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Minnie (Cassel/Hall) Hyatt


Minnie Lee Hyatt
Courtesy Robert L. Hall Jr.

Minnie Lee (Cassel/Hall) Hyatt was born on about April 28, 1870 in or near Ohio Pyle, Fayette County, PA. The identify of her parents is unknown, though they both were natives of West Virginia and went by the surname "Cassel" or "Castle."

As a very young girl, Minnie was taken into the home of John K. and Lucinda (Minerd) Hall and raised there to adulthood as their adopted daughter.

When she was age 19, in about 1888, Minnie was joined in the bonds of holy wedlock with 24-year-old David "Ross" Hyatt (1864-1932), the son of Hiram and Abigail (Moon) Hyatt. They had grown up together as neighbors near Ohio Pyle. 

The Hyatts together produced seven known children -- John "Clyde" Hyatt, Hiram "Glenn" Hyatt, Richard "Christy" Hyatt, Robert L. Hyatt, Alonzo "Reid" Hyatt, Levina "Grace" Scarlett and Gladys Catherine Hall. Their son Clyde was raised to adulthood by Minnie's adoptive parents.

Sadly, the Halls outlived four of their offspring, Clyde, Robert, Glenn and Christy.

Minnie "was a licensed midwife for 45 years," said the Connellsville Daily Courier. They resided in Ohio Pyle, Fayette County, and were members of the Sugar Loaf Union Church. Ross was a member and officer of the Ohio Pyle lodge of the Odd Fellows.


Ohio Pyle House -- a prominent local landmark


Minnie and a birthday cake
Courtesy Robert L. Hall Jr.

When the federal census was taken in 1900, Minnie and Ross and their four eldest children lived in Stewart Township, Fayette County. Under their roof that year were Ross's brothers in law, Franklin J. Hyatt (age 13) and William H. Hyatt (age 24). Residing next door were Minnie's parents, adopted sister Annabelle Miller and son John "Clyde" Hyatt.  

The 1910 census shows the Hyatts making their home in Stewart Township, with Ross employed as a farmer, and son Hiram "Glenn" working as a laborer. Minnie's widowed mother, Lucinda Hall, age 59, also lived under their roof that year.

In 1920, the census shows Ross and Minnie residing as farmers near Ohio Pyle. Daughters Grace and Gladys were in the home that year. At about that time, Ross visited Dickerson Run, Fayette County, seeking to buy a farm. He returned home without success in March 1920, telling the Connellsville Daily Courier that several sellers offered him land, but that he turned them down, saying he "thought they were all in the profiteering business."

Minnie and daughter Gladys are known to have attended the Minerd-Miner family reunion, held in August 1924 at Confluence, Somerset County, PA. Said the Meyersdale Republican, "A very successful and pleasant reunion of the Minard family was held in what is known locally as Lincoln's grove, near the Western Maryland Railroad Station, August 9th. Eighty-two persons were present, most of them being members of the Minar [sic] family and their connections. The family is a numerous one in Western Pennsylvania, especially in Fayette, Somerset, Westmoreland and Huntingdon Counties." 

The following year, held in Confluence in 1925, Ross was named to the Minerd Reunion's executive committee, serving with Lawson Minerd (president), Joseph Ward Ream (secretary-treasurer) and Otis "Freed" Minerd, Dr. Lloyd L. Mountain, Daniel Martin Younkin and Joseph M. Luckey

Ross and Minnie moved into Ohio Pyle Borough during the 1920s, and are shown making their home there in the census of 1930. In 1930, Ross was a laborer on the state road, and Minnie listed as a midwife in the nursing field. 


Connellsville Daily Courier, 1932

Ross was stricken with prostate cancer for two years, and underwent surgery. He died at home at the age of 69 on Dec. 15, 1932, "following a lingering illness of more than five months duration, four of which he was bedfast," said the Courier. He was laid to rest in Sugar Loaf Cemetery.

At his death, he was survived by only three of his seven children -- Reid, Grace and Gladys -- as well as six grandchildren. His sisters Mrs. I.F. Woodmancy and Angelina Hyatt, and brothers Harrison Hyatt and Arthur Hyatt, all of Ohiopyle, also were living at the time. 

