~ Name
in Alphabetical Order ~ |
D. Bailey - While employed in the coal crushing department of the Prime Western Spelter
Co. in Iola, KS, he fell and his arm accidentally became "caught in the tubular machine lined with heavy cogs for crushing coal for the retorts,"
said the Iola Daily Record. |
James Benistone - Working at a mine in Jordan, WV, was caught under a motor, crushing his head and body. His skull was punctured, his shoulder and hip fractured and his abdomen lacerated.
Isaac N. Dean - labored at the Lemont
Mine near Uniontown, PA. Was caught in a wreck of coal cars in the mine, and "sustained a fractured skull," said the
Uniontown Morning Herald.
Charles William Dean Sr.
- having been "unemployed for almost a year," he was "instantly killed
shortly after entering the Keister mine to begin work as a miner. He was caught beneath a fall of slate, suffering a fractured skull and a broken neck,"
said the Connellsville Daily Courier.
Michael Diehl - was employed in the Fort Cumberland Paint Factory in Cumberland, MD. Reported the Bedford Gazette, "[W]hile working, he saw a flame of fire blaze up from among the coal tar. There was also a quantity of gasoline nearby and before he could escape he was caught by the flames. He ran from the building a mass of flames and fell to the ground exhausted. Some men rushed to his aid and tore off what clothing had not been burned. He was at once removed to the hospital where he lived in awful agony until ... death relieved his sufferings." |
1907 |
Edward Emerick - worked at the High, Dry and Windy Mine near Ellerslie, MD. Reported the Meyersdale (PA) Republican, as he "was going to his place in the mine, a blast of dynamite went off prematurely and he received fatal injuries and died on the way to the hospital." |
1920 |
John Edward Everly
- a mine foreman, was killed when his neck was broken in a fall of slate at the Royal mine of W.J. Rainey, Inc., reported the Uniontown Morning Herald.
Jackie D. Giles
- killed "when a piece of machinery fell on him ... while dismantling machinery at the site of the former USX Homestead Works" in Munhall, near Pittsburgh, said the
Connellsville Daily Courier.
Gorsuch - Laboring at the George Warrick mine known as Works Coal Co. at Rogers Mill,
PA, was "caught by a fall of slate," said the Connellsville Daily Courier. "Men who were working near the young man heard the fall and rushed to his assistance, but life was extinct when his body was removed shortly afterwards."
Green - While working on electrical wires connected to a boiler at the Pittsburgh Steel
plant in Monessen, PA, received a heavy shock and died of electrocution. |
1941 |
John Green - Employed as a "second helper" in a steel works, received three degree burns when a steel ladle exploded in the mill. He died two weeks later in Charleroi-Monessen (PA) Hospital. |
H. Halfhill - Working at the W.J. Rainey mine at Moyer, PA, he
"was drawing the dangerous rib coal when the accident happened," said the
Daily Courier. "A large amount [of slate fell] down before he was anticipating it and he was completely buried. |
Harrison Hall - While laboring at the Connellsville Blue Stone Quarry at Connellsville, PA. While at work in the quarry, he fell and fractured his skull and neck, dying instantly |
1926 |
Harry P. Harshman - Employed in Grindstone, PA, he was killed when his skull was fractured in a coal mine accident at the Colonial No. 4 Mine.
Hertzog - A loading machine laborer at the Kinlock Mine of the
Valley Camp Coal Co. in Lower Burrell Township, PA, was burned and
suffocated to death following an explosion. |
Josiah Hiles Jr. -
A laborer at the Provance Mine of Powell Coal near Masontown, PA, said
the Uniontown Daily News Standard, he was "caught beneath a trip of mine cars
.... His body was badly mangled."
Josiah Hiles Sr. -
At at the Plumer Works near Uniontown, PA, during a friendly wrestling bout with
the plant superintendent, was thrown and his head "struck on the edge of a bench which had been nearby but thought out of
danger," said the Morning Herald. "Death resulted from a broken neck."
Finley Holub - Worked as a packer of gelatin explosives in a the
Liberty Powder Co. plant in Mt. Braddock in Dunbar Township, Fayette
County, PA. On Oct. 22, 1958 he and three others were killed when an
explosion shook the plant, heard for miles around," said the Daily
Courier. |
Houchins - Employed in the Chicago & Alton Railroad
shops in Bloomington, IL, received a fractured skull, "when a crane chain broke and fell, striking him squarely on top of the head, while he was at work with a companion in the coal chutes,"
said the Clinton Daily Public. He died at the Brokaw Hospital a day and a half later.
Michael Huddy Jr. - killed in an accident in the tin mill of the
Aliquippa Works of LTV Steel.
William H. Ingles - At the
Pennsville, PA mine of the Pennsville Coke Co., was crushed to death in a
fall of slate.
