Dear Family Members, The 18th family reunion of the descendants of David Leander Laughery and Martha Jane Harbaugh will be held Sunday, August 15 beginning at 1 P.M. The picnic will be held at the home of Ron and Peggy Case, 18 Aronimink Drive, Chapel Hill, Newark, DE. Please bring a covered dish, your family’s place setting and folding chairs and tables. This year there will be a celebration of a golden Wedding Anniversary. Willis and Dorothy Laughery will be married fifty years this December 14th. This is a surprise celebration. Hope
to see you there! ----------------------------------------------
The 18th annual reunion of the descendants of David Leander Laughery and Martha Jane Harbaugh was held at the home of Ronald and Peggy Case of Newark, DE, on Sunday, August 15th. After a delicious buffet dinner, the business meeting was opened by President, Steve Winand. It was decided that next year’s reunion will be held at the home of David and Vicky Laughery of Seaford, DE. Irene Vincent was elected president and Debbie Webb was elected Secretary-Treasurer. The game committee will consist of Julie Downes, Sheila Laughery and Blair Case. Two new additions were added to the family tree. Andrea Deanna Moore, born November 7, 1981, parents Chris and JoAnn Moore and Annette Karen Bartholomew born March 31, 1982, parents Rusty and Vickie Bartholomew. A surprise 50th wedding anniversary celebration was held in honor of Dorothy and Willis Laughery. Thirty-seven members were present: Leroy and Ruth Winand of Cape May, New Jersey; Harry, Lois and John Winand of Media, Pennsylvania; Steve, Karen, Jennifer and Stephanie Winand of Newark, DE; Relland and Dayna Winand of West Chester, Pennsylvania; Alvin and Nancy Thompson of Harrington; Chris, JoAnn, Chad and Andrea Moore of Easton, MD; Willis and Dorothy Laughery of Greenwood; Kathryn Laughery of Greenwood; Gene and Jeannette Passwaters of Milford; David and Vicky Laughery of Seaford; Robert and Irene Vincent of Harrington; Clayton, Loretta and Julie Downes of Milton; Ronald, Peggy and Blair Case of Newark, DE; Gerry, Debbie and Matthew Webb of Harrington; and Matthew and Karen Holman of West Lafayette, Indiana.