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Eliza Jane (Miner) Mathany


Eliza Jane (Miner) Mathany was born on June 10, 1849 in Unity Township near East Palestine, Columbiana County, OH, one of 15 children of Jacob and Julianna (Forney) Miner. She was born with the name "Minerd," but it was shortened in her lifetime to "Miner" or "Minor." Her husband was a veteran of the Civil War.


Warren Daily Tribune, 1920

As a young woman, Eliza "came to reside in Trumbull county" in about 1870, said the Warren (OH) Daily Tribune. She "spent forty-five years on a farm owned by them at Hardscrabble. She was a devoted Christian woman, an exemplary wife and mother…"

On July 3, 1867, at the age of 18, Eliza married 25-year-old Civil War veteran James A. Mathany (1842-1929), a native of Liberty, OH. The ceremony was performed by Russell M. Warren, a minister of the gospel. Their name also has been spelled "Mahany."

They became the parents of three daughters: Ida Spitler, Gertrude Drennan and Nellie Clark Williamson.

During the Civil War, said the Warren Tribune Chronicle, James served for "three years and 11 months ... with the Trumbull Guard." Little is known of the unit, other than it was organized at Gallipolis, OH in November 1862 for the purpose of providing a "River Guard." The unit lost six enlisted men by disease during the war, and mustered out July 1, 1865, without having seen any service. Its brief history is chronicled in the book The Military History of Ohio by Hiram H. Hardesty.

Later in life, James was a member of the Bell-Harmon Post of the Grand Army of the Republic, a lobbying organization for veterans. However, unlike most Civil War veterans who lived to old age, he apparently never was able to receive a government pension for his service. A search in 2003 at the National Archives in Washington, DC failed to find his name among comprehensive lists of veterans receiving pension benefits. This will be researched further.

The Mathanys resided for many years in Leavittsburg and then Champion, Trumbull County. When the federal census was taken in 1870, James and Eliza had not yet had any children, and his brother Thomas H. resided in their home. 


The 1880 census shows the family living in Champion as next-door neighbors to Eliza's uncle and aunt, Joseph and Elizabeth (Forney) Miner, and cousins Cornelius Miner and Ellen Miner [Eliza Ella Guessman]. They all were farmers.

Warren's Market Street looking east, 1920s 

In 1897, at the time her late mother’s estate was being divided among heirs, Eliza was listed in the official papers, and received $6.56 in cash as her share of the estate.

The 1910 federal census shows the family living in Champion, with their married daughter and family under their roof, and married cousin Ella Guessman living next door.

Warren Daily Tribune, 1929

At some point, in about 1917, the Mathanys retired from farming and moved to Warren, residing at 32 Austin Avenue. They were members of the Second Christian Church in Warren.

Eliza accidentally fell down stairs in May 1920, at the age of 71, and broke her femur. She never recovered, and passed away in Warren at age 71 on Aug. 12, 1920. The "announcement of her death brings sorrow to a large circle of friends in Warren and vicinity," said the Daily Tribune.  Her remains were "placed in a crypt in the Western Reserve Mausoleum in Oaklawn." At her death, she had six grandchildren and one great grandchild.


James outlived Eliza by nine years. In the period between her and his deaths, five great-grandchildren were born.

In 1924, he apparently served as a pallbearer at the funeral in Warren of Eliza’s cousin-in-law, Mary Elizabeth (Ward) Miner, widow of Cornelius Miner. This is further evidence of a connection between these two major branches of the family.

James was "in failing health for ... for years," said the Tribune Chronicle, prior to his death at age 87 on Aug. 13, 1929. "During most of that time he was bedfast." Death resulted from hardening of the arteries and a stomach ulcer. He was buried with Eliza at Oaklawn in Warren. "The pallbearers were Sherman Drennen, Ernest Williamson, Hallie Drenne, Ira Spitler, Mark Henderson, and Delbert McFarland."

~ Daughter Ida Mae (Mathany) Spitler ~

Daughter Ida Mae Mathany (1870-1935) was born in June 1870. 

Circa 1892, when she was about 21 years of age, Ida married Willard Leroy Spitler (Feb. 14, 1862-1917), a native of Lenox, Ashtabula County, OH, and the son of Noah and Esther Ann (Sherman) Spitler.


Obituary, 1935

They resided together in Meadville, PA and then in about 1909 relocated to Warren. Their addresses in town included 948 Buckeye Street and later 509 Buckeye. 

Willard was employed as a house painter in 1900, a painter in a car works in 1910 and in the mid-1910s by a railroad.

Two children born to the couple were Bessie Gladys Watters Moler Brown and Ira Spitler.

They belonged to the Second Christian Church, and Willard held a membership in the local lodges of the Masons and Eastern Star.

