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Old Harbaugh Family Bible
Of Leonard and Martha (Minerd) Harbaugh Sr.
The old family Bible of Leonard
and Martha (Minerd) Harbaugh Sr., is noteworthy in several respects --
first, for providing an excellent record of family names, births, deaths and
marriages; second, for surviving a terrible fire in the 1920s; and third, for
its longevity into the 21st century.
The Bible was printed in New York by the Methodist Episcopal
Church in 1844. It is thought to have been presented to Leonard as a Christmas
gift in the 1840s. The precious Scripture was handed down to his son David
and thence to various of David's children and grandchildren.
In 1926, the Bible was saved from a fire in Connellsville, PA
by Charlotte "Lena" (Younkin)
Doyle Showman, and preserved by her brothers Warren
and David Younkin. When the Harbaugh
History book was written in 1947 by Cora Bell and J.L. Cooperider, the Bible was
cited as an authoritative record of the family's vital information. The volume
was considered 'lost' after that, until it was re-discovered in a cousin's attic
in 1999. The pages are reproduced below as a more permanent way to share the
invaluable information for all of our cousins.
The words "Leonard Harbaugh
Book" on the inside front cover of the Bible. Underneath appears to be written the words "Dec. the ..." suggesting the
volume may have been a Christmas gift. |
Above, an actual photograph of handwritten
pages inside the Bible.
Note the scorching around the edges, and the water stains on the pages.
The title page -- "NEW
YORK: Published by G. Lane & C.B. Tippett,
for the Methodist Episcopal Church, at the Conference Office, 200 Mulberry
James Collord, Printer. 1844. Above right, a fancily written notation that
"David Harbaugh and Mary M. Whipkey Were Married Dec. 26th 1852." |

Above right, page chronicling the births of
Leonard Harbaugh and wives Elizabeth Pritts
and Martha Minerd, and children Joseph
Harbaugh, Elizabeth, Catharine
Rowan, Sarah Leonard, Rebecca, Samuel, Mary, Nancy, Jonathan, Elisabeth, Isaac and
Leonard Jr. Above right, page listing the births of
David Harbaugh and wife Mary
Magdalene Whipkey, and their children Albert
Franklin, Robert Bacom Sr., Lucinda
Younkin Johnson, Rosetta Minerd, Evans
C., Joanna Weyant, Martha Jane
"Mattie" Laughery,
Amos W., Mary Elisabeth, Letitia Alice
Stoner, Susannah E. Conn Strickler
and Sarah
Ellen "Sadie" Ream.

Above left, record of the deaths of
Elizabeth (Pritts) Harbaugh (1819), Leonard Harbaugh Sr. (1867), Martha
(Minerd) Harbaugh (1878), Mary E. Harbaugh (1871),
Evans Harbaugh (1881), David Harbaugh
(1910), Robert Bacom Harbaugh Sr. (1921) and
Joanna (Harbaugh) Weyant (1917).
Above right, page listing the births of Leonard and Martha (Minerd) Harbaugh's
children Adaline (Minerd) and David Harbaugh.
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