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Annual Review 2020
A Report for Family and Friends about the
Minerd.com Website, Facebook Page and Blog |
~ Comparative Minerd.com Performance in 2020 vs. 2019 ~ |
Page impressions
Up from 102,479 |
Total visitors
Up from 32,303 |
New visitors
Up from 22,185 |
New images
Up from 1,192 |
Total images
Up from
17,395 |
New biographies
Down from 69 |
Total bios
Up from 1,792 |
Photos of the month
247 total since inception |
Minerd.com Blog posts
Down from 21 |
Military casualties
Up 9 |
Accidental work deaths in mining/metals all time - up 4 |
Cousins/spouses, Class of 1972, Connellsville High School |
Known dousin deaths occurring in 2020 -
Up from 89 |
Known cousin deaths since July 1, 2000 -
Up 701 |
Facebook page members
Up from 449 |
Sadly, we've lost a number of cousins to Covid-19.
Center for Disease Control |
The worldwide coronavirus pandemic and lockdown – mixed with an embattled presidential election season, inflamed racial tensions and social media overload – shaped the quality of connection and respite in 2020 that Minerd.com and our Facebook page and blog are intended to be.
These online properties document a social history of old Pennsylvania German families to the current time. Today the clan is made up of a very wide range of cousins who racially and culturally are White and Black and richly mixed with everything else. Politically, they are Blue, Red, indifferent and expatriate. What binds us all together despite the breadth of diversity, culture and opinions is the family bond. It’s an absolute thing.
The year 2020 was to have been a much more pronounced celebration of Minerd.com’s 20th anniversary. The Covid-19 lockdown also slowed traditional research and reunion travel activity. But on the flip side, more time was freed up for online exploration and writing which greatly expanded Minerd.com’s already vast library of biographies, features and historic images. More content was brought forth to be shared for publication by cousins at large than ever before, and more cousins joined the dialogue on our private Facebook page.
The numbers bear out the public response to the work. Total Minerd.com page impressions increased 2.9 percent, and total visitors were up 11.3 percent, as compared with 2019. Our member-only Facebook page added 197 new members, up 44 percent.
Discovering new interpersonal connections are at the heart of this initiative. As one example the past year, with help from cousins Joe McKnight, Jill (Channing) Aird and Peggy (Grimm) Mansberry, a new study identified 40 cousins and spouses in the 1972 graduating class of Connellsville Area High School in the county where our pioneer ancestors settled in 1791. Six more are being studied for possible inclusion. The total class size was 598, meaning our cousins comprised 6.7 percent. Most if not all of these cousins alive today did not realize that they were related to so many whom they had known for such a long time.
At least one cousin from Pennsylvania likes to print out Minerd.com pages for reference. She wrote that “I have a whole binder of family stuff taken from that website lol.” Another cousin from Kentucky, formerly of Southern California, wrote of our social media page that “This is one of the most interesting sites on Facebook.” |
~ Select New and Updated Minerd.com Feature Pages ~ |
The Family's Private Facebook Page – Launched on April 20, 2019, the page has grown to 646 members, up from 449 at the end of 2019. It has become a wide-ranging forum for sharing Minerd.com updates as well as cousins’ own individual postings of joys, sorrows, questions, vintage photographs and nostalgia. Some cousins comment, others click “like,” and many just lurk quietly. We’re happy to have them all, and welcome the range of different voices.
Facebook analytics show that our most frequent contributor is author Tom Beck, who writes about his growing-up years as the grandson of Raymond and Rebecca (Rugg) Miner of Indian Head, PA. The top cities where members live are Canton, OH (42), Uniontown and Connellsville, PA (26), Columbus, OH (12) and Pittsburgh (9).
