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Edward John Miner


Ed and Anna Miner

Edward John Miner was born on Nov. 15, 1910 in the family home on Fayette Street in West Washington, Washington County, PA, the son of Harry Orlan and Armena Viancy (Cain) Miner.

Ed was born about a month after the City of Washington celebrated its centennial. To commemorate the special event, a "Triumphal Arch" was erected in the city. Horses and carriages, as well as automobiles, are shown parked at the edges of the paved streets, giving a sense of the changing times into which Ed was born. 


Washington Centennial Arch, 1910

When Ed was age nine, in July 1919, he and his father attended a Sunday School picnic at Washington Park. While standing near the picnic pavilion, Ed watched with horror as his father collapsed, having suffered a massive stroke. The father was rushed home on a trolley and passed away that evening.

Ed kept close hold of memories of his father, sharing them with a grand-nephew many years later. Among them was of his father working with carpentry tools in the basement of their home on Fayette Street in Washington's west end.  Another was of the father firing a shotgun out of an upstairs window one New Year's Eve.

On May 7, 1939, when he was age 29, and having dated for many years, Ed married 24-year-old Elizabeth "Anna" Beddow (1915-1990). She was the daughter of John Alvin and Effie Pearl (Armstrong) Beddow of Washington.


Washington Cemetery

The Miners went on to produce a family of nine children -- Nancy Moonean Miner, John Edward Miner, Anna Margaret Weber Addison, Juanita "Moonean" Lostetter, Kenneth Richard "Rich" Miner, Deborah Lee Babuscio, Barbara Joan Springer Foor, Harry "Alvin" Miner and Donald Roger Miner. 

Sadly, firstborn daughter Nancy Moonean Miner, who was born on Sept. 21, 1941, contracted lobar pneumonia in her infancy, and succumbed after two weeks at the tender age of six months and seven days, passing away on March 28, 1942. Her remains were placed into immortal rest in the Beddow family lot in the Washington Cemetery.

The Miners made their home for many decades at 1225 Summerlea Avenue in Washington. Anna was an early nurse in our family, graduating from the Washington Hospital School of Nursing in 1937.

 The Washington Observer-Reporter reported that Anna "formed a nursery school at the old Third United Presbyterian Church, and was an active Girl Scout leader for many years."


Ed & Anna, right, at his brother Odger's home in Aliquippa



A dapper Ed

Ed was a graduate of Washington High School, and as a young adult began working as a barber in Washington. He seemed to know everyone in town and everything that was happening. Among his customers was local entrepreneur and a second cousin, John "Wiley" Birch.

During World War II, Ed served in the United States Army, stationed at Fort Knox, KY, but because of stomach ulcer problems, was not sent overseas. Later, in 1959, he had two-thirds of his stomach surgically removed.

Ed was employed for 37 years at Jessop Steel Company in Washington, retiring at the age of 66 in 1976. He and Anna were members of the Third United Presbyterian Church of Washington, where he was a longtime treasurer of the Sunday School program.


The Washington Hospital

Ed and Anna occasionally attended reunions of the Miner family, and are known to have attended a get-together at the home of his brother Odger in Hopewell, near Aliquippa, Beaver County, PA, in the late 1930s. Others pictured, left to right: Lynn and Grace (Miner) White, Ben and Armena (Cain) (Miner) Marshall, Odger Miner (front), Orlan Miner (rear), Monalea (Ullom) Miner, Helen (Proctor) Miner and Jessie (Miner) Schultz.

In October 1977, Ed traveled to Aliquippa to pay his respects at the funeral home viewing of his late sister-in-law, Monalea (Ullom) Miner. While visiting with family there, he was introduced to his grand-nephew, the founder of this website, and graciously shared a number of memories about the family's history. The stories added fuel to the fire in the teenager's imagination about the old Miners of the past. Some years later, during the summer of 1983, they reconnected again for deeper levels of sharing, travel and exploration.

In his spare time, Ed loved to sing in barbershop quartets. At one time he was lead with "The Miner Chords," which performed locally. (The group is pictured on this page, with Ed seated, second from left.)


