her memoir about a memorable trip she and her sister Lorri took to Ohio. Many kind strangers on the FindAGrave.com website graciously consented to use of photographs they had made of cousins’ final resting places across the nation and in Europe.
We gained access to important images through agreements with the Wyoming State Museum, Nebraska State Historical Society, Oakland Athletics of Major League Baseball, Fort Necessity National Battlefield, Penn State University All-Sports Museum, Thompson (CT) Historical Society and Johnson County (WY) Library. The Confluence, Pennsylvania 101 and Fayette County Historical Society/Abel Colley Tavern & Museum Facebook pages both used Minerd.com images in their posts, and vice versa. Sadly, in June, the angel of death swept away our longtime reunion treasurer Doris (Sands) Hawker. She diligently served in this role from 2001 to 2019 and was so enthusiastic about discovering her family roots. Rest in sweet peace, friend. |
A Look Ahead to 2024 and Beyond - One of the goals I did not reach in 2023 was to complete all of the MMMM web-biographies up to the present day. I started this push at the start of 2022, hoping to get the site into a shape where someday I could hand it off to someone else with confidence. At the end of 2023, there were still 37 biographies that were woefully incomplete and not current. It will take much of 2024 to finally finish this task.
The Johnson County cattle war in Wyoming in 1892 was not on my radar at the start of last year. But after learning of a cousin’s role as a cattleman and shootist in that event, I made a commitment to delve deeply into this important story and absorb the many tentacles and branches. It's been the single most time-consuming research project I've worked on for more than 20 years. This has included reading some 15 books and watching four Hollywood films, among them Michael Cimino’s beautiful but epic failure Heaven’s Gate as well as Shane starring Alan Ladd and Jack Palance. This year I plan to finalize my lengthy essay on our cousin and the Johnson County War and publish it on this website.
For more than 20 years, I’ve studied the fascinating life and death of General Custer’s brother Capt. Thomas Ward Custer, a two-time Medal of Honor winner who fathered a son with one of our cousins and perished at the Battle of Little Big Horn. I’ve been invited to present at the 2024 meeting of the Custer Battlefield Historical & Museum Association in Hardin, MT and for my paper to be published in its Symposium Book. The CBHMA is a group interested in the history of the Custer battlefield, the battle itself and the study of the Plains Indian Wars.
Having been a longtime member of a similar Custer-focused organization, the Little Big Horn Associates, I joined its membership committee in 2023. The LBHA is a global community of learners seeking to better understand the complexity of General Custer, his times and the events before, during and after the famed battle. I’m working with a team of talented, accomplished historians affiliated with such groups as the World War II American Experience Museum, the U.S. Army and Bismarck Parks and Recreation District. Hope we can move the LBHA’s membership objectives forward in 2024.
As I wrote in last year’s Annual Review 2022, a time is coming when Minerd.com, family research library and archives either need to be retired into oblivion or kept intact for future generations. I spent 2023 as the first in a five-year process to identify what steps are needed to make this happen and surround myself with trusted advisors who can provide guidance. The solution needs to be well-funded through an endowment. It must find the right people who can keep our website and social media assets online and up-to-date. It must include a secure facility for housing, curating and accessing physical archives which could also serve as an exhibit and meeting space. I've been inspired by Andy Warhol’s “Factory” in New York, and artist and photographer Peter Beard’s opulent, three-dimensional murals, and can envision the archives being used in a creative studio suite for advanced storytelling of videos, documentaries, books and articles, podcasts and visul creations that create excitement and generate revenue. To support that aim, I was honored to be elected to the board of directors of the Beaver County (PA) Foundation which reinvests each year with scholarships for students and community renewal and development initiatives. I want to learn more about family foundations, donor-advised funds and fundraising in general. The possibilities seem to extend beyond the horizon… as does our extended family. But who can help me make it happen?
Mark A. Miner, Founder, Minerd.com
January 9, 2024
~ New and Expanded Content on Minerd.com in 2023 ~ |
~ New/Expanded Features ~ |
~ New/Expanded Bios ~ |
Bios (continued) |
Meinert Essen Buch 2023 - Compiled by Heather (Miner) Dandy
Poor Polly: The Muddled and Confused Identity and Legacy of Mary "Polly" (Younkin) Minerd/Miner
Henry and Elizabeth Yonkon Miner Reunions of Washington, PA and Wheeling, WV, 1928-1931
The National Road: Cousins of the 1800s Who Lived and Labored Along Our Country's First Super Highway
Honor Roll: 170+ Younkin-Younken-Youngkin Civil War Soldiers
Younkin-Younken-Youngkin Feature Pages and Biography Table of Contents
The Mucho-Married Mayle/ Male and Minard/ Miner Families of the Chestnut Ridge Community
of West Virginia and Eastern Ohio
Grave and Fort Necessity: Preserving Historic French & Indian War
Landmarks in Southwestern Pennsylvania
D-Day Campaign Memorial: Honoring Cousins Who Took Part in the Invasion of France During World War II
"A Companion to Paddytown of Turkeyfoot" - By Michael Patrick Connelly
2023 National Reunion Marks 110th Anniversary of Inaugural 1913 Family Gathering; 60 Cousins Attend from 7 States and 17 Pennsylvania Towns
Speckled Legacy: Tom Custer in American Pop Culture
General Custer Family Album - Longtime Ohio Neighbors and Unusually Close Friends of One Branch of our Family
"Paddytown of Turkeyfoot" - by Michael Patrick Connelly
Roll: 99 Known Military Casualties
"I'm Planning Rational Suicide. Here's Why" - by the late Jessica Minerd-Massey
The Constantine and Antonina Balysh Story in Amerika
Remembering 59 Casualties of Workplace Accidents in the Manufacturing, Mining and Metals Industries
'Burgh Nation: The Pittsburgh Region's Enduring Legacy of Creativity and Innovation
Remembering 300+ Casualties of Water, Fire/Shock and Vehicle/ Aircraft Accidents
Lawrence Earl and Isabelle (Coughenour) Minerd Photo Album - Unknown Faces and Places
Civil War Guide to the Meinert-Minerd-Minard-Miner-Minor Family - Soldiers By Name - Their Regiments - Their Bloodiest Battles - Casualties - Freed Slaves in the Family - Prisoners of War (POWs) - At the Homefront
Eva Maria (Weber) Meinert’s Arduous Girlhood Immigration Journey, 1708-1709
Death on the Rails: Remembering 50+ Fatal Railroad & Streetcar Casualties
Remembering Pearl Harbor: Honoring Known Cousins in Hawaii on Dec. 7, 1941
Cousin Voices - Writings, Memoirs, Poetry and Essays Authored By Our Extended Cousins
Kissin' Cousins: The Extensively Intermarried Minerds, Younkins, Harbaughs and Mayles of Southwestern Pennsylvania and West Virginia
Gaumer-Gomer-Garmer Biography Archives: Johannes Dietrich and Maria Elizabeth (Meinert) Gaumer of Lehigh County, PA and 4 Generations of Their Descendants
Coal, Coke and Steel: Honoring More than 400 Cousin Laborers Who Shaped America's Mineral and Metal Industries
Thomas "Warren" and Marion (Thomas) Halfpenny of New Columbus, PA
Henry and Anna (Halfpenny) Schreiner of Chester, PA
John Gilbert and Harriet Emily Loncas (Wright) Miner of Hebron, OH
Vernon Cornelius and Pearl Rebecca (Felgar) Van Dyke of Hunker, PA
John Henry and Emma (Mayle) Kennedy of Sharpsburg, OH
Oliver Clyde and Ella Florence (Dawson) Minerd of Connellsville, PA & Fair Oaks, CA
Jasper "Oliver" and Minnie (Minerd) McKnight of Preston County, WV and Fayette, Washington & Westmoreland Counties, PA
Jacob and Louisa (Finkenbiner) Miner of Tontogany, OH
Jay C. Miner of Tontogany, OH
Harry Allen and Jennie (Miner) Goodger Jr. of Tontogany, OH
Ivona Jane "Iva" (Van Horn) Brantner Nixon Jones and husbands of Columbus and Creola, OH
Frederick Christian "Dick" and Edna Essie (Miner) Asmus of Haskins, OH
Gurdon and Edith (Miner) Keeler of Haskins, OH
William C. and Naomi "Nona" (Minard) Baker of Kansas and Wyoming
William G. and Hattie (Gaines) Miner of Altoona, PA
Simon and Harriet (Weyand) Shaulis of Black Hawk County, IA
Horton Howard and Dorothy (Thrush) Younkin of Pickaway County, OH
Johann "Herman" Junghen and wives Magdalena and Eva (Kressler) Shill of Germany and Bucks County, PA Harold Earl and Esther (Hemerlin) Minor of Cleveland, OH
Rebecca (Birch) McElfish Miller and husbands John Averil McElfish and Robert Miller of Washington, PA and Cleveland, OH
Golie Cephas and Mary Myrtle (Donley) Bedillion of Washington, PA
William R. and Elsa (Bobilin) Bedillion of Washington, Monessen and East Liberty, PA
William Allen Miner and wives Osta Arminta Cain and Laura Thompson of Washington, PA and El Monte and Pomona, CA
Frederick and Elizabeth (Wolfinger) Younken Jr. of Nockamixon Twp., PA
Abraham and Sarah (Montgomery) Younkin Jr. of Ohio and Texas
George Perry and Mary (Leonard) Potter of Ohiopyle, PA
Reuben and Martha A. (Cunningham) Leonard of Ohiopyle, PA
Lucy (Woody) Kinder Moseley Dalton and husbands of Athens County, OH
Benjamin S. and Allora Ellen (Bush) Johnson of Greenfield, IN and San Benito, TX
Joseph and Laura (Shoup) Esch of Armagh, PA and Elyria & Fremont, OH
Alexander Blaine and Mary (Houser) McMurray of near Lafayette, OH
John and Catherine (Younkin) Harmon of Brush Valley, PA
John William and Phoebe Ann (Maust) Rankin of Elliottsville, PA
Opha Cleophas and Bertie (Mayle) Kennedy of Cecil and Galloway, WV
Lewis A. and Sarepta (Kennedy) Mayle of Knottsville, WV
James E. and Mary Emma (Ogle) Newingham of Scottdale, PA
William "Alexander" and Hannah Maria (Minerd) Gaither of Chalk Hill, PA
George Andrew and Grace (Gaither) Reiber of Uniontown, PA
James C. and Martha (Ream) Park of Muscatine, IA
James Dumphry and Bertha Violet (Gray) Crosby of Mount Pleasant, PA
Gordon and Mary "Alice" (Crosby) Fehr of Mount Pleasant, PA and Detroit, MI
Harry John and Gertrude (Minerd) Thomas of Hopwood and Masontown, PA
Frances "Fannie" (Minerd) Jeffries Cross and husbands of Richeyville, Centerville and Daisytown, PA
George Ellsworth and Sarah Jane "Jenne" (Minerd) Baily of Uniontown, Carmichaels, Pittsburgh and Monroeville, PA
Charles Emil and Margaret Ann (Rankin) Fike of Georges Twp., PA and Norfolk, VA
Albert Lloyd and Lucy (Nicklow) Minerd of Smithfield, PA
Clarence "Jay" and Clara Belle (Keffer) McKnight of Dawson, PA and Casper, WY
Charles Elihu and Nancy Catherine (Kennedy) Mayle of Knottsville, WV
Charles J. and Sarah Jane (Rankin) Addis of Uniontown, PA
Mary Ann (Minerd) Crayton Cross and husbands of Mt. Braddock, PA; Warren, OH; and Smithfield, PA
Elizabeth Ann "Lydia" (Turner) Heltebran Colosimo and husbands of Charleroi, PA
Catherine (Minerd) Nesmith Dean and husbands of Kingwood, WV; Dunbar, PA; Oakland, MD; and Lemont Furnace, PA
Joshua V. Armstrong of Cardington, OH
Edward George and Sarah (Inks) Chisnell of New Kensington, PA
Warren McEwen and Sophia (Turner Inks) Dean Sr. of Fayette County, PA
John R. and Susanna Phalitia "Anna" (Long) Kooser of Scottdale, PA and East Liverpool & Sebring, OH
George P. and Ida (Ream) Millis of Iowa, Kansas, Wyoming and California
William and Josephine (Gorsuch) Burkholder of Bartow, FL
Nicholas and Dorcas (Settle) Hartzell Sr. of Humbert, PA
William H. and Sarah Jane (Minerd) Shepard of Tontogany and Haskins, OH
Edwin Jay and Nellie Mae (Rockwell) Jewell of Bowling Green, OH
John William Shepard Jewell and wives of Milan, MI
Samuel Henry and Albertine Clementine (Stimpfling Chandler) Behme of Washington and Oregon
Frederick Arthur and Elmira Maude (Stoddard) Behme of Custer, WA and Portland, OR
Jacob and Margaret (Smith) Hartzell of Somerset County, PA and Preston County, WV
Hans Mellinger "Melchior" Hartzell and wives of Germany and Bucks and Somerset Counties, PA
Charles William and Florence Etta (DeMoss) Wake of Newman Grove, St. Edward and Fremont, NE
Charles Burget and Caroline (Biesner) DeMoss of Walla Walla, WA
Rebecca (Minerd) Behme Kearns and husbands of Minnesota, Iowa and Washington State
Sarah Ann (Minor) Williams Beardslee Warstler and husbands of Mineral City, Canton and Navarre, OH
Patrick and Esther Belle (Minor) Dillon of Roswell and New Philadelphia, OH
