The twentieth annual family reunion of the descendants of David Leander Laughery and Martha Jane Harbaugh will be held at N.W. Front Street, Milford, Delaware, the home of Jeannette Passwaters, on Sunday, August 19, 1984, at 1:00 P.M. Please bring a covered dish, place setting for your family, folding chairs and tables. There will be lots of good food, games and fun. There will also be the enjoyment of the swimming pool, so don’t forget to bring your swimsuits! Please try to attend this family gathering! Yours truly, Linda Unruh, Secretary ----------------------------------------------
The 20th annual reunion was held at the home of Jeannette Passwaters in Milford, DE. It was a rainy & warm day. Everyone enjoyed a delicious buffet lunch. President Genie Passwaters welcomed family members & thanked Jeannette Passwaters for having the reunion at her home. New officers were elected as follows:
Buck & Nancy Thompson volunteered their home for the 1985 family reunion. The treasury has a balance of $39.62 brought forward from last year. Elect new officers!!! This ends business meeting. Old News: Katrina Thompson was the youngest child (17 months) & received a piggy bank. Bobby & Teresa Thompson lived the farthest (Missouri). Arthur Laughery's nephew Percy Martin drove here from Taylor, Michigan. Tommy & Carolyn Passwaters were our newlyweds of 1 year. Joanne Moore volunteered to trace the family history. Vickie Laughery guessed the right amount of popcorn in the jar & won popcorn in jar. Games were played inside due to rainy weather. When the rain stopped (finally) everyone journeyed out to the pool. All children were the first to enter. Games were played & the pool was taken advantage of by all. The afternoon turned out lovely & everyone, I'm sure, had a wonderful time. I know I did. Please pay $2.00 dues to me (per family) & sign in on register book.