The Miners, December 1958. Front, L-R: Debbie, Anna, Alvin, Donnie, Ed, Barbara. Back, L-R: John, Kenneth, Moonean, Anna Margaret



Ed (2nd from left), Presidents of Harmony

Later, Ed was president and secretary/treasurer of the group "Presidents of Harmony," and a member of the Washington chapter of the SPEBSQSA (Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America).


News coverage, 1989

In May 1989, Ed and Anna celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with a reception at their church. The Washington Observer-Reporter printed an article about their special event, including a photograph of the couple. A world champion barbershop quartet group from Houston, TX, in Pittsburgh for a national convention, made a special side trip to Washington to serenade them on their special day. The founder of this website was privileged to attend this happy family event and to shoot a number of photographs that day.

Sadly and unexpectedly, Anna died in the living room of their Summerlea Avenue home on Feb. 26, 1990, at the age of 75, while watching television with Ed. Her remains were laid to rest in Washington Cemetery, beside their infant daughter Nancy, in the Beddow family plot.


Ed & Anna's 50th wedding anniverary, 1989



Presidents of Harmony award

Ed survived Anna by six years, and kept busy with his barbershop group. In March 1993, he received an award from the Presidents of Harmony, at an emotional ceremony at the American Legion in Washington, for his many years of service. He received a beautiful plaque, seen here.

Ed's eldest son John, who formerly operated the Valley Skating Center in Donora, PA, held Miner Reunions at the rink in the early 1990s for Ed and his brothers and sisters and their offspring.


Ed at the forgotten grave
of his great-grandfather in Greene County, PA

Over the years, Ed played a key role in what has become the national Minerd-Minard-Miner-Minor research and reunion, and, ultimately, to the creation of this website. In 1983, his grand-nephew Mark A. Miner came to visit seeking family information. With an incredible memory for details, Ed provided important information and insights about the Miner history. He also took his nephew to see the house on Fayette Street where he had been born and grew up.

Over more than a decade, they traveled throughout Washington County visiting distant cousins of the Birch, Bedillion and Farabee branches. They also went on day-trips to visit cousins in Ohio, West Virginia and Maryland. One of their discoveries -- the faded Civil War grave marker of Ed's grand-uncle and aunt, Samuel and Susan (Miner) Birch at Prosperity Cemetery -- was our Photo of the Month in February 2006.

In the fall of 1991, Ed was photographed by the founder of this website, standing at the long-forgotten grave marker of his great-grandparents, Henry and Polly (Younkin) Minerd. The marker sits in an overgrown farmer's field near New Freeport, Greene County, PA. It had been placed there circa 1946 by Ed's uncle, William Allen Miner (known in the family as "Uncle Will").

On Feb. 10, 1996, after a gradual decline in health, Ed died quietly in his sleep. He was buried beside Anna on a snow-flurried Valentine's Day.


~ Son John Edward Miner ~

Son John Edward Miner (living) married Linda Shoup on Aug. 20, 1966.

They are the parents of Shawn Edward Miner and Kylie Marie Kritikos.

At one time the family lived in Australia where John taught school. 

The Miners returned to Western Pennsylvania and in October 1983 opened the Valley Skating Center in Donora. They graciously hosted Miner reunions at the Center in the early 1990s. The business operated for 39 years before closing its doors on Aug. 27, 2022. In a statement made publicly, Linda wrote that "We have watched so many of you grow up and have family's of your own. Some of you are bringing your Grandchildren here to skate. We have enjoyed having each of you in our lives."

The couple is divorced.

Son Shawn Edward Miner ( ? - ? ) is the father of Tanner Anthony.

Daughter Kylie Miner ( ? - ? ) is an alumna of Ringgold High School. She studied early childhood education at California University of Pennsylvania. In her working career she has been a preschool teacher and group supervisor of the daycare at the Mon Valley YMCA and from 1989 to 2022 assisted her mother in managing the Valley Skating Center. Kylie is married to Jason Krtikos, son of Chris (Lucas) Kritikos.  


~ Daughter Anna Margaret (Miner) Weber Addison ~

Daughter Anna Margaret Miner (living) grew up as an active Girl Scouts member, as evidenced by articles in the Canonsburg (PA) Daily Notes of the mid-1960s.

Anna Margaret was twice married.

Her first spouse was Richard Weber. 

They bore a son, Robert Weber.

Later, she wedded James Addison. 

Their daughter is Kimberly Addison.


~ Daughter Juanita "Moonean" (Miner) Lostetter ~

Juanita and Bob Lostetter

Daughter Juanita Moonean Miner ( ? -living) grew up in Washington.

In 1967, she was united in the bonds of matrimony with Robert Francis Lostetter Sr. (Dec. 22, 1944-2020).

Their marriage endured for 52 years until the separation of death.

The couple produced four children -- Robert Francis Lostetter Jr., Colleen Fichter, Michelle Brown and Jason Lostetter.

Over the years, they resided in the Mount Oliver section of Pittsburgh, and then Mercer, PA, and finally in Oakdale, Allegheny County, PA. During the Vietnam War, Robert served as a sergeant in the U.S. Marine Corps. He went on to a 33-year career with the U.S. Postal Service.

Robert succumbed to death at the age of 75 on Feb. 27, 2020. His remains were interred in the National Cemetery of the Alleghenies. In an obituary, the family asked that any memorial donations be made to the Montour Presbyterian Church of Oakdale.


~ Son Kenneth Richard "Rich" Miner ~

Son Kenneth Richard "Rich" Miner ( ? -living)

He was joined in wedlock onJuly 22, 1966 with Cheryl Scuvotti ( ? - ? ).

They have three children, Heather Corvino, Brian Miner and Daniel Miner.

At one time, Rich was employed in Greensburg. Today he owns a deer farm in New Wilmington, PA.


~ Daughter Deborah Lee (Miner) Babuscio ~

Daughter Deborah Lee Miner married Anthony L. Babuscio ( ? -1990).

They resided in the Dormont section of Pittsburgh and were the parents of Nanette Babuscio, Steven Babuscio and Christine Babuscio.

Sadly, Anthony died on Sept. 6, 1990. Funeral services were held in the Mt. Lebanon United Presbyterian Church, with interment in Jefferson Memorial Park in the South Hills.

Deborah then moved to Castle Shannon for a number of years, before returning to Dormont.

She and her daughter Christine were featured in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (Sept. 26, 2001) in connection with the daughter's visit to Disney World through the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Sadly, daughter Christine, born with Down Syndrome, passed away on Nov. 16, 2002 at the age of 28. Burial was in Jefferson Memorial Park, with an obituary published in the Post-Gazette. The family asked that any donations be made to the family's church memorial fund.


~ Daughter Barbara Joan (Miner) Springer Foor ~

Daughter Barbara Joan Miner has been married two times.

She and her first spouse, Stephen M. Springer, were wed on Nov. 17, 1968. They produced two sons, Stephen M. Springer and Scott Edward Springer.

After a divorce, she was joined in marriage with Larry A. Foor on Aug. 16, 1980. Larry brought a daughter into the union, Wendy Lee Foor.

The family grieved when daughter Wendy was carried away by the Angel of Death at the age of 19 on April 24, 1988. Her remains are in eternal rest in Everett Cemetery in Bedford, Bedford County, PA. Inscribed on her grave marker are the words "The rose still grows beyond the wall."


Harry and Mary's wedding, 1981

~ Son Harry Alvin Miner ~

Son Harry "Alvin" Miner was born in Washington.

He resided in Tucson, AZ in 1981. That year, on March 9, 1981, he was joined in holy wedlock with Mary Louise (Hoare) Martindale. News of their marriage license was published in the Arizona Daily Star and the Tucson Citizen.

Some years earlier, in 1969, they attended the famed Woodstock rock music festival in New York State.

They are the parents of Deeanna Miner.


Don Miner's restaurant

~ Son Donald Roger Miner ~

Son Donald Roger Miner married Sherry King on Aug. 20, 1982.

She brought a daughter to the marriage, Amy King.

Donald and Sherry bore a son of their own, Joshua Miner.

From time to time, Donald has sent letters to the editor which were published in the Washington Observer-Reporter.

In about 2005, he opened a restaurant on Chestnut Street (Route 40) in Washington, named "Miner's Original Loafers," across the street from Eat N Park. A photo of the storefront is seen here.


Copyright © 2001-2004, 2006, 2010, 2017, 2020 Mark A. Miner
This page is in loving tribute to Ed and Anna Miner by an ever-grateful grand-nephew.