Some 60 years after his grandparents migrated away from Somerset County, PA, and moved to Greene County in the southwestern-most tip of the state, Cleveland Farabee and his wife Jessie and their children returned for some good, old fashioned camping. This image was taken at Jones Mills, Somerset County, in 1921. It was snapped by Cleve, an amateur photographer, and shows from left to right: Hazel May (Farabee) Walker, Edna "Mildred" (Barnhart) Zollars, Jessie (Wendell) Farabee and Wilma Gene (Farabee) Newkirk. The Farabees were adventurous motorists and campers, as shown by old photo albums now preserved in digital format in the Minerd-Minard-Miner-Minor Archives. The images depict long automobile trips they made to Western States, including California, Nevada, Utah and Wyoming. While in Southern California, they spent time visiting Cleve's cousin and wife, William Allen and Osta (Cain) Miner. Other photographs in the album show snapshots from George Washington's home at Mt. Vernon, VA, and camping sites in Wilmington, DE (1922), and Summerfield and Hopwood, PA.
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