Evart Kassin - While working for Robert Gage Coal Co. at its Black Diamond Mine near Bay City, MI, his back was broken in an accident. |
1925 |
John Randolph Langenheim - Operated his own stone quarry near Burgettstown, PA in 1936 and cut his own stone. Was struck on the head by a boom and suffered a compound fracture of the skull. |
1936 |
Joseph E. Mattey Sr. - At the
Maxwell, PA mine of the H.C. Frick Coke Co. of U.S. Steel, was caught between a loading machine and post and died shortly afterward in Brownsville General Hospital. |
1957 |
Lee Mayle - Along with William D. Sheme, was caught in an
explosion at Consolidation Coal Co.'s No. 9 Mine in Farmington, north of
Fairmont, WV. Was named in related stories in Time and Life
magazines. |
Minerd McKnight - Fatally injured while at work at the Darwin
mine of the Anaconda Copper Co. in California.
Harry Ellsworth McVicker - Was employed as a coal loader at the Portage Township mine of the Sonman Shaft Coal Co., a subsidiary of Koppers Coal Co.. Sonman was considered one of the largest mines in Cambria County. Was trapped in an explosion of methane gas in the mine, and unable to escape, he and cousin Melvin C. Owen and 61 others suffocated or were incinerated. |
1940 |
Minerd - Killed when "crushed between a rib and the side of his car in the Allison
mines," said the Uniontown Daily News Standard, "while enroute to the pit at the close of his working day. [He] was instantly killed. The car jumped the track, it is said."
Elizabeth Miner - On Sept. 25, 1907, the 18-year-old visited her father at the H.C. Frick Coke Co.'s Davidson Works coke ovens near Connellsville, PA. Reported the Connellsville Daily Courier, she "stepped backward upon another track and was run down and almost instantly killed by a switching engine.... The crew of the switching engine saw the girl and her companions standing along the track but Miss Miner stepped back so quickly that it was impossible to check the speed of the engine. She was struck and knocked from the track, suffering a broken arm and internal injuries. Dr. A.J. Colborn was hastily summoned and arrived just as she was dying." |
1907 |
Minerd - While working at the Tower Hill No. 1 Mine of the Tower Hill Coke Co.,
"fell into the coal crusher ... and was instantly killed," said a
newspaper. "The body was not found until a charge of coal fell taking the mangled form with it, onto the lorry below. It is supposed the man fell into the crusher while oiling it."
Charles "Jack" Minor - A mine foreman for Midvale Coal
Co. in Tuscarawas, OH, was killed when "crushed by a fall of rock while working in the mine," said the
Daily Reporter. He was "sounding the roof of the mine for loose rock" when
caught in a sudden rock fall. "He was crushed from the shoulders down and had to be liberated from nearly two tons of rock by fellow workmen who were in a nearby room."
Louis B. Miner - Employed at the Warren (OH) Brick and Tile Works, was caught in a cave-in of two tons of clay and buried alive. The Mansfield (OH) News Journal reported that "Fellow workmen dug Miner out, but he was dead."
1900 |
Minerd - Working in Dunbar, PA, "was instantly killed … by a trip of loaded coal cars," said the
Uniontown Genius of Liberty. The Keystone Courier said he had been "descending the Mahoning mine, … on the front of a coal car, [and] his head was caught between the car and the side of the pit, killing him instantly."
Minor - While in Ocean Mines in Harrison County, WV, the Clarksburg Exponent said he was caught "in a fall of coal while working in the mines of the Cortright-Corning Colleries Co. at Bridgeport. [He] had been employed by the Co. but a short time." |
H. Minerd - Killed when caught in a "fire damp" explosion that ripped through the Youngstown (PA) Works of the Youngstown Coke Co. He was among 14 miners trapped in the mine. The tragedy was front page news for weeks in the newspapers in Connellsville and Uniontown.
C. Nicholson - A carpenter at the Christy Park Works of U.S. Steel Corporation, suffered a "severe leg injury,"
said the Connellsville Daily Courier, and was hospitalized at McKeesport Hospital. Unable to recover, he
died after lingering for a month. |
Robert Nugent
- Killed in a coal mine accident at the Robena Mine of U.S. Steel Corporation, operated by the H.C. Frick Coke Co. in Carmichaels,
PA, the largest coal mine in the world at that time. His neck was broken in a fall of slate in the mine.
William D. Ogle - Hurt in at the Pennsville
(PA) Coal Mine while performing his "usual daily labour" as a driver. The Connellsville Courier
said he "was caught between the bumpers of two pit cars ... and so seriously injured that the right leg will have to be amputated." A little more than a month
later, he died in a local hospital.
C. Owen - On July 15, 1940, when only 26 years of age, was at
work in the north slope of the Sonman Mine. Along with cousin Harry Ellsworth McVicker, was
trapped in an accidental methane gas explosion. Unable to escape, he
suffocated, and McVicker and 61 other men died. |
1940 |
Norman Prinkey - A railroad brakeman for the Davidson Works of the H.C. Frick Coke Co. in Connellsville, PA. On Dec. 13, 1917, said the Connellsville Daily Courier, "his foot slipped in the snow, throwing him under a moving freight train. Before his signal to stop could be given the engineer, Felix McArdle, the wheels of the coke car had decapitated the unfortunate man." |
Hezekiah "Hez" Pyles - I n a coal mine in
Ronceverte, WV, was caught in a fall of slate, which broke his back. He was taken to the Greenbrier General Hospital in Greenbrier County, where he languished for 17
days before death.