Warren Daily Tribune, 1917
Warren-Trumbull County Public Library
The Warren Daily Tribune once said that Willard "had a genial disposition and by his kind manner made friends everywhere. For a number of years he was custodian of the Masonic Temple here." 

Willard contracted "empyema," an infection of the cavity surrounding the lungs. After then developing pneumonia, he died at the age of 55 on Aug. 9, 1917. His funeral services were held in the Spitler residence, jointly conducted by Rev. F.W. Brown and Rev. J.H. Butler. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery, with an obituary appearing in the Daily Tribune.

Ida outlived her husband by 18 years. Sadly, she suffered from cancer of the stomach, and passed away at age 65 on Nov. 13, 1935. She was laid to rest at Oakwood Cemetery in Warren.

Daughter Bessie Gladys "Bess" Spitler (1894-1967) was born on March 13, 1895 or July 13, 1894/1895. (Records differ.) She appears to have been married thrice. At the age of 18, on May 1, 1913, she entered into marriage with her first spouse, 26-year-old Howard James Watters (April 27, 1888-1918), son of James and Ida Rosella (Hall) Watters of Fowler, OH. The nuptials were led by Rev. Frank W. Brown, pastor of the Second Christian Church of Warren. Howard earned a living as a laborer in a furniture works and then secured a position as a distribution clerk at Trumbull Steel. The couple's address was 511 Parkman in Warren. One daughter born to this couple was Geraldine Sikaras. Sadly, after just five years of marriage, Howard contracted influenza and pneumonia and at the age of 30 died on Nov. 29, 1918. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery. Now widowed, Bessie roomed in 1920 in the home of Ray and Anne Garrad in Warren and earned a living as a lamp worker at Mazda Lamp Company, while her young daughter was taken in by Bessie's married aunt and uncle, Sherman and Gertrude Drennen. Then on Oct. 24, 1922, at the age of 27, she wed a second time to John R. Moler (Jan. 19, 1883- ? ), a native of Florida, IN, and the son of Berry and Emily (Barnes) Moler. Rev. W.O. Hawkins officiated. At the time, Bessie was a clerk living in Mahoning County, OH, and John a divorced tin worker residing in Warren. The marriage dissolved in divorce within a few years. By 1930, U.S. Census records show her as a live-in servant for Albert Eckle and his daughter Leah in Warren. In time she wed her third husband, Cannon Cleveland Brown (Nov. 11, 1886-1961), son of Benjamin and Sarah (Sharpe) Brown. Circa 1935-1961, the Browns were in Anderson, IN. Cannon was required to register for the military draft during World War II and disclosed that he worked for himself in a garage-paint shop. Their address in 1961 was 2203 Broadway. Sadly, on Feb. 26, 1971, the 74-year-old Cannon suffered a heart attack while shoveling snow and passed away in St. Johns Hospital. An obituary in the Anderson Herald said that he had "spent most of his life at Anderson. In semi-retirement, he owned the Brown Saw Shop, North Anderson. He was a member of the Eagles Lodge and the VFW." His funeral was led by Rev. Melvin R. Phillips of the First Baptist Church, with burial in Anderson Memorial Park Cemetery. Bessie outlived him by six years. She died in 1967.

Melvin's WWII grave, Epinal American Cemetery, France
Courtesy "Andy" - Find-a-Grave
  • Granddaughter Geraldine Ida Watters (1914-1972) was born on Nov. 11, 1914 in Warren. She was four years old when her father died and was taken in by her mother's married aunt and uncle in Warren, Gertrude and Sherman Drennen. Geraldine is shown in the Drennen household in the 1920 U.S. Census count. Then by the time she was 15, circa 1930, she was residing with her widowed grandmother Ida Spitler, also in Warren. On Feb. 28, 1934, now age 19, Geraldine first married 28-year-old machinist Melvin David Shaffer (Dec. 11, 1905-1944). He was a native of Monroe Township, Allen County, IN, but at the time living in Warren, and was the son of Clyde W. and Grace (Newhart) Shaffer. Their wedding was conducted in Trumbull County by Rev. J.W. Semran of the United Brethren Church. Melvin stood 5 feet, 9 inches tall and weighed 175 lbs. When the federal census enumeration was made in 1940, the couple dwelled on a farm along Flat Rock Road in Allen County, soonafter moving to Warren at the address of 2107 North Park Avenue. He joined the U.S. Army during World War II and was deployed to Europe, assigned to the 722nd Railway Operating Battalion. Tragically, in circumstances not yet known, he lost his life at the age of 38 on Dec. 7, 1944. His remains were lowered into rest in the sacred soil of Epinal American Cemetery in France. Later she tied the marital cord with Greek immigrant Charles George Sikaras (1895-1960). He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War I. When the federal census enumeration was made in 1950, the couple resided in Warren, with him working as proprietor of candy stores. He died at the age of 65, of a heart attack at home, on Aug. 10, 1960. An obituary in the Marion (OH) Star, datelined Warren, said he had "pioneered candy making here... He had operated the Duchess Chocolate Co. for the last 41 years." She died on June 9, 1972 and sleeps for all time in Oakwood Cemetery in Warren.