Minnie made a life as a widow for 17 years. When she celebrated her 67th birthday in April 1937, said the Courier, she "was given a chicken dinner... at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Scarlett. She was also presented with a birthday cake." Her grandsons Robert Lee Hall and Arthur Hall of Ohiopyle also attended. 

Minnie enjoyed traveling and often was mentioned in local newspapers for her voyages, "never too late to have a good time even if you are a grandmother," noted the Uniontown Morning Herald. She ventured to Detroit and Windsor, Canada in August 1935 to see her grandchildren and friends. While there, the Herald said, she saw "the noted Mt. Clemens sanitarium, the Shrine of the Little Flower at Royal Oaks,... made famous by the noted Father Coughlin, and many other places of interest. She also attended a gospel tabernacle and was with a group of singers whose singing was broadcast, so she can say she was 'on the air'."

In September 1937, the Courier reported that she and the Scarletts "motored" to Perryopolis, Fayette County, to see Minnie's uncle, B.F. Hall. She is known to have spent a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dean in Flatwoods, Fayette County, in October 1948. When grandson Robert Lee Hall obtained employment in Rockwood, Somerset County, PA, in the telegraph office of the Western Maryland Railroad, she spent a weekend at his home in February 1945. In April 1949, she went to Canton, Stark County, OH to visit her daughter and son, Grace Scarlett and A. Reid Hyatt, who had moved there some time before.


Scenes Minnie would have seen on her travels -- the Century of Progress in Chicago in 1934 (left) and the New York World's Fair in 1939. Below: with grandson Robert Lee Hall Sr. on his high school graduation day, 1943. Courtesy Robert L. Hall Jr.


Obituary, 1949

Perhaps the most ambitious of her travels was a November 1934 sojourn to Chicago for the Century of Progress Exposition, in company with her friends Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sprowl and Helen Leonard. Five years later, in September 1939, the intrepid Minnie and her friend Annie Daniels went to New York City to take in the World's Fair. 

In January 1939, Minnie and Grace Scarlett are known to have traveled to Greensburg, Westmoreland County for the funeral of "John Hyatt." Also attending were Mr. and Mrs. I.F. Woodmency and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Woodmency of Ohiopyle. This John Hyatt (1899-1939) is believed to have been a farmer and the son of John W. and Martha (Hyatt) Hyatt and the husband of Myrtle Silvis, and to have died at the age of 39 of chronic kidney problems, but his exact connection to Minnie's late husband is not yet known.

Talented with needle and thread, Minnie entered her quilts in the annual Mill Run Community Fair, sponsored by the Mill Run Grange. Her creations were on exhibit with other quilts, along with displays of live stock and live entertainment throughout the two-day event. In September 1940, her appliquéd quilt took second place in the "Fancywork" category. At that same year's fair, distant cousins Ada (Whipkey) Minerd won top honors for her bread and dahlia flowers, Gertrude (Bowers) Miner received second prize for her beans and Ida (Burkholder) Younkin took home awards for her flowers in the categories of Larkspur, large Marigolds and Verbenia.

Minnie died at the age of 80, at the home of her nephew Marion Hyatt in Uniontown, on Sept. 19, 1949. Following a brief funeral at the Ohiopyle Baptist Church, and a longer one at the Sugar Loaf Union Church, her remains were laid to rest in Sugar Loaf Cemetery, just across the road. At the time, she was survived by 11 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.


Sugar Loaf Cemetery


Sugarloaf Cemetery

~ Son Hiram "Glenn" Hyatt ~

Son Hiram "Glenn" Hyatt (1892-1917) was born on Nov. 3, 1892.

In young adulthood, he made his home on a farm in Stewart Township, Fayette County.

He never married.

In late 1916, he began to suffer from pulmonary tuberculosis. He was burdened with the illness for about a year until death came on Nov. 29, 1917, when he was 25 years of age. His remains were lowered into repose in Sugar Loaf Cemetery.


Sugarloaf Cemetery

~ Son Richard "Christy" Hyatt ~

Son Richard "Christy" Hyatt (1894-1915) was born on April 8, 1894.