The charts that follow provide some additional insight about our user community of cousins who engage with the page. |
~ Facebook Page Highlights in 2020 ~ |

The popular family Facebook page. |
~ Facebook Page Performance in 2020 ~ |
Number of daily Facebook posts/comments during the second half of 2020 |
Range of ages and gender of our Facebook page family. Most are age 65-plus, followed by 55 to 64. |
Most popular days of the week and times of day to post on our Facebook page. The highest days of activity in order are Saturdays, Thursdays and Mondays, at the times of 10 a.m. and then 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
~ Ceaseless Research and Content Development ~ |
In August, I spent two glorious days photographing graves of long-lost cousins at a host of old country churchyards in Bedford and Somerset Counties, PA. |
Cousin Kristi Brant, Rockwood Historical Society, holding my book. |
2020 Research Travel - In February, I spent a marvelous day in Somerset County, PA. My primary mission was to plumb the genealogy archives of the Historical and Genealogical Society of Somerset County to see what their files tell us about cousins of our family bearing other surnames. That day, I also enjoyed a tour of the Rockwood (PA) Historical Society, which hardworking cousins Linda Marker and Kristi (Gross) Brant are helping to reinvigorate and make more of a treasured asset in the community. The Society contains very special, one-of-a-kind antique artifacts of some of our branches. It also has for sale copies of my book Well At This Time: The Civil War Diaries of Ephraim Miner.
In August, I spent two extraordinary days photographing family grave markers in nine cemeteries in Bedford and Somerset Counties, PA, many in picturesque old country church graveyards. I came home with 260 images, of which many are now posted on Minerd.com as illustrations. Among the more notable graves captured in images were Abraham Younkin, an early member of the Church of Christ movement in Somerset County, whose alcoholism drove him from the congregation -- Civil War soldiers George W. Geller, Jesse Gomer, Daniel H. May, John L. May, Marcus "Mark" May, Samuel May, William Frederick Weller and William Meyers Schrock -- MPam (Lambert) Doak, whose husband had a bit part in the 1968 zombie horror film Night of the Living Dead and who was the mother of Pulitzer Prize-winning author Annie Dillard –– and Harvey May, shot and killed after a night of drinking who was twice buried in the same grave. |
~ Just How Many of Us Are "Out There?" ~ |
At year-end 2020, the “In Lasting Memory” webpage listed the names of 3,000 cousins and spouses who have passed since the date of beginning of counting, July 1, 2000. As 7,488 days had elapsed over that time period, it translates to the loss of one cousin every 2.5 days. But in some pockets of time, the rate has been much higher, more than 100 known in some select six-month periods. That suggests that we could lose a cousin/spouse as frequently as every 1.82 days. And on some particularly deadly dates, including Oct. 14, 2007 – May 31, 2008 – and April 12, 2013 – we lost four cousins on a single day. Our counts admittedly are very incomplete, based on data we have on hand now, with only limited channels of knowledge, meaning many others who should be added have not yet been identified.
These rates lead to larger questions. Could they tell us more about the size of our family’s overall population? The headcount of the United States of America in 2020 was estimated to be 331 million people. And the number of deaths during the year was predicted by the Center for Disease Control at 3.2 million. If my math is correct, about one in 100 Americans died the past year, actually 0.967 percent of the population. If on average our family loses an estimated 200-plus cousins a year, and if our cousins are dying at the same pace as the rest of the nation, could that suggest there are at minimum 20,000 cousins/spouses alive today? Looking at the upper extreme, if we truly lose an average of four cousins every day, or 1,460 a year, our total population could be as high as 146,000. My hunch is that the true number is somewhere in between. |
~ Maintaining a Public-Facing Profile ~ |
In the medium of television, a producer for the WQED-TV public television station in Pittsburgh requested consent to use our vintage "Braddock's Grave and Fort Necessity” images for a future documentary about the French and Indian War battles in southwestern Pennsylvania. Keep your fingers crossed.