Warren Tribune Chronicle, 1968
Warren-Trumbull County Public Library
Son Ira Leroy Spitler (1907-1968) was born on Aug. 31, 1907 in Warren, OH. On Aug. 22, 1932, he was joined in wedlock with Mary "Virginia" Totterdale ( ? - ? ), a West Virginia native. The pair's one known son was Kent T. Spitler. Circa 1940, their address was 948 Buckeye Street Northwest in Warren, with Ira working at Republic Steel Corporation. Then after the outbreak of World War II, he joined the U.S. Army and held the rank of sergeant in an infantry regiment. When the federal census enumeration was made in 1950, the Spitlers continued to dwell in Warren, with Ira employed as a mill recorder in a steel factory. He eventually retired from his position as foreman of the blooming mill after a 40-plus year career with Republic Steel. He held memberships in the Clarence Hyde post of the American Legion and the Republic Steel Foremen's Club. Their final address was 948 Buckeye Northwest. Ira died in Warren's Trumbull Memorial Hospital at the age of 61 on Oct. 17, 1968. Burial of the remains was in Crown Hill Burial Park in Vienna, OH. His obituary appeared in the Warren Tribune Chronicle.

  • Grandson Kent T. Spitler (1947- ? ) was born in about 1947. Circa 1968, he was a student at Kent State University.

~ Daughter Gertrude (Mathany) Drennen ~

Daughter Gertrude Mathany (1877-1959) was born in about 1877.

She dwelled in young womanhood in Champion, Trumbull County.

On the Fourth of July 1895, when she was age 18, she married Sherman Drennen (or Drennan) (Oct. 13, 1868/1870/1874-1962), son of Maxwell and Mary (Calhoun) Drennen. They remained together for an extraordinary 64 years.

Warren Tribune Chronicle, 1962
Warren-Trumbull County Public Library
Together, the pair bore two known offspring, Hallie Lynn Drennen and Alta Jane MacFarland. 

United States Census records for 1910-1950 show the family at 429 Hunter Street in Warren, with Sherman earning a living in 1910 as a foundry moulder, in 1920 as a laborer in a gas works and in 1930 as a stroker for a gas company. In 1920, they also made a home for five-year-old grand-niece Geraldine Watters and also kept lodgers in 1930 and 1940. Sherman had no occupation in 1940 and worked as a janitor in a wire steel factory in 1950. He eventually joined the workforce of Packard Electric Division of General Motors from which he retired in 1952.

The family belonged to the 2nd Christian Church. 

Sadly, Gertrude passed away at home on Christmas Eve 1959. An obituary in the Warren Tribune Chronicle called her a "member of one of the pioneer families in Warren" and said she had been "active in the community."

Sherman survived his wife by three years. During that time he endured the death of their son and in the final year of his life suffered from a life-threatening illness. His final address was 944 Hunter Northwest.

Death carried Sherman away at the age of 91 on April 27, 1962 as a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery. An obituary was printed in the Warren Tribune Chronicle.

Warren Tribune Chronicle, 1960
Warren-Trumbull County Public Library
Son Hallie Lynn Drennen (1900-1960) was born on Sept. 27/29, 1900 in Champion, Trumbull County. On May 2, 1933, in Niagara County, NY, he married his first wife, 22-year-old Corene M. Brown ( ? - ? ), a resident of LaSalle, Niagara County, NY.  The nuptials were led by Rev. George Frederick Hoyer. The two eventually divorced. When the federal census enumeration was made in 1920, Hallie lived at home and earned a living as a timekeeper in a Warren steel mill. He logged 35 years in the employ of Republic Steel, eventually finishing his career as a blooming mill foreman. At the age of 24, he lived at 429 Hunter Street in Warren and worked as a recorder, likely at the mill. That year, on June 27, 1925, he wed 21-year-old Nettie Ellen Martin (Dec. 2, 1903- ? ), daughter of Emery Taylor and Emma (McClelland) Martin of Warren and a native of Morgantown, WV. Officiating was Rev. L.B. Broderick. They remained together over the thick and thin of 35 years until the separation of death. Their only child was Gloria Jackson. The couple made a home at 944 Hunter Street Northwest in Warren. Hallie was required to register for the military draft during World War II. When Hallie and his wife were in Pittsburgh's Etna neighborhood in October 1949, visiting Mr. and Mrs. David Snyder, they were injured when their vehicle struck a pole at Butler and Isabella Streets. The pair was treated in St. Francis Hospital, and the accident was reported in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Hallie eventually retired as blooming mill foreman at Republic Steel. They belonged to the First Baptist Church. The pair's final address together was 368 Marwood Drive Southeast. At the age of 59, Hallie passed away in St. Joseph's Hospital on June 27, 1960, after a seven-week stay, and on the day of their 35th wedding anniversary. Interment of the remains was in Pineview Memorial Park, Warren, with Rev. Charles French leading the services. An obituary in the Warren Tribune Chronicle said he "was a life long resident of Trumbull County. He had been stricken with cancer a years ago and had been in the hospital for seven weeks."

