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1960 The 31st annual Harbaugh reunion was held Sunday, July 17th 1960 at the Odd Fellows Grove near Kingwood, Pa. Program was opened by the President, Lloyd Hall Sr. Prayer & remarks. Discussion as to where to hold the next reunion. It was decided to let the officers decide the date & location. There was no program this year, also no prizes as in other years. Election of officers:
Collection (None).
1961 The 32nd annual Harbaugh reunion was held Sunday, July 16, 1961 at the Odd Fellow Hall near Kingwood, Pa. The meeting was called to order by the President Lloyd Hall. A prayer & greeting was also conducted by the Pres. Lloyd Hall. Then music was furnished by Earl Whipkey, his wife & Ward Shearer. Groups singing: Mr. Boyd Supt. Methodist Church gave a talk. Christine Collins and Robin Grace Hall singing "Little Birdie in a Tree." Jesse Hall and Robin Grace Hall singing "Yes Jesus Loves Me" in Spanish. Reading: Mary Hall "Little Flo." Song by Ward Shearer. Remaley Sisters poem & song. Respect to deceased members: Mrs. Gorsuch 103 yrs; Wm. G. Younkin Nov. 1960; Homer Humbertson from North Jackson, O. Election of officers: Motion by Joe Humbertson, 2nd by Wm. Harbaugh, that we retain the same officers for another year. Voted Yes. Song by Earl Whipkey & Earl Shearer. Following prizes were presented:
$27.21. Song by Whipkey & Shearer. Closed by prayer. Program for children.
1962 The 33rd annual Harbaugh reunion was held July 15, 1962 (Sun.) at the Odd Fellows Grove near Kingwood, Pa. The meeting was called to order by our Pres. Mr. Lloyd Hall. An opening prayer was offered by Wm. Harbaugh. Peggy Hensel gave the welcoming speech. Music was conducted by Earl Whipkey. Various songs were played. Melia sisters sang several songs. Readings by our Pres. Lloyd Hall (clippings). Song Betty & Bob Daniels. Election of officers for 1963. Motion by Warren Younkin, 2nd by Dave Younkin, that the present officers serve for another year. Motion approved. Prizes were given for the following:
1963 The 34th annual Harbaugh reunion was held Sunday, July 21, 1963 at the Odd Fellows Grove near Kingwood, Pa. The meeting was called to order by the Pres. Lloyd Hall & a prayer given. Music led by Earl Whipkey & Ward Shearer. Lindy & Beverly Younkin gave the invocation. More music by Whipkey & Shearer. Song by Melia sisters "On Top of Spaghetti." Rev. Mr. Frankhouser speaker. Charles Harbaugh jokes. Whipkey girl sang. More music by Whipkey & Shearer. Election of officers Motion to keep same officers for another year. 2nd & carried. The following prizes were awarded:
The 35th annual Harbaugh Reunion was held on Sunday, July 19, 1964 at the Odd Fellows Grove on route 53 near Kingwood, Pa. The meeting was called to order by the President Lloyd Hall and a prayer was given by same. Music was played by Mr. Williams and Mr. Burnsworth. The song, "Blue Navy," was sung by the Melia sisters. Mr. Arthur D. Groeff was "Speaker." Mr. Groeff, of Robesonia, Pa., gave a very interesting talk on the origination of the term "Pennsylvania Dutch" expression which was most enlightening. The following prizes were awarded:
Election of officers:
$21.63. Prizes by Ollie Hall. Games by
Chas. & Pauline Harbaugh.
1965 The 36th annual Harbaugh Reunion was held on July 18th, 1965 at the Odd Fellows Grove on Route 53 near Kingwood, Pa. The meeting was brought to order by the President Charles Harbaugh, and a prayer was given by same. Some songs were sung by the Melia sisters. A vote was held on whether or not to have a speaker for 1966 with 0 votes against. A vote also was held on changing meeting places for 1966 the new place is to be New Centerville, Pa. Indiancreek Valley Community Park a possibility for '67. Time to be put on invitation cards for '66 at 2 p.m. Indiancreek Valley Comm. Park, route 711, 2 mi. N. of Normalville. Moved & carried that same officers be retained for '66. Guest speaker for 1965 was Hon. Joseph R. Edwards of Confluence, Pa. The following prizes were awarded:
$39.52. Awards by Ollie Hall.
Games by Janice Harbaugh.
The 37th annual Harbaugh Reunion was held on July 17th, 1966 at New Centervilles community grove. The meeting was called to order by the President Charles Harbaugh, and a prayer offered by same. Also several jokes were told by Charles Harbaugh and Lloyd Hall Sr. It was decided that New Centerville Community grove would be the site of 1967s Harbaugh reunion. It was also moved & seconded that same officers be retained one more year. [Secretary/treasurer Clifford Harbaugh is seen here.] The following prizes were awarded:
$23.85. Gifts from Lloyd &
Ollie Hall. Games for kiddies by
Charles & Pauline Harbaugh.
1967 The 38th annual Harbaugh Reunion was held on July 16, 1967 at the New Centerville Community grove. The meeting was opened by President Charles Harbaugh and a prayer was given by same. It was moved & seconded and voted in favor of having the same officers retained one additional year. It was also decided that the New Centerville Grove would be the site of the 39th annual Harbaugh Reunion. The following prizes were awarded:
$24.47. Prizes by Betty & Robert Lafferty.
1968 The 39th annual Harbaugh reunion was held on July 21st, 1968 at the New Centerville Grove. The meeting was called to order by President Charles Harbaugh and a prayer offered by Lloyd Hall Sr. The reading of the minutes by Clifford Harbaugh were accepted as read. It was decided that the invitational cards should be mailed out 6 weeks in advance of the third Sunday in July of 1969. Donald & Eleanor Harbaugh were selected to purchase the games for 1969 for the kiddies. Catherine Bisel and Patricia Bryner were selected to purchase the awards for oldest & woman couple married longest & shortest largest family in attendance youngest baby and who traveled longest distance to attend. It was decided that the Reunion would be taken back to I.O.O.F. Grove in Kingwood if available and if not available it would be held again at N. Centerville. It was also moved and seconded and voted in favor of retaining the same officers for another year (1969). The following awards were given:
$24.25. Prizes by Cheryl & Roger Harbaugh.
1969 The 40th annual Harbaugh Reunion was held on July 1969 at the New Centerville Grove. The meeting was called to order by President Charles Harbaugh and a prayer offered by Lloyd Hall Sr. Also a few jokes by our President. The reading of the minutes by Clifford Harbaugh were accepted as read. It was decided by vote that the Reunion for 1970 would be held at the Mountain Fellowship Center along Route 40, 16 miles east of Uniontown, Pa. Mr. & Mrs. Ted Harbaugh were selected to buy games for kiddies amusements. Mrs. Pearl Kemp was selected to purchase the 7 awards given out annually. It was also moved & seconded that the same officers would be retained another year.