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Laughery Reunion - 1971

The Seventh Reunion of the Family of 
David Leander Laughery and Martha Jane Harbaugh

August 15, 1971


The seventh annual reunion of the descendants of David Leander Laughery and Martha Jane Harbaugh was held on Sunday, August 15, 1971 at the home of Willis and Dorothy Laughery.  The day was sunny and hot, but an occasional breeze under the large trees made it pleasant. The buffet dinner and homemade cakes and ice cream were enjoyed by all.

A business meeting was conducted by both Ruth and Dorothy Laughery in the absence of the president and vice president, Ronald Case and Willis Laughery.  Loretta Downes acted as secretary, for Hazel Davis.

Dorothy Laughery read a letter from Isabelle Ream concerning a request from the Harbaugh family to contribute money toward the replacement of the tombstone of Casper Harbaugh, who was the great, great, grandfather of Art and Willis Laughery.  This particular grave is located in the New Centerville, PA. [See Harbaugh Reunion Archives entry for 1971.]

Buck Thompson made a motion that our reunion group send twenty dollars to Isabelle Ream to pay our part.  The motion was carried by the group with only one opposing.  Twenty dollars cash was given to that day by our new treasurer Linda Vincent to Dorothy Laughery.  An extra five dollars was donated by Dorothy Laughery  which was appreciated by the family.  A total of twenty five dollars was to be forwarded to Isabelle Ream by Dorothy Laughery.

A motion was made by Irene Vincent to hold next year’s reunion at Wheeler’s Park in Harrington, Del.  A vote was taken and was unanimous.  Nancy and Buck Thompson offered the use of their house located next door to the park for any necessary needs. Also at this time we want to thank Dorothy and Willis Laughery for the use of their home for the past reunions.

New officers elected were as follows-

  • President - JoAnn Thompson

  • Vice President - Debbie Vincent
  • Secretary - Debbie Vincent
  • Treasurer - Linda Vincent
  • Entertainment - Jack and Ruth Wilkerson

Door prizes were won as follows-

  • Oldest - William Wilkerson - 82 years old-wind up clock

  • Youngest - Julie Ann Downes - 5 years old - China piggy bank
  • Traveling Farthest - Ira and Ruth Laughery - small china vase
  • Married Most Years - Ira and Ruth Laughery - 46 years - photo book
  • Married Most Recently - Jack and Ruth Wilkerson-16 years
  • Parents with the most children present - Buck and Nancy Thompson - 4 children candle flower arrangement

Games played-

  • Throwing Darts

  • Musical Treasure Hunt
  • Bottle and Yardstick Relay
  • Backward Chinese Relay
  • Spooning Cotton Balls
  • Identify Parts of a Cow
  • And lots of jaw-work

Respectfully submitted, Debbie Vincent and JoAnn Thompson

Guests Attending-

  1. Buck Thompson

  2. Nancy Thompson
  3. JoAnn Thompson
  4. Jerry Thompson
  5. Susie Thompson
  6. Barry Thompson
  7. Harry Winand
  8. Lois Winand
  9. John Winand
  10. Keith Winand
  11. Ruth D. Wilkerson
  12. Linda Vincent
  13. Debbie Vincent
  14. Irene Vincent
  15. Bobby Vincent
  16. Jeanette Passwaters
  17. Gene Passwaters
  18. Tommy Passwaters
  19. Willis Laughery
  20. Dorothy Laughery
  21. W. C. Wilkerson
  22. Jack Wilkerson
  23. Ruth Wilkerson
  24. Linda Wilkerson
  25. John Wilkerson
  26. Loretta Downes
  27. Julie Downes
  28. Kim Downes
  29. Ruth Laughery
  30. Ira Laughery
  31. Kathryn Laughery
  32. Arthur Laughery


See Reunion Overview  -  1965 - 1966 - 1967 - 1968 - 1969 - 1970
1971 - 1972 - 1973 - 1974 - 1975 - 1976 - 1977 - 1978 - 1979 - 1980
1981 - 1982 - 1983 - 19841985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990
1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000
2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010
2011 - 2012

Used with permission of the family. Page copyright © 2011 Mark A. Miner