In June, the 2020 edition of the annual Junghen Family Newsletter, compiled and published by Linda Marker of the family of Frederick J. and Delilah (Faidley) Younkin, is published and distributed to the Younkin-Younken-Youngkin Reunion group. The issue features a number of Minerd.com photographs from the 2019 reunion in Somerset County, PA in addition to excerpts from the script of the Rockwood Odd Fellows Cemetery tour of 2019 led by the founder of this website. Among the Minerd.com bios featured in the newsletter are of John M. and Gertrude (Younkin) Weaver - Lloyd Clive and Rebecca Elizabeth (Schultz) Younkin - and Henry and Barbara Jean (Younkin) Swarner. Also re-published is the May 2020 Photo of the Month highlighting Alfred Arthur Younkin and the Casselman Cornet Band. View the entire issue>>>
Mark Terry Youngkin, of the family of John Harrison and Eliza Jane (Coble) Youngkin, published an updated edition of his masterwork Youngkin Ancestry - Genealogy and History of the Jesse Herbert Youngkin Family. Minerd.com content and research are cited on 17 different pages. The 456-page work of authorship is solely distributed in Portable Document Format (PDF) from the digital library called the Internet Archive in San Francisco, CA, which contains the latest book version. Included in the book are citations to these feature pages and biographies -- the Younkin Homecoming Reunion 1934-1940 - Charles Arthur “Charleroi Charley" and Saloma (Hall) Younkin - Younkin Family News Bulletin newspaper - John J. and Mary "Polly" (Hartzell) Younkin - and Jacob and Catherine (Younkin) Minerd Jr. View/download the web-optimized version of Youngkin Ancestry on DropBox [60MB in size] or the full, high-resolution version on the Internet Archive [360MB].
Our e-newsletter is emailed periodically to more than 500 cousins and friends. |
~ 2020 Photo
of the Month Recap (click to view larger) ~ |
January |
February |
March |
April |
May |
June |
July |
August |
September |
October |
November |
December |
A Look Ahead – An M-M-M-M Reunion for 2021 is unlikely. While the reunion committee has not yet made a decision as of this writing, no one has even hinted at a suggestion that we move ahead to hold the event. Watch our Facebook page for updates.
In terms of continued development and expansion of content for Minerd.com, research, writing, image procurement and publishing will continue to be the hallmark in 2021. One of the most enjoyable aspects of the research is a deep focus on the Civil War experiences of the soldiers in the Minerd-Minard-Miner-Minor and Younkin-Younken-Youngkin families. A vast bulk of individual stories may be found in each veteran’s pension records housed today in the National Archives in Washington, DC. Once the Covid-19 restrictions are lifted, I plan to return to the Archives to examine theese records which often contain details available nowhere else.
As many cousin-veterans of many eras rest for eternity in Arlington National Cemetery, I also plan to return to photograph their markers as illustrations for their biographies. The list for 2021 includes Elwyn Reed Burke, Franklin Lewis Gaumer, Erma Leman Graver, James Willard McCartney, Albert Myron Miner and Sidney Vezie as well as civilian Clair George. |
~ Civil War Soldiers to Research in Washington, DC ~ |
Minerd/Gaumer Soldiers
Philemon Armstrong – 18th U.S. Infantry, Co. F and 27th U.S. Infantry, Co. F
William Devan – 14th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Co. F?
Adam Diehl - 82nd Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. C?
Alfred Gaumer – 81st Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. G
Firmin James – 88th Illinois Infantry, Co. D and the 21st Illinois Infantry, Co. F
Henry B. Meyers – 5th Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery
Irvin R. Nicklow – 77th Pennsylvania Inf., Co. F
Joseph Troxel – 3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Art'y, Company H |
Younkin Soldiers
Henry Bouscher – 81st Illinois Infantry, Co. D
Joseph Kantner – 149th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. H
Freeman Nicola – 12th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Co. M (113th Pennsylvania Volunteers)
Capt. William Meyers Schrock – Ramsey's Battalion, Pennsylvania Infantry and 5th Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery
Lyman Wright – 1st Iowa Infantry, 35th Iowa Infantry and 15th Veteran Reserve Corps |
In Closing - As I've said in years past, keeping the site going over more than two decades has been a never-ending. eye-opening voyage of adventure ino Americana. Thank you again to everyone who has contributed your special part from your own family's trove of family heritage. This site is for you, and would not be possible without you.
Mark A. Miner, Founder, Minerd.com
February 17, 2021 |
~ For the Record: What Was New on Minerd.com in 2020 ~ |
~ New/Expanded Features ~ |
~ New/Expanded Bios ~ |
Bios (continued) |
Gaumer-Gomer-Garmer Biography Archives: Johannes Dietrich and Maria Elizabeth (Meinert) Gaumer of Lehigh County, PA and 4 Generations of Their Descendants
Civil War Guide to the Meinert-Minerd-Minard-Miner-Minor Family - Soldiers By Name - Their Regiments - Their Bloodiest Battles - Casualties - Freed Slaves in the Family - Prisoners of War (POWs) - At the Homefront
Roll: 70+ Military Casualties in the Minerd-Minard-Miner-Minor Family
Roll: 50+ Accidental Work Deaths in the Manufacturing, Mining and Metals Industries
40+ Cousins in the 1972 Graduating Class of Connellsville Area (PA) High School
Minder Ancestry - compiled by M. Steven Traynor
Younkin-Younken-Youngkin Feature Pages and Biography Table of Contents
Coal, Coke and Steel: Honoring More than 400 Cousin Laborers Who Shaped America's Mineral and Metal Industries
Honor Roll: Hundreds of Water, Fire and Vehicle Accident Casualties
The Mucho-Married Mayle/Male and Minard/Miner Families of the Chestnut Ridge Community
of West Virginia and Eastern Ohio
Grave and Fort Necessity: Preserving Historic French & Indian War
Landmarks in Southwestern Pennsylvania
'Burgh Nation: Pittsburgh's Enduring Legacy of Innovation
A Sense of Wonder: Honoring Hundreds of Cousins Who Have Served in Our Nation's Public Education Field
Laughery Reunion Archives: Reunions of the Family of David Leander Laughery and Martha Jane Harbaugh Since 1965
Missouri Pacific Lines Magazine - Edited by Edward Harlan McReynolds, Assistant to the President
Donna - An Admiring, Overdue Tribute to a Pioneering and Inexhaustible Genealogist, Donna (Younkin) Logan - by Mark A. Miner
"Occupy Like the Farmer" - Poem by Rev. Dr. William "Bradford" Harbaugh
Cousin Voices - Writings, Memoirs, Poetry and Essays Authored By Our Extended Cousins
Kissin' Cousins: The Extensively Intermarried Minerds, Younkins, Harbaughs and Mayles of Southwestern Pennsylvania and West Virginia
Harry Orlan and Armena (Cain) Miner Family Bible and Paper Artifacts
Pike's Peak or Bust - and Busted by Thunder - Memorable Trip Across the Great Plains in Gold Rush of 1859, as Related by One of the Survivors Sixty-seven Years After the Event - Personal Recollections of the Great Adventure
Younkin Memorial Stained Glass Windows Within the Kingwood Church of God, Somerset County, PA
Younkin Migrations to Kansas: 19th and Early 20th Century Pioneer Moves from Pennsylvania to Clay and Geary Counties in the Sunflower State
Visualizing the Generations
Minerd-Minard-Miner-Minor and German Migration Patterns in the United States
Chew, Wilcocks and the Ingersoll Brothers: Prominent Philadelphia Landowners Who Sold Southwestern Pennsylvania Farmland to the Minerd/Younkin Family
Honor Roll: 154+ Younkin-Younken-Youngkin Civil War Soldiers
The One-Room Harbaugh School of Somerset County, PA - 1888-1930