Frank Edward Radovich - Laboring in the Robena No. 2 mine of U.S. Steel Corporation, was caught in an explosion, suffering 2nd and 3rd degree burns to the arms, chest, face and neck, and died a day later in the Uniontown (PA) Hospital. |
1962 |
"Dewey" Rankin - Employed at the Revere Mine near
Uniontown, PA, he suffered a heart attack and died suddenly "while awaiting the cage to go to work in the mine," reported the
Uniontown Daily News Standard. |
Earl Raymond Rankin -Worked at H.C. Frick Coke Co.'s Phillips coal mine and coke plant near Uniontown. The facility was widely considered a model of efficiency and safety for the time.
Was killed in a freak accident at the age of 28 when the coal "car left the rails and crashed into a post, causing a fall of slate. It was several hours before rescuers could clear the debris and remove the dead and injured men."
Henry Richter - Killed in the Leisenring mine near Uniontown,
PA when accidentally squeezed between two mine cars. Said the Connellsville Weekly
Courier, his "neck was broken and he suffered internal hemorrhages. He was removed to the plant hospital, where he died shortly after."
Edward Earl Roberts - Was employed as a silver and lead miner at the Hidden Treasure Mine at Ophir, UT. While playing a Sunday afternoon game of cards with co-workers in the company's bunkhouse, in the bitter cold February, was caught without warning in a massive avalanche of snow and crushed to death.
F. Romesburg - Employed at Ursina, PA and taking a lunch break
"while ... excavating for the Co. store, said the Somerset
Herald, he "was struck last week on top of the head by a stone that had been hurled in the air by a blast, crushing his
Rose - While employed at the Mullen Mine of the H.C. Frick Coke Co., near Mt.
Pleasant, PA, was caught in and killed by a fall of slate in the mine. |
Rowan - A laborer at the No. 5 mine of the Vesta Coal Co. at Vestaburg,
PA, was killed after only having worked there for three months. Said the
Daily Courier: "Rowan ... was decapitated and two other workers miraculously escaped a similar fate ... when a large slab of slate let go as they were leaving the Vestaburg workings after completing their day's work." |
Rowan - One of 194 men killed in the Mather Collieries
explosion. His was the fourth to last body recovered. A coroner's jury ruled that the " disaster was caused by an explosion of explosive gas and coal dust in the north side of the
mine." The Connellsville Daily Courier said it was "one of the most disastrous explosions in the history of Pennsylvania soft coal mining." |
Kenneth J. Semple - At work at the meter manufacturing company A.O. Smith Corporation of Erie, PA, was caught in a spill of sodium hydroxide, a highly caustic chemical, with the resulting burns covering more than 85 percent of his body |
D. Sheme - A shuttle car operator with Consolidation Coal Co.'s
No. 9 Mine in Farmington, WV, was caught in an explosion
which also claimed the life of his wife's cousin Hartsel Lee Mayle. The
story was national news on network television and in Time and Life
Gilbert Sinclair - Employed at the Shannopin Coal Co. mine at Bobtown, PA, where during an overnight work shift, he was killed in a fall of slate, his neck instantly broken. |
1931 |
Charles Christian Slagle - Working for Consolidation Coal Co., in a mine in Boswell, PA, was caught in a fall of rock and fractured his spine. He lingered for 80 days until death. |
1921 |
Lee Vernard Smalley - Killed in a rockfall while operating a jackhammer in the tunnel of a quarry of the New Castle Lime and Stone Co. in Dunbar, PA. |
1947 |
Albert Thomas Stone - Killed in an automobile accident in New Mexico, while on a business trip visiting a family-owned mine in Silver
Turner - Was "injured in the mines at Mount Braddock," said the Connellsville Daily
Courier. He contracted an infection of meningitis in his blood stream, leading to periostitis (an inflammation of tissues surrounding the bone).
He died after suffering for five days. |
Charles T. Weimer - Working in a mine near Wellersburg, PA, owned by Robert Meyers, was crushed to death in a fall of a ton of coal and rock. |
1956 |
Earskin White - Was found badly injured, with a fractured skull, after falling into a coal barge
at W.J. Rainey Inc.'s Clyde Mine in Fredericktown, PA. He died a day later.
A coroner ruled that death was due to a shock from the fracture, "caused by falling and striking head on side of barge while at work - accidental."
Charles Williams - Working for Reeves Coal Co., was struck by falling rock in Mine #2. "His neck broken and body crushed by over three tons of rock, [he] died
... before help could be given by his companions. Williams' body was doubled up like a jack knife, his head touching his
feet," said the New Philadelphia (OH) Daily Times.
Worrick - Was instantly killed in an accident at the Donald No. 1
Mine in southwest Pennsylvania. The 1910 book, Report of the Department of
Mines, states that he "was found dead under his trip of loaded cars. It is supposed that he fell off the front of [the] trip."
Frank Zearfoss - Was "crushed to death ... in a rock fall at the Royal Quemahoning mine [of near Stoystown]," said the Somerset Daily American. "He was pronounced dead by a physician upon being removed from the fall." |
1937 |