He grew up on his parents' farm and, at the age of 21, earned a living as a farmer in Stewart Township, Fayette County.

Heartbreak enveloped his world in June 1915, when he began to suffer from pulmonary tuberculosis. For four months, he tried to recover, but was too far gone.

The Grim Reaper of Death cut him down on Oct. 25, 1915, at the age of 21 years, six months and 17 days. Burial was in Sugar Loaf Cemetery.

His untimely passing was part of a triggering of the deadly tuberculosis which also claimed his brothers Hiram "Glenn" and Robert in 1917 and sister Gladys Catherine in 1936.


Sugar Loaf Church between Ohiopyle and Confluence, PA

~ Son Robert L. Hyatt ~


Sugarloaf Cemetery

Son Robert L. Hyatt (1897-1917) was born in July 1897.

To earn a living, he worked as a laborer in Stewart Township at the age of 20. He never married.

Tragically, he contracted a serious case of pulmonary tuberculosis in early 1916.

He endured the illness for 18 months, but its grip was unyielding. He succumbed at the age of 20 on Aug. 22, 1917.

The Connellsville Courier of Aug. 24, 1917 reported that "Robert Hyatt who has been ill at his home for some time, died on Wednesday evening. Interment will be made in the Sugar Loaf cemetery." 

~ Son Alonzo "Reid" Hyatt ~

Son Alonzo "Reid" Hyatt (1900-1970) was born on March 10, 1900 at Ohiopyle.

He married Lulu Morrison ( ? - ? ).

They bore two daughters -- Bertha Hyatt and Gertrude Marshall. 

In September 1918, Reid registered for the military draft during World War I. On his card, the registrar noted that Reid had blue eyes and brown hair, and that he was employed as a farmer by his father. His mother was named as his "nearest relative."


Hoover Electric Sweeper Company in Canton. Below: Reid with sister Grace Scarlett on their mother's birthday. Courtesy Robert L. Hall Jr.


Circa 1932, the Hyatts resided in Jefferson, Greene County, PA. Later, Reid "managed Kroger and A. & P. Supermarkets in Uniontown and Connellsville," said the Daily Courier. In about 1945, he accepted an offer to join Hoover in Canton, Stark County, OH, and moved his family there.

Reid died in Canton at the age of 70 in late April or early May 1970. The funeral was held in Canton.

Lulu's fate is not yet known.


Dewey and Grace Scarlett
Courtesy Robert L. Hall Jr.

~ Daughter Grace (Hyatt) Scarlett ~

Daughter Levina "Grace" Hyatt (1904-1971) was born on July 15, 1903 in or around Ohiopyle, Fayette County.. 

She wed William "Dewey" Scarlett (May 22, 1903-1989), son of Edward and Sarah Margaret (Stark) of Stewart Township, Fayette County.

They bore a family of five children -- Della Jackson, Alonzo Dewey Scarlett, Betty Mae Scarlett, David R. Scarlett and James L. Scarlett.


Dewey was a coal miner, and circa 1928-1935 was employed at the Crucible mine in the Monongahela River valley of Greene County, PA.

In July 1935, he suffered an injury at work, to his abdomen, and returned home to Mill Run to recuperate.


Hickman Chapel and cemetery

The federal census enumeration of 1940 shows the Scarletts back in Ohiopyle, with Dewey employed as a coal miner.


Grace was active in the Hickman Chapel near Mill Run, and helped direct a Christmas program there in 1937 along with Mrs. Albert Stull.

The Scarletts lived in Bear Run near Ohio Pyle, on the Mill Run road. When their daughter Della reached her 16th birthday, in August 1940, a party was held at their residence, with about 75 guests. "The evening was spent in games," said the Courier, "after which lunch was served by Mrs. Scarlett, assisted by Miss. Margaret Scarlett and Mrs. Wendell Burnsworth. the honored guest was the recipient of many lovely gifts." Guests came from Dunbar, Maple Summit, Mill Run, Normalville and Ohiopyle.

