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The 47th annual Laughery Reunion, of the family of David Leander Laughery and Martha Jane Harbaugh, was held on Saturday August 20th, 2011 at 12:00 noon in the Greenwood VFW Hall, Greenwood, Delaware. The weather was warm, 85 degrees and sunny.
There were 12 adults and 2 children present, which was the lowest attendance that we have ever experienced during the 47 years that we have been meeting. Our Vice President, Loretta Downes welcomed every one and Ron Case gave the grace. Even though we had a small group, we had plenty of good food and everyone enjoyed the meal. After the meal, Loretta called our meeting to order. We had a moment of silence for our members who have deceased. The oldest member in attendance was Robert Vincent 84 years and the youngest was Poemi Marshall, 5 years, granddaughter of Bobby Thompson and great granddaughter of Nancy Thompson. Karen Holman came the farthest distance, 1,130 miles from Sarasota FL. Ron Case read last year's minutes . There were no corrections or additions. Spencer Powell's father, Samuel Powell, is deceased since last year's reunion. We had one new addition to the family, Kiomi Starling Marshall, Bobby Thompson's granddaughter. She remains at this time in the Alfred I DuPont Hospital. We had one marriage, Matt Webb and Robyn Hladish were married Nov. 13th, 2010. Dues were collected at $5.00 per member. $55 was collected. There was a beginning balance of $68 in our treasury making a balance of $123. Expenses this year were $100 for hall rental and $20 for postage. This leaves a balance of $3 going forward to 2012. It was decided that the Reunion will be held next year at the same location on Sat. Aug. 18th, 2012. We decided on keep the Reunion going to at least 50 years if interest continues. The time capsule will be left as is and opened on the 50th year, 2014. Karen Holman read some excerpts from Mark Miner's book, Well At This Time, published 2011. Officers for next year are:
Respectfully Submitted: Attendance List: