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Guide to the Bloodiest Civil War Battles
Of Soldiers in the Extended Meinert-
Minerd-Minard-Miner-Minor Family


If you are planning a visit to one of Amereica's Civil War battlefields, this page may be a useful guide to know which cousins in our extended family saw action at those sites. This page starts with the 20 bloodiest battles of the conflict and identifies names of soldiers and their regiments, linked to their detailed biographies.

Among those taking part in the most bloody battles was James Eyster Murdock of the 7th West Virginia Infantry, who saw action in 28 battles and was wounded four times. Solomon Werts, of the 122nd Ohio Infantry, was in as many battles as any surviving veteran of the war. One soldier, in at least two of the largest battles, fought for both sides.


Guide Page Soldiers Regiments Casualties POWs Freed Slaves Homefront


Gettysburg | July 1-3, 1863 | Total Casualties: 48,049


Samuel A. Birch, 16th Pennsylvania Cavalry
John Freeman Rockwell, 40th Pennsylvania Infantry
Franklin Charles Wintermute, 132nd Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. F
Cyrus Lindley, 140th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. D

William M. Lydig/Leydig, 142nd Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. F.
Martin Miner, 142nd Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. C
Andrew Jackson Rose Sr., 142nd Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. C
James Eyster Murdock, 7th West Virginia Infantry, Co. A
Joseph Troxel, 3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery, Co. H.


Spotsylvania Courthouse | May 8-21, 1864 | Total Casualties: 31,086

Solomon Werts, 122nd Ohio Infantry, Co. D
John Freeman Rockwell, 40th Pennsylvania Infantry
James Eyster Murdock, 7th West Virginia Infantry, Co. A


Chickamauga | Sept. 18-20, 1863 | Total Casualties: 34,624

David “Nesbit” Miner, 15th Ohio Infantry, Co. K
Albert Miner, 19th Ohio Infantry, Co. C and H
Thomas Ward Custer, 21st Ohio Infantry, Co.
Daniel Harry Knight, 92nd Ohio Infantry, Co. A


The Wilderness | May 5-7, 1864 | Total Casualties: 28,699

Solomon Werts, 122nd Ohio Infantry, Co. D
John Freeman Rockwell, 40th Pennsylvania Infantry
Norman Bruce Ream, 85th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. H
Silas Younkin, 116th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. E
James Eyster Murdock, 7th West Virginia Infantry, Co. A


Antietam | Sept. 17, 1862 | Total Casualties: 22,726

John Freeman Rockwell, 40th Pennsylvania Infantry
Silas Younkin, 116th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. E
Franklin Charles Wintermute, 132nd Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. F
Heley Patrick Cross, 19th U.S. Infantry
James Eyster Murdock, 7th West Virginia Infantry, Co. A


Shiloh/Pittsburg Landing | April 6–7, 1862 | Total Casualties: 23,746

Levi Gaumer, 8th Iowa Infantry, Co. G
Henry Clay Minor, 3rd Ohio Cavalry, Co. M
John Vernon Smith Minerd, 5th Independent Battery, Ohio Light Artillery
Charles Warren DeMoss, 46th Ohio Infantry, Co. K
Alfred Wymer, 78th Ohio Infantry, Co. F
Martin Welker, captained the steamship Emma Duncan which ferried wounded after the battle.

James Tucker, 35th Illinois, Co. H.


Chancellorsville | April 30-May 6, 1863 | Total Casualties: 30,590

Michael Franks, 133rd Pennsylvania Infantry, Company E

Cyrus Lindley, 140th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. D
Silas Younkin, 116th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. E
Franklin Charles Wintermute, 132nd Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. F
Martin Miner, 142nd Pennsylvania Infantry
Andrew Jackson Rose Sr., 142nd Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. C
James Eyster Murdock, 7th West Virginia Infantry, Co. A


Second Battle of Bull Run/Manassas | Aug. 28-30, 1862 | Total Casualties: 26,201

Heley Patrick Cross, 2nd Maryland Infantry, Companies C and A

Levi Miner, 11th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. H
Jeremiah Minard, 33rd Virginia Infantry (Confederate), Co. F

David Harbaugh, 5th Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery, Battery D. That winter, helped bury corpses left on the field.


Stones River/Murfreesboro | Dec. 31, 1862-Jan. 2, 1863 | Total Casualties: 24,645

Oliver Browning, 51st Ohio Infantry, Co. F - captured in battle
David “Nesbit” Miner, 15th Ohio Infantry, Co. K
Thomas M. Miner, 90th Ohio Infantry, Co. H - captured in battle


Fredericksburg | Dec. 11-15, 1862 | Total Casualties: 16,854

Michael Ansell Firestone, 142nd Pennsylvania Infantry

Michael Franks, 133rd Pennsylvania Infantry, Company E

Martin Miner, 142nd Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. C

Ephraim Miner, 142nd Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. D

James Eyster Murdock, 7th West Virginia Infantry, Co. A
Andrew Jackson Rose Sr., 142nd Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. C


Cold Harbor | May 31-June 12, 1864 | Total Casualties: 17,332

Franklin Gaumer, 81st Pennsylvania Infantry, Company G

Jeremiah Minard, 48th New York Infantry, Co. D
James Eyster Murdock, 7th West Virginia Infantry, Co. A

Solomon Werts, 122nd Ohio Infantry, Co. D


2nd Petersburg | June 15-18, 1864 | Total Casualties: 15,386

Solomon Werts, 122nd Ohio Infantry, Co. D
Robert Rankin, 2nd Pennsylvania Artillery, Battery K
John K. Hall, 107th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. G
Silas Younkin, 116th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. E
Martin Miner, 142nd Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. C
John H. Strauch, 155th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. E
Israel B. Murdock, 2nd West Virginia Cavalry, Co. B
James Eyster Murdock, 7th West Virginia Infantry, Co. A


Gaines's Mill | June 27, 1862 | Total Casualties: 14,830

Jordan Nesmith, 37th Pennsylvania Infantry (8th Pennsylvania Reserve), Co. G
Jeremiah Minard, 33rd Virginia Infantry (Confederate), Co. F


Missionary Ridge | Nov. 25, 1863 | Total Casualties: 12,491

Daniel Harry Knight, 92nd Ohio Infantry, Co. A


Atlanta | July 22, 1864 | Total Casualties: 12,140

William Boyd, 103rd Illinois Infantry, Co. H

Frederick Miner Jr., 10th Ohio Cavalry, Co. A

David “Nesbit” Miner, 15th Ohio Infantry, Co. K

Charles Warren DeMoss, 46th Ohio Infantry, Co. K

Alfred Wymer, 78th Ohio Infantry, Co. F

Andrew Jackson Miner, 90th Ohio Infantry, Co. H

Thomas M. Miner, 90th Ohio Infantry, Co. H


Seven Pines/Fair Oaks | May 31-June 1, 1862 | Total Casualties: 11,165

Jacob M.Younkin, 85th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. B
Jerome B. Jennings, 85th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co.
James Rowan, 85th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. K
James Minerd Jr., 85th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. I
Isaac F. Minerd, 85th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. I
William Minerd, 85th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. I
Leonard H. Rowan, 85th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. K


Nashville | Dec. 15-16, 1864 | Total Casualties: 9,061

David C. Parish, 59th Illinois Infantry, Co. F

Cedar Creek | Oct. 19, 1864 | Total Casualties: 8,674

William H. Shepard, 34th Ohio Infantry, Co. D
Alpheus Minerd, a.k.a. Alf Minard, 34th Ohio Infantry, Co. D
Capt. Israel B. Murdock, 2nd West Virginia Cavalry, Co. A
William Henry Alderman, 8th Ohio Infantry, Co. B
David J. Rowan, 14th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Co. F
Jonas Rowan, 14th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Co. F
Solomon Werts, 122nd Ohio Infantry, Co. D
Jordan Nesmith, 14th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Co. F
Adrian Johnson, 14th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Co. E


Opequon | Sept. 19, 1864 | Total Casualties: 8,630

William H. Shepard, 34th Ohio Infantry, Co. D
Alpheus Minerd, a.k.a. Alf Minard, 34th Ohio Infantry, Co. D


Franklin | Nov. 30, 1864 | Total Casualties: 8,578

• No M-M-M-M-M soldiers in this battle.



Copyright © 2019, 2021 Mark A. Miner
Sources for casualty numbers: TheGreatCoursesDaily.com, Wikipedia