  • Granddaughter Gloria Gertrude Drennen (1926-2015) was born on Oct. 28, 1926 in Warren. She was a majorette at Warren G. Harding High School and a member of the Class of 1945. On Oct. 11, 1947, when she was 20 years of age, she was united in matrimony with Darl Jackson ( ? -2012). Their marital union endured for an extraordinary 64 years. Two offspring born to the pair were Darlyn Gardiner and Channing Jackson. The Jacksons dwelled in Warren. Gloria worked for three years in the mail room of Copperweld Steel. The family held a membership in the Central Christian Church. Said the Warren Tribune Chronicle, Gloria "enjoyed dancing and attended Bess Newton Brown Dancing and ran her own dancing studio. She was a member of Dance Masters of America, Mothers of Today and Children’s Conservation League. Gloria was a dance instructor, enjoyed bowling, card club, traveling and shopping." Sadly, Darl died on Sept. 7, 2012. The widowed Gloria outlived him by three years and two days. She passed away in Trumbull Memorial Hospital at age 88 on Sept. 9, 2015.

    Great-granddaughter Darlyn Jackson married Jeff Gardiner and has lived in Warren. 

    Great-grandson Channing Jackson wed Cynthia. Their home in 2015 was in Warren. 

Warren Tribune Chronicle obituaries - Warren-Trumbull County Public Library

Daughter Alta Jane Drennen (1902-1999) was born on April 11, 1902. She worked as a stenographer in an electric works in 1920 at the age of 17 and was a graduate of Warren Business College. When she was 23 years of age, on July 6, 1926, she entered into marriage with 22-year-old Delbert Edgar MacFarland (July 13, 1903-1987), of 419 Bank Street in Warren and the son of John J. and Mabel Mary (Logie) MacFarland. The ceremony was held in Warren, led by Christ Episcopal Church pastor Rev. Rudolph Shultz. At one time Delbert had been employed by A.C. Spark Plug in Flint, MI. The MacFarlands did not reproduce and are known to have remained in Warren for good. Circa 1930, when the United States Census was made, Delbert was an engineer in a steel mill. His occupation in 1940 was as a steel mill foreman and in 1950 in mechanical drafting for Packard Electric, an automotive cable manufacturing company. In all, Delbert spent 33 years with Packard, retiring in 1966. He also made a living as a deputy sheriff for the County of Trumbull. Alta earned income through her work in the dietary department of Trumbull Memorial Hospital, retiring in 1971. They were members of Emmanuel Lutheran Church and, in her free time, Alta enjoyed flower gardening, while Delbert was active with the Boy Scouts and the Carroll F. Clapp lodge of the Masons. At the age of 83, Delbert died in Trumbull Memorial Hospital on April 23, 1987. The Warren Tribune Chronicle carried an obituary. Alta survived for another 11-plus years. Sadly, in Forum Health Trumbull Memorial Hospital, the angel of death carried her away on Jan. 2, 1999. They sleep for all time in Oakwood Cemetery, Warren.

~ Daughter Nellie Alice (Mathany) Clark Williamson ~

Daughter Nellie Alice Mathany (1881-1960) was born on Nov. 16, 1881 in Champion, Trumbull County.

She was married twice. On Oct. 1, 1901, she entered into marriage with her first spouse, 23-year-old farmer William Clark (May 15, 1878-1933), son of John and Martha Clark of Warren. Rev. Howard H. Scott officiated.

The first marriage resulted in a daughter, Hazel May Henderson. 

When the 1910 federal census enumeration was made, the Clarks dwelled with Nellie's parents in Champion. At that time, William helped his father-in-law with farm chores. The pair eventually divorced.

