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A buffet dinner was held in the Farmington Fire Hall by the descendants of David Leander Laughery and Martha Jane Harbaugh on August 20, 1967. This reunion is usually held at the home place, but this year, because of scattered showers, it was held inside. However, a good time was had by all that attended. A business meeting was held and officers were elected as follow:
A display of family pictures brought back many fond memories as stories were told about each picture. Games were played by both young and old after dinner to please everyone. A lovely 3-tiered anniversary cake was cut. It was made and given by Ruth Wilkerson. A collection was also taken from the guests separately from the membership dues, to cover the expense of the Fire House rental. A total of $15.00 was collected, just the right amount to cover the cost. It was voted to have the reunion at the homeplace each year, unless weather or other reasons deemed otherwise. The change if any would be decided between the present president and the hostess, Dorothy Laughery. Betty Jane Rodgers gave birth to a little girl the night before the reunion. Weather-Scattered Showers. Attendance-41 compared to 51 in 1966. Respectfully submitted, Guests attending on Aug. 20, 1967