William R. and Eva Irene (Minor) Studer of Columbus and Waynesburg, OH
Harrison Lorenzo and Susan V. (Martin) Sisler of Alfsborg, MN and Beemer, NE George William and Mary Ellen (Martin) Martin of Valley Point, WV
Victoria Belle (Martin) Falkenstine Miller and husbands of Valley Point, WV
John Anderson and Louise Alice "Lyde" (Martin) Liston of Clarksburg and Hudson, WV
Albert "Ross" and Sarah (Fye) Minor of the Panama Canal Zone and New Orleans
Alpheus and Nancy "Anna" (Martin) Metheny of Preston County, WV
Jasper "Newton" and Lucretia (Martin) Martin of Bruceton Mills, WV
Isaac T. and Hannah (White) Wortman of Hazelwood/ Pittsburgh, PA
Charles L. and Rebecca (Rowan) Robbins of Blue Knob, PA
Thomas Henry and Jennie (Jolly) Johnson of Beaver County, PA
Hiram Thomas and Hester Ann "Hessie" (Devan) Logston of Hopwood, PA
Benton "Lucas" and Elizabeth (Devan) White of Hopwood, PA
John Henry and Frances (Woods) McKnight of Uniontown, PA
Jacob H. "Devil Jake" and Sarah (Tannehill) Younkin of Ursina and Bullskin Twp., PA
George Riley Minard and wives Sarah Ann Croston and Debbie (Mayle) Stevens of Philippi, WV
William "Henry" and Rachel (McClintock) Younkin of New Centerville, PA
Henson Smith and Candace (Pringey) Liston of Bruceton Mills, WV and Cumberland, IA
Ostman Theodore "Todd" and Sadie E. (Workman) McKnight of Dawson, PA
Clinton Harrison and Stella (Minerd) Hagar of Bobtown, PA
Edward "Jesse" and Iva Lucretia (Conn) Henry of New Lexington, PA
Daniel "Lester" and Cornelia Baker (Huntsman) Conn of Johnson City and Binghamton, NY
Jesse Andrew and Zelda M. "Zeke" (Snyder) Conn of Grantsville, MD and McKeesport, PA
James Eli and Viola "Grace" (McKnight) Soules of Canonsburg, PA
William "Henry" and Anna Elizabeth (McKnight) Seddon of Brownsville, PA
Joseph and Anna Hester (McKnight) Fox of Brownsville, PA
Jason Chaledian and Theresa (Wiggins) Minard of Farmington and Des Moines, IA
Henry Harrison "Clark" and Ida Bell (Minard) Cole of Richland, KS
Elizabeth "Lizzie" (Harbaugh) Anderson Bilby and husbands William Anderson and M. Lemoyne Bilby of Vanderbilt, PA
Marshall Harbaugh and wives Annie M. Shroyer and Mary Jane "Elizabeth" Sands of Maple Summit and Bidwell, PA
Charles "Claudius" and Edith Gertrude (Rea) Minor of Shawnee & Newark, OH
Robert Lloyd and Rebecca "Jane" (Nicklow) McNeill Sr. of Confluence, PA
Thomas Springer and Margaret Mae (McCune) McKnight of Republic, PA
Thomas and Catherine "Kate" (Ramsey) Minerd of Uniontown and Smithfield, PA
George "Walter" and Anna Belle (Miner) McCormick of Oliphant and Connellsville, PA
Sebastian Heck and Margaret Elizabeth (Pring) Cornell of Kirksville, MO
Dr. Henry Peter and Ida Platt (Boyd) Stipp of Canton, IL and Sonora, CA
Levi and Hila (King) Ream of Ursina, PA and Osceola, IA
Norman Bruce and Caroline (Putnam) Ream of Osceola, IA; Chicago; New York City; and Thompson, CT
Garrett "Hobart" Harbaugh and wives Irene Burnsworth and Hazel Lee (Wood) Kreiter of Grove City and Franklin, PA
Minor Bush and wives Hannah and Nettie C. Forsee of Greenfield, Noblesville and Pendleton, IN
Joseph Thomas and Clara (Robbins) Bowman of Hartford City, IN
Susanna (Dumbauld) Younkin Kreger and husbands of Kingwood, PA
Sylvester Gabriel and Mary Matilda (Coleman Weyand) Woy of Somerset, PA and Chadwick, IL
Edward Jacob and Gertrude Sophia (Minerd) Ullery of Pennsville, PA
Walter Edgar Minerd and wives of Fairchance, PA & Cleveland, OH
Lawrence Earl and Isabelle (Coughenour) Minerd of Bullskin Twp., PA
Richard and Clarinda Mariah (Armstrong) Wells of Martinsville, MO
Henry Azariah and Emily "Alice" (Wilson) Williams of Louisburg, KS; Siloam Springs, AR; Kansas City, MO; and Stillwater, OK
Elizabeth "Libby (Minor) Wilson Armstrong and husbands of Cardington, OH; South Bend, IN; and Piqua, OH
Newton G. and Emma L. (Ardrey) Schofield of Mt. Perry, OH Irvin and Mary Jane (Ream) Nicklow of Somerset County, PA
Charles William Minard Sr. and wives of Philippi, WV
Isaac and Elizabeth (Younkin) Bell of Greene County, PA
Copyright © 2024 Mark A. Miner