Warren Tribune Chronicle, 1939
Warren-Trumbull County Public Library
Then on Sept. 5, 1916, at the age of 36, she married 37-year-old teamster Ernest Burr Williamson (March 27, 1874/1879-1939), the son of Peter and Thankful (Burr) Williamson of Painesville, OH. The marriage was performed by the hand of Rev. Frank W. Brown of Warren's Second Christian Church. 

Ernest also was divorced from his first wife, Mabel Callam (July 11, 1882- ? ), daughter of William and Ruth (Keyes) Callam. He thus brought two stepchildren into the combined family, Viola Grace Hughey and Lawrence L. Williamson.

Two children born to Nellie and Ernest were Irene Jane Flask and Robert Leroy Williamson.

The Williamsons resided in Warren in 1920-1930, with Ernest earning income in 1920 as a wagon driver for a coal company and in 1930 as a general teamster. They later relocated to near Lordstown, Trumbull County circa 1935, where they were farmers.  Their final address together was at 436 Kenilworth Northeast.

Warren Tribune Chronicle, 1960
Warren-Trumbull County Public Library
At age 64, while at the residence of John White in Lordstown Township, Ernest suffered a heart seizure and died on March 17, 1939. He was buried at Western Reserve Mausoleum, with Rev. W.L. Burner presiding. Pallbearers were Sherman Drennen, Hallie Drennen, Delbert MacFarland, Walter Matheny, Robert Tillitt and Paul Biatide. An obituary in the Warren Tribune Chronicle said he "had lived in Warren for 30 years. He worked as a teamster and laborer."

Nellie lived on for another two-plus decades, remaining in their longtime Kenilworth Avenue residence. She suffered a stroke in about March 1959 and lingered for 14 months. The angel of death mercifully spirited her away on May 24, 1960, at the age of 79. The remains were placed into eternal repose at Western Reserve Cemetery. In an obituary, the Warren Tribune Chronicle said she was "a lifelong resident of Trumbull County..." She was survived by a dozen grandchildren and a baker's dozen great-grandchildren.

Daughter Hazel May Clark (1902-1967) was born on May 12, 1902. She married Mark Henderson (March 9, 1900-1967). Together, the pair bore seven children -- Marjorie Grace Crawford, Peggy A. Welch, Marian Louise Scheich, William Roger Henderson, Richard Henderson, Robert Henderson and Janet Henderson. They belonged to the Second Christian Church in Warren. The family relocated to the Detroit suburb of Monroe, MI in the 1930s and stayed for good. In 1939, Hazel was named in her stepfather's newspaper obituary. Census records for 1940 show Mark employed in a Monroe-area steel mill. Sadly, the couple died just three-and-a-half months apart. Mark passed first, on Aug. 2, 1967. Hazel became a patient in Monroe General Hospital and died at the age of 65 on Nov. 16, 1967. Burial of the remains was in Roselawn Memorial Park in LaSalle, MI. An obituary in her old hometown newspaper, the Warren Tribune Chronicle, said that the headcount of her survivors was 11 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. 

  • Granddaughter Marjorie Grace Henderson (1921-2006) was born on May 6, 1921 in Warren. At the age of 26, in Sept. 1947, she entered into marriage with Raymond Crawford ( ? - ? ). He was widowed from his first marriage. The Crawfords did not reproduce. They put down roots in Monroe, MI. Marjorie worked for two decades for Tiedkes Department Store in Toledo and also for Saveway Grocery, also in Toledo. She retired in 1988 at the age of 67. Sadly, stricken with cancer, Marjorie died at the age of 85 on July 12, 2006. Her remains were interred in Roselawn Memorial Park in LaSalle, with an obituary appearing in the Toledo (OH) Blade.
  • Granddaughter Peggy A. Henderson (1925-2019) was born on May 28, 1925 in Warren. She was age seven when the family relocated to Monroe, MI. On July 21, 1943, when she was age 18, Peggy wed Carl Welch Jr. ( ? -1977). They remained together for 33 years until cleaved apart by death. Their only son was Carl Welch III. Sadly, Carl Jr. died in March 1977. Peggy outlived him by more than four decades and remained in Monroe. For a dlecade, she earned a living as a clerk for Independent Dairy. She also generated income as a custodian at First Presbyterian Church, Monroe. Her final employment, for a baker's dozen years, was with Ford Motor Company. She retired in 1990. Peggy belonged to Monroe Missionary Baptist Church and liked to raise flowers. Peggy passed away at the age of 92, as a resident of Fountainview of Monroe, on March 3, 2019. Rev. Ray Southerland, of the family church, preached the funeral sermon. Burial followed in Roselawn Memorial Park.

    Great-grandson Carl Welch III ( ? - ? ) was married and the father of five -- Kevin Welch, Craig Welch, Chris Welch, Courtney Welch and Kasey Welch. Sadly, he was deceased by 2019.