Tragedy struck in September 1940 when 11-year-old daughter Betty Mae was killed by a "runaway" automobile while she was trying to save her five-year-old brother Alonzo from being crushed under its wheels. Reported the Courier:


Hickman Chapel Cemetery

The two children were playing in the road in front of their house when a car, which had been parked a short distance above, bore down on them. Seeing the impending accident, Betty reached for her brother, Lorenzo, and pushed him out of its patch. She, however, was unable to escape and was crushed under the right front wheel. The car went on down the road and stopped when it struck an embankment. The girl suffered internal injuries and shock, in addition to innumerable brush burns and bruises. She was taken to the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Minnie Hyatt of Ohiopyle, and a physician summoned. Because of the intensity of the shock and severity of her injuries, she was unable to be moved to a hospital. She lay in a coma all night and died at 7 o'clock this morning, never regaining consciousness.

Young Betty's broken remains were laid to rest in the Whig Corner Church Cemetery, also known as Hickman Chapel Cemetery.

By 1942, the family had moved back to the Mon Valley, where Dewey was employed in East Millsboro, Fayette County. The following year, they relocated to Youngstown, Mahoning County, OH, and then in 1945 migrated once again to North Canton, Stark County, OH, where they spent the remaining years of their lives.


Canton, Ohio

Said the Courier, of her years in the Ohio town, Grace "was a member of the Canton Baptist Temple, and was a Sunday school teacher for a number of years." Their home address was 9105 Cleveland Avenue Northwest.

While visiting in St. Petersburg, Pinellas County, FL in the winter of 1971, Grace became deathly ill and was admitted to the St. Petersburg Memorial Hospital. Sadly, she did not recover, and died there at the age of 67 on Feb. 27, 1971. Her remains were returned to Canton for interment in Forest Hill Cemetery.

Dewey outlived his wife by 18 years and remained in North Canton. Evidence suggests that he married a second time, in 1972, to Edna (McClure) Graham (Aug. 3, 1912-2010), a daughter of Oliver Bacon and Ivy Lee (Russell) McClure and the widow of William H. Graham (1907-1967).

He was mentioned as a surviving sibling in the December 1988 Somerset Daily American obituary of his brother Earl L. "Pinhead" Scarlett. The specter of death carried him away at the age of 86 on Oct. 23, 1989. Burial was beside his first wife in Forest Hill, with a red barre granite marker standing at the grave.

Dewey's second wife, Edna, survived for another 21 years. She succumbed to death at age 98 on Dec. 1, 2010. Her remains were lowered into repose beside her first husband in Smiths Chapel Cemetery in Morgan County, OH.

Daughter Della Scarlett (1924- ? ) was born in Aug. 1924. She married (?) Jackson ( ? - ? ). They dwelled in 1971 in Lorain, OH.


Timken Roller Bearing plant, where Alonzo and David Scarlett were employed

Son Alonzo Dewey Scarlett (1926-1987) was born on May 18, 1926. In young adulthood he was employed by Timken Roller Bearing Company of Canton, OH, as was his younger brother David. When he was about age 23, on June 29, 1950, he was united in wedlock with a distant step-cousin, Patricia Arlene Jackson (Aug. 13, 1930-2013), the daughter of R. Earl and Mabel (Younkin) Jackson of Farmington, Fayette County, of the family of John H. and Lucinda (Sweitzer) Younkin. It was one of many inter-marriages between the Minerd and Younkin clans over the years. The Scarletts' nuptials were held in the Chalk Hill Lutheran Church, led by Rev. Clinton F. Hildebrand, pastor of St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church. The Connellsville Daily Courier and Uniontown Morning Herald published stories about the wedding. The Morning Herald said that "Styled off the shoulder with yoke of illusion and self-covered buttons in the back to the waistline, the bridal gown was of white silk net, trimmed with rose point lace. The fingertip veil of matching lace which flowed from a coronet of seed pearls, was handmade and designed by a close friend of the bride, Mrs. E.B. Mirer, of Chalk Hill. Completing the picture the bride carried her confirmation Bible, covered with white roses and showered with streamers of baby breath. Traditional touches were the silk handkerchief carried by her paternal grandmother at her wedding, a lapel watch belonging to her maternal grandmother, and a two-cent coin in her slipper." The couple did not reproduce. They resided Navarre, OH for most if not all of their married lives. They are known to have returned to Uniontown in April 1973 for a 45th wedding anniversary dinner at Bratton's Restaurant honoring her parents. The couple were members of Fohl Memorial United Methodist Church of Navarre. Sadly, Alonzo passed away on Jan. 26, 1987. Burial was in Chalk Hill Lutheran Cemetery. The widowed Patricia remained in Navarre. She married again to Elden L. Surbey ( ? - ? ). He brought three daughters to the union from a previous marriage. At the age of 82, Patricia was a patient at Aultman Hospital in Canton where she died on July 11, 2013. Rev. David West officiated at her funeral service. The remains were transported to Fayette County where she sleeps for all time at the side of her first husband in Chalk Hill.

