The 17th annual family reunion of the descendants of David Leander Laughery and Martha Jane Harbaugh will be held Sunday, August 16 beginning at 1 P.M. The picnic will be held at the home of Lois and Harry Winand, 205 Clover Circle, Media, Pennsylvania 19063. Please bring a covered dish, your family’s place setting and folding chairs and tables. Very truly yours, ---------------------------------------------- 17th Reunion – August 16th, 1981 The 17th annual Laughery Reunion was held at the home of Harry and Lois Winand. It was a sunny hot humid day but there was plenty of shade and a large family room in the basement to keep cool. After the delicious buffet, President Steve Winand welcomed everyone and thanked his parents for opening their home for the reunion. He asked everyone to take a moment of silence in memory of Arthur Laughery who died July 4, 1981. It was decided to hold the 1982 reunion at the home of Ron and Peggy Case in Newark, DE. Steve was re-elected President, JoAnn Moore will remain as Sec.-Treas. and the games committee will again be Rell, Keith and John Winand. Only one addition to the family during the past year. It is Trinity Van William Thompson, son of Bobby and Teresa Thompson, born July 12 1981. Rell, Keith and John took over with the games.