  • Granddaughter Marian Louise Henderson (1926-2015) was born on March 28, 1926 in Warren. She moved as a girl to Michigan and was an alumna of Monroe High School. She then attended a business school in nearby Toledo, OH, learning accounting skills. When she was 22 years of age, on Oct. 8, 1949, she married Gerald J. Scheich (1923-1986). Their nuptials were held in Monroe's First Presbyterian Church. They produced three children -- Linda Beeler, Laurie Scheich and Larry Scheich. The couple later divorced but stayed on good terms. Sadly, Gerald died in 1986. Marian survived him by nearly three decades and supported herself as an accountant. Among her employers were several automobile dealderships as well as Elliott's, Monroe Bridal Aisle, Mack's Body Shop, Independent Dairy and Arrow Concrete Cutting. She also gave of her time as treasurer for Damascus House. For seven decades, she was a member of the church in which she was married, serving as treasurer of the congregation as well as a deacon, elder and trustee  Marian was a longtime fan of the Green Bay Packers football team. In 2013, she relocated to Green Bay to reside near her son. She passed away in Green Bay just five days before her 89th birthday on March 23, 2015. Her pastor, Rev. Jessica Myers, led the funeral followed by interment of the remains in Roselawn Memorial Park.  

    Great-granddaughter Linda Scheich ( ? - ? ) was born in (?). On Sept. 6, 1975, she entered into marriage with Gary J. Beeler (July 13, 1952-2007), son of James R. and Ruby Alene (Jefferson) Beeler of Monroe and Sweetwater, TN. Their two daughters were Jennifer L. Beeler and Jamie L. Beeler. Gary was a 1970 graduate of Jefferson High School then secured an associates degree in computer programming at Monroe County Community College. He was employed by Union Camp as a press operator, Monroe County Intermediate School District as a computer operator and for transportation companies as a driver. Sadness blanketed the family  when Gary died in Mercy Memorial Hospital at the age of 55 on Nov. 21, 2007. His remains were laid to rest in Roselawn Memorial Park. Linda is known to have dwelled in Monroe in 2015.

    Great-granddaughter Laurie Scheich has resided in Roseville, MN.

    Great-grandson Larry Scheich married Julie and relocated to Green Bay, WI.

  • William and Richard Henderson's workplace, the Ford plant, Monroe, MI

  • Grandson William Roger Henderson (1931-2020) was born on Jan. 20, 1931 in Warren. At the age of about two, he moved with his parents to Monroe, MI. He was a 1949 graduate of Monroe High School. William served in the U.S. Marine Corps. He loved to box and followed the sport his entire life. On April 7, 1956, William was joined in matrmony with Nancy Joan Gruber (July 9, 1926-2015), daughter of Clemens and Violet (Hoffman) Gruber. Their marital union endured for a remarkable 59 years. They became the parents of three -- Kay Little, Jan Essex and William "Bill" Henderson. William was employed for 46 years at the Monroe stamping plant of Ford Motor Company. His final position was as a foreman, with retirement in 1995. They were members of Trinity Lutheran Church, Monroe, where he was active with the "Old Geezers" Bible study group and she a leader with the prayer chain. William also liked to bowl and golf and belonged to Green Meadows Golf Course. He took yearly vacations to Las Vegas and also to Detroit Tigers spring training. The family mourned when Nancy passed away on April 27, 2015. William lived for another five years. The spirit of death enveloped him in hospice in Monroe at the age of 89 on Sept. 19, 2020. His funeral was held in the family church, led by Pastor Daniel Potts. Burial was in Roselawn Memorial Park.

    Great-granddaughter Kay Henderson married Barry Little. They dwell in Monroe.

    Great-granddaughter Jan Henderson wed Chris Essex. They also reside in Monroe.

    Great-grandson William "Bill" Henderson relocated to Phoenix, AZ.  

  • Grandson Richard Henderson (1934-2009) was born on Nov. 11, 1934 in Monroe. He was a 1952 alumnus of Monroe High School. At the age of 25, on Sept. 19, 1959, he was united in wedlock with Edna M. Borrusch ( ? - ? ). The nuptials were held in Trinity Lutheran Church, Monroe, by the hand of Rev. Fehner. They remained together for 49 years of time. The three children born into this family were Keith A. Henderson, Kurt L. Henderson and Keri L. Raymo. For 39 years, until retirement in 1998, Richard earned a living in Ford Motor Company's Monroe plant, providing maintenance services. They belonged to Faith Lutheran Church. Richard liked to watch sports and had the daily habit of washing his car. Richard died in Mercy Memorial Hospital in Monroe at age 74 on June 6, 2009. Burial was in Roselawn Memorial Park.

    Great-grandson Keith A. Henderson wed Lisa. They make a home in Monroe.

    Great-grandson Kurt L. Henderson was joined in wedlock with Dawn. They have dwelled in Temperance, MI.

    Great-granddaughter Keri L. Henderson married Kevin Raymo. In 2009, they were in Monroe. 

  • Grandson Charles "Robert" Henderson (1923- ? ) was born in about 1923. He was deceased by 2009.
  • Granddaughter Janet Henderson (1938- ? ) was born in about 1938. She lived in Monroe in 2009.

Warren Tribune Chronicle, 1990
Warren-Trumbull County Public Library
Daughter Irene Jane Williamson (1917-1990) was born on Oct. 1, 1917 in Warren. On July 2, 1938, at the age of about 21, she married William Anthony Flask (June 18, 1916-1971) and settled in Warren. Two known sons of the pair were Charles Leroy Flask Sr. and William Ernest Flask. William served in the U.S. Army during World War II. The couple eventually divorced, with Irene gaining custody of their sons. Her address in 1960-1967 was 436 Kenilworth Northeast and in 1990 at 950 Bennett Street Northwest. Said the Warren Tribune Chronicle, Irene "enjoyed crocheting and sewing." Sadly, as a patient in St. Joseph Riverside Hospital, she died at the age of 73 on Oct. 19, 1990. She sleeps for all time in Western Reserve Cemetery, Warren. The headcount of her survivors at the time was 10 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Former husband William succumbed to the spectre of death at age 55 on Nov. 11, 1971.

  • Grandson Charles Leroy Flask Sr. (1937-1992) was born on July 10, 1937 in Youngstown, OH. In young manhood he earned a living at Warren Sanitary Dairy. When he was 24 years of age, on June 9, 1962, he was joined in wedlock with 20-year-old Shirley Jean Schoch (March 10, 1942- ? ), a native of Filbert, PA and the daughter of Michael S. and Margaret (Vislosky) Schoch. Leading the nuptials was Mark Zwick. At the time of marriage, Shirley worked as a secretary. Five offspring born into this family were Karen Ancell, Angela L. Flask, Charles Leroy Flask Jr., Michael W. Flask and Christopher A. Flask. Charles was employed by Mac Door Company of North Jackson, OH as an assembler. In his free time he liked to collect miniature automobiles and trucks. They were members of St. Pius X Church. In the early 1990s, their address was 950 Bennett Street Northwest in Warren. Sadly, on the fateful afternoon of April 14, 1992, Charles suffered a massive heart attack and died at home at the age of 54. His remains lie in eternal repose in All Souls Cemetery in Cortland, Trumbull County. Inscribed on his grave marker are these words: "Forever in our hearts."

    Great-granddaughter Karen Flask received her bachelor's degree in accounting, marketing and finance from Youngstown State University. She married Eric Ancell and together produced five offspring. They resided in 1992 in Warren and in the mid-1990s moved to LaBrae near Leavittsburg. She has been employed as a practice administrator in the medical field. Karen also has been active as president of the LaBrae Band Boosters, treasurer of the LaBrae School Levy Community and a member of the LaBrae Local School District board of directors.   

    Great-granddaughter Angela L. Flask lived at home with her parents in the early 1990s. 

    Great-grandson Charles Leroy Flask Jr. settled in Warren.

    Great-grandson Michael W. Flask relocated to El Paso, TX.

    Great-grandson Christopher A. Flask resided with his parents in 1992.

  • Grandson William Ernest Flask (1942- ? ) was born on Aug. 31, 1942. At the age of 18, on Sept. 14, 1960, he entered into marriage with 16-year-old Sandra May Binion (March 19, 1954- ? ), daughter of Nellie Binion of Warren and an unknown father.  Rev. M.T. Knappenberger officiated. The couple bore one daughter, Brenda Lee Flask. Their marriage fell apart within a few years, and they divorced in Trumbull County Court of Common Pleas in Sept. 1964. During that period he labored for Republic Steel and continued for many years. On Sept. 9, 1967, William wed a second time to 18-year-old Nancy Ellen Nelman (Feb. 15, 1949- ? ), daughter of Warren H. and Mary A. (Horwath) Nelman of Ravenna, OH. Their wedding was led by Judge James A. Ravella of Trumbull County Court. A daughter was born to the second union, Tina Flask. The second marriage also collapsed, with the decree made on April 12, 1977. William's address in 1977 was 1361 Trumbull Southeast in Warren. At the age of 35, on March 10, 1978, he married a third time, to 34-year-old Heidi F. (McMahon) Stevens (1943- ? ), originally from Ashtabula, OH but living at the time in Warren. She was the daughter of Howard and Frances (DeGruchy) McMahon. Heidi also was divorced and brought three stepchildren into the marriage -- Carrie Stevens, Rodney Stevens and Clint Stevens. William was deceased by 1992.
  • Great-granddaughter Brenda Lee Flask (1962- ? ) was born in about 1962. She was five years of age when her parents divorced. 