Son David R. Scarlett (1936- ? ) was born in 1936 and thought to be a twin with his brother James. After moving to North Canton, he graduated from Greentown High School and then served for four years in the U.S. Air Force, attaining the rank of staff sergeant. Following his military discharge, he obtained a job with Timken Roller Bearing in Canton. On Oct. 10, 1959, at the age of 23, he was joined in marital union with Shelba Jean Parnell ( ? - ? ), daughter of Donald Parnell of Cleveland. At the time of their marriage, she was employed with Weatherhead Company of Cleveland. David lived in Canton in 1971. News of their engagement was published in the Uniontown (PA) Morning Herald. They are believed to have been the parents of Hope Renee Scarlett.

Son James L. Scarlett (1936- ? ) was born in 1936 and thought to be a twin with his brother David. James established a home in Canal Fulton, OH.

~ Daughter Gladys Catherine (Hyatt) Hall ~


Gladys and Elmer Hall
Courtesy Robert L. Hall Jr.

Daughter Gladys Catherine Hyatt (1907-1936) was born on Feb. 17 or 21, 1907 at Sugar Loaf near Ohiopyle, Fayette County. 

In 1926, when she was about age 19, Gladys married 27-year-old Elmer Schaner Hall (Oct. 30/31, 1898-1969), the son of Harbaugh and Sophia (Burnsworth) Hall of Whig Corner near Mill Run, Fayette County. Elmer was tall and slender in build, with brown hair and brown eyes.

The Halls lived in Ohiopyle and bore a family of four children -- Robert Lee Hall Sr., Virginia "Ruth" Ravenscroft, Clarence "Arthur" Hall and an unnamed son who died in infancy.

When he was 19 years of age, in September 1918, Elmer was required to register for the military draft during World War I. He disclosed in his paperwork that he resided at Ohiopyle and was employed as a coal miner by United Fuel Company at Bear Run, near Mill Run, and that his mother was his nearest relative.

The United States Census of 1930 shows the Halls making a home next door to Gladys' parents in Ohiopyle. Elmer was employed that year as a laborer on the state road.

Anxiety and grief cascaded over the family when Gladys was stricken circa 1935 with an incurable case of pulmonary tuberculosis which spread to her intestinal tract. After nearly a year of suffering, she was admitted to the Mont Alto Sanitarium in South Mountain, Franklin County, PA in 1936, some 140 miles from their home. After two months and 15 days of treatment, she died there on Nov. 16, 1936, at the age of 28. An obituary in the Uniontown Morning Herald reported that the cause of death was "a protracted illness of complications" and added that "Notified of the seriousness of her condition her mother, Mrs. Minnie Hyatt and Mr. Hall hurried to her bedside but she had passed away before their arrival."


Mont Alto Sanitarium campus, where Gladys Hall passed away in 1936


Hickman Chapel Cemetery

Her body was returned home for the funeral, which included a brief prayer service at their home and a full service at the Indian Creek Baptist Church, led by Rev. F.S. Wortman. The church's choir performed sacred musical selections. Burial was in the Whig Corner Baptist Church Cemetery, also known as Hickman Chapel Cemetery.

The Whig Corner church had been constructed in 1901 on land formerly owned by Peter Tissue and M.C. Skinner and was named in memory of Rev. William H. Hickman, who had led the nearby Indian Creek Baptist Church for five years, from 1846 to 1851.

Elmer outlived his wife by 33 years. When the federal census enumeration was made in 1940, he and the children continued to make their home with his widowed mother-in-law in Ohiopyle, and his occupation was listed as "road laborer."

He died at the age of 70 on July 30, 1969, as a patient in Connellsville State Hospital. Obituaries were printed in the Meyersdale (PA) Republican and Somerset Daily American. Rev. Randolph Keefe preached the funeral service.

Rejoined in death after a separation of 33 years, the couple rests together for eternity at Hickman Chapel.

Due to dwindling attendance and membership, worship services were discontinued at the chapel in the early 1980s. In 2017, the property was deeded to the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy "to ensure its long-term preservation as part of the region's rural landscape, and pastoral and agrarian heritage."


Robert Lee Hall Sr., Rome Colosseum, 1945
Courtesy Robert L. Hall Jr.

Son Robert Lee Hall Sr. (1927-1996) was born March 5, 1927 in Ohiopyle, Fayette County. He was valedictorian of his 1943 graduating class of Ohiopyle High School. On his 21st birthday, March 5, 1948, he was united in holy matrimony with 19-year-old Eva "Jean" Kinzey (Dec. 20, 1927-2017), daughter of Clarence and Margaret (Welch) Kinzey, and a native of Saxton, Bedford County, PA who graduated from high school in Friendsville, MD. Their nuptials were officiated by Rev. H.L. Davis at the Harbor of Light Chapel in nearby Uniontown, Fayette County. The Halls produced a family of four, all of whom were raised in Cumberland, Allegany County, MD -- Victoria Kathleen Hall, Robert Lee Hall Jr., Margaret Christine Ansel and Terry Alan Hall. After initially working at the Hoover Sweeper Company in Canton, OH (a position likely secured by his uncle Alonzo "Reid" Hyatt) and then as a telegrapher with the Western Maryland Railway in Confluence, Somerset County, Robert was drafted into the U.S. Army in March 1945. He served in the European theater during World War II and was preparing for the invasion of Japan when the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, negating the invasion and leading to surrender. He continued to serve with the occupation troops in Europe until honorably discharged in October of 1946 with the rank of sergeant. At one point he visited Rome and was photographed inside the walls of the ancient Colosseum. He returned to his job on the Western Maryland in Confluence until accepting a transfer to Cumberland, where he was promoted to dispatcher in 1950. He continued to work and live in Cumberland, retiring with the Chessie System Railroad, successor to the Western Maryland, with a grand total of 44 years of service. He retired with the position of assistant superintendent of coal operation after moving to Baltimore for a short period. Robert was a lifetime member of the American Legion where he served as chaplain for many years. He was active in local Baptist churches serving as deacon, treasurer, Sunday School Teacher and other positions in the church and Maryland Baptist Association. He also served as lay preacher when needed in the greater Cumberland area. Jean served as a Sunday School teacher and secretary at Grace Baptist Church as well as singing in the choir. At the age of 69, he was carried away by the Angel of Death July 1, 1996, in Cumberland. Jean outlived her husband by more than two decades. Her final years were spent in the LaVale community. She endured the untimely death of her son in law Donald Ansel in January 2017. As her health declined, she was admitted to Western Maryland Regional Medical Center, where she passed into eternity on March 19, 2017. Rev. Kenny Heath officiated at the funeral service, with interment following in Restlawn Memorial Gardens. In a Cumberland Times-News obituary, the family asked that any memorial donations be made to the Wilmer Eye Institute.


Above: just married, Robert and Eva "Jean" Hall Sr., 1948. Below: the couple on the overlook of Ohiopyle Falls. Courtesy Robert L. Hall Jr.