    Great-granddaughter Tina Flask (1973- ? ) was born in about 1973. She was about age four at the time of the divorce of her parents. 

Warren Tribune Chronicle, 2009 - Warren-Trumbull County Public Library

Warren Tribune Chronicle
Warren-Trumbull County Public Library

Purple Heart 
Son Robert Leroy Williamson (1922-2004) was born on April 26, 1922 in Warren. He went to work in young manhood for Trumbull Steel, later becoming Republic Steel. At the age of 20, on May 2, 1942, he wed his Trumbull Steel co-worker, 18-year-old Margaret Jane "Maggie" Lucas (May 30, 1923-2009), daughter of John and Susanna (Janosov) Lucas of Yatesboro, PA. Officiating was Rev. John A. Stim/Stine. Their union endured the ebbs and flows of an extraordinary 62 years together. Robert went on to join the U.S. Army and serve during World War II, placed within the 325th Glider Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division. He was trained as a rifleman and saw combat action in Sicily, Italy and Normandy, France. He is known to have received a wound of some sort in France in the Fourth of July 1944 and was awarded the Purple Heart as well as the European Theater Ribbon, World War II Victory Medal, American Theater Medal, Glider Badge and Distinguished Unit Citation. After the war, he returned home and to his steel mill job and continued to be employed there until 1982, when he retired as foreman of the hot strip finishing mill. The Williamsons made their home for decades in Howland near Warren. Together, they produced a trio of daughters -- Darlene Zickefoose, Bonnie Holmes and Susette Zickefoose. Said the Warren Tribune Chronicle, Margaret "served as a precinct committeeperson in Howland for many years. She also worked the voting polls for the Trumbull County Board of Elections. She worked at Republic Steel Corp. during World War II and also worked for Packard Electric. Most recently, she had worked for Cortland Playroom Preschool." The pair owned and ran a french fry concession trailer which they took to local carnivals and festivals as they followed bookings arranged by Douglas Amusements. They belonged to Blessed Sacrament Church, and he held a membership in the Disabled American Veterans, Republic Steel Association and American Legion. in her free time Margaret liked to camp, cook, sew and work crossword puzzles as well as bowling and playing cards with local leagues and clubs. The Williamsons' address in 2004 was 8983 Howland Springs Road Southeast. The spectre of death gathered away the 82-year-old Robert on June 29, 2004 as a patient in St. Elizabeth Hospital. His funeral service ws led by Rev. Don King. Margaret lived for another four-plus years. Toward the end, she was admitted to the Windsor House in nearby Champion. She died at the age of 85 on Feb. 8, 2009. Her mass of Christian burial was held in the family church, sung by Rev. Charles W. Crumbley. They are at rest eternally in All Souls Cemetery in Cortland, OH.

  • Granddaughter Darlene Williamson married David Zickefoose, son of Elmer J. and Mary (Semko) Zickefoose. They put down roots in Warren.
  • Granddaughter Bonnie Williamson wed David Holmes. They have dwelled in Howland, OH. 
  • Granddaughter Susette Williamson tied the marital cord with Neal Zickefoose, son of Elmer J. and Mary (Semko) Zickefoose. The pair settled in Vienna, OH.

Stepdaughter Viola Grace Williamson (1903-1987) was born on Sept. 10, 1903. On Aug. 30, 1922, when she was 18 years of age, she entered into marriage with World War I Army veteran August Miles Hughey (Feb. 17, 1891-1971), a native of Sharon, Mercer County, PA, and the son of August M. and Hannah (Davis) Hughey. The pair's only son was George E. Williamson. August had served during the war with Company C of the 5th Field Signal Battalion, and afterward lived in Youngstown before coming to Warren in 1920 and staying for good. He was employed for 24 years as a machinist with Federal Machine and Welding company, with retirement in 1959. August held a membership in the local post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Their address in the early 1970s was 519 Adelaide Southeast. Sadly, August passed away in Cleveland's Veterans Hospital at the age of 80 on June 19, 1971. Viola surrendered to the angel of death at the age of 83 on April 20, 1987. Their remains sleep for the ages in the sacred soil of Crown Hill Burial Park in Vienna, OH.

  • Step-grandson George E. Williamson was in Mechanicsburg, PA in 1971.

Stepson Lawrence L. Williamson (1909- ? ) was born in about 1909. He put down roots in Warren and in 1960 lived in nearby Howland, OH. He was deceased by 2004.


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