  • Granddaughter Victoria "Kathleen" Hall ( ? -living) wedded Michael Hartman.
  • Grandson Robert Lee Hall Jr. ( ? -living) was united in matrimony with Joanne. They reside in Butler, Butler County, PA. Robert graciously has contributed content and photographs for this biography.
  • Granddaughter Margaret Christine Hall ( ? -living) married Donald Lee Ansel (Jan. 29, 1950-2017), the son of John Wayne and Georgia Marie (Pickard) Ansel. They are believed to have borne a son, William "Billy" Ansel. The family resided in LaVale near Cumberland, Allegany County, MD and belonged to Grace Baptist Church. Donald was employed for many years as a carman with CSX Railroad. In his spare time, he enjoyed watching pro football and NASCAR races on television. Sadly, Donald passed away at home at the age of 66 on Jan. 19, 2017. The Cumberland Times News printed an obituary.
  • Grandson Terry Alan Hall ( ? -living)


Skyline of Cumberland, Maryland

Daughter Virginia "Ruth" Hall (1929-2019) was born on June 15, 1929 in Ohiopyle. She was united in holy matrimony with Marcellus C. "Sam" Ravenscroft ( ? - ? ). They made their home in Ohiopyle where they raised their three sons -- Marke Ravenscroft, Steven Ravenscroft and Kevin Ravenscroft. Sadly, a fourth son Charles died in infancy. Ruth was secretary/treasurer for the Falls City Baptist Church and the longtime treasurer of the Ohiopyle Grange and Uniontown chapter of the Order of Eastern Star. For more than four decades, she served the public as a member of Ohiopyle Borough Council and was on the board of directors of the Ohiopyle-Stewart Volunteer Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary and Ohiopyle-Stewart Community Center. In the mid-1990s, she communicated with the founder of this website in sharing family information. While a patient at Laurel Ridge Center, Uniontown, at the age of 90, on Aug. 1, 2019, Ruth was carried away by the Angel of Death. Obituaries were printed in the Uniontown Herald-Standard and Somerset Daily American. Burial was in Johnson Chapel Cemetery.

  • Grandson Marke Ravenscroft married Kathryn. The pair has dwelled in San Diego and Santee, CA.
  • Grandson Steven D. Ravenscroft (1950-2023) was born two days after Christmas in Confluence. He was a 1969 graduate of Uniontown Area Senior High School. He went on to study at the Fayette County Area Technical School, receiving a certificate in machine drafting and design, and at the Fayette Institute of Commerce and Technology. Steven went on to serve in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War as a member of the 28th Infantry Division. Said an obituary, "He retired from Newport News Ship Building Propulsion and Engineering. He was a member of Falls City Baptist Church in Ohiopyle and a former member of the Ohiopyle Vol. Fire Dept. He was once an avid hunter and fisherman and enjoyed whitewater rafting on the Youghiogheny River." Steven entered into marriage with Linda J. Harris (April 25, 1951-2010), a native of Farmington and the daughter of Charles H. and Katherine Harris. The couple moved to Newport News, VA and did not reproduce. Linda earned a living for six years as a certified nursing assistant with Williamsburg Landing Retirement Community. She held a membership in the Reformation Lutheran Church. Steven and Linda eventually divorced but remained on best-friend terms. Linda remained in Newport News. Sadly, at the age of 59, she died in Riverside Regional Medical Center on Aug. 27, 2010. Her cremains were placed in Newport News' Peninsula Memorial Park, with an obituary published in the Daily Press. Steven subsequently resided in Confluence, Somerset County and in nearby Ohiopyle. At the age of 72, in Uniontown, he died on Sept. 5, 2023. The remains were lowered into eternal repose in Johnson Chapel Cemetery. The Uniontown Herald-Standard printed an obituary.
  • Grandson Kevin Ravenscroft makes his home in Ohiopyle.

Son Clarence "Arthur" Hall (1932-1976) was born on May 9, 1932 in Ohiopyle. He married Mildred ( ? - ? ), and they resided in Alexandria, VA and Cumberland, Allegany County, MD. Clarence was employed as a warrant officer for the U.S. Coast Guard, and was manager of Microdyne Electronics of Cumberland. He belonged to the Mt. Vernon Arch of the Old Dominion Knights Templar and the Henry Know Field Lodge of Alexandria. He died in Cumberland at the age of 43 on March 16, 1976, with his obituary published in the Courier. Following funeral services at the Humbert Funeral Home in Confluence, he was buried at Johnson Chapel Cemetery.


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