James H. and Isabelle (McKnight) Longfoot of Cuylerville, NY and Wilkes-Barre, PA
Levi and Anna (Leichliter) Rose of Paddytown, PA
"Weasel Jake" and Catherine (Faidley) Younkin of Somerset County, PA
Joseph Henry and Sylvia Marie (Gray) Mills Jr. of Republic, PA
Joseph and Emma (Minerd) Green of Floreffe and Belle Vernon, PA
Samuel E. and Alice (Evans) Virtue of Avalon, PA
Jesse Allen and Sarah Josephine (Miner) Moore of Putnam County, OH
William A. and Arthilla (Fell) Devan of Hopwood, PA
Robert Marshall and Mary Rebecca (Pope) White Sr. of Hopwood, PA
Charles S. Turner and wives of Chalk Hill, PA
Frank George and Bertha Ann (Lee) Turner of Ohiopyle, PA
Thomas and Barbara (Younkin) King of Confluence/Ursina, PA
Benjamin Franklin "Badger" and Emily J. "Emma" (Younkin) Clevenger of Kingwood, PA
Samuel Wirsing and Edwinna Canallas (Younkin) Glotfelty of Ursina, PA
George Washington "Wash" Younkin of Kingwood, PA
Nessly and Caroline (Kreger) Younkin of Wakefield, KS
Benjamin "Franklin" and Cora Etta (Swarner) Younkin
Sr. of Junction City, KS
Jonas M. and Josephine "Fina"
(Younkin) Younkin of Fayette and Somerset Counties, PA
Lincoln and Margaret (Nicola) Younkin of Kingwood, PA
Mary Ann (Younkin) Kane McCarthy
Corbett and husbands of Atlanta, GA
Hila (Younkin) King Hawkins and husbands of Arlington, VA & DeQueen, AR.
Edwin Thomas and Clara Jane (Freed) Thorpe Sr. of Perryopolis, PA
Walter Abram Freed and wives of Vanderbilt, PA & Winter Haven, FL
Albert Philip and Elizabeth Irene (Bryan) McCabe of Redondo Beach, CA
Lewis A. and Sarepta (Kennedy) Mayle of Philippi, WV
Lutelis and Rachel Ruamy "Amy" (Murray) Cole of Dunbar, PA
Johannes "John" and Anna (Osawaldt) Minder of Fort Madison, IA and Frankfort, WI
Harry Russell and Mary Edna (Blair) Minerd of Masontown, PA
Joseph Benjamin and Mary Catherine "Mollie" (McKnight) Pratton of Canonsburg, PA
Silas and Zobeida Jane (Ream) Younkin of Confluence, PA
William G. and Hattie (Gaines) Miner of Altoona, PA
George Washington and Nona (White) Sellers of Isabel, KS
Ross and Emma (Rush) Younkin of Clay Center, KS & Ursina, PA
John William and Phoebe Ann (Maust) Rankin of Elliottsville, PA
Major John and Mary "Polly" (Younkin) Knable of Somerset, PA
William "Wallace" and Amanda (Younkin) Hechler of Kingwood, PA
Jacob C. and Mary Ann (Dull) Critchfield of Milford Township, PA
John and Catharine (Brant) Weyand of Somerset, PA
Joseph and Sarah (Weyand) Coleman of Somerset, PA
Peter J. and Julia A. (Rhoads) Shaulis of Edie/Somerset, PA
Daniel H. and Julia Ann (Ringler) May of Bedford County, PA
Silas and Anna "Elizabeth" (Shirer) May of Boynton, PA
John L. and Elizabeth (Holler) May of Berlin, PA
Samuel M. and Mariah Amanda Barbara (Beltz) May of Boynton, PA
Leonard and Maria Catharine (Younkin) May of West End, PA
Basil Alonzo and Audrey (Lonas) Minerd Sr. of Athens, OH
Charles William Minard Sr. and wives of Philippi, WV
Charles Gaumer and wives of Wellersburg, PA
Jesse and Malinda (Kendall) Gomer of Wittenburg, PA
Michael and Hannah Mariah (McClintock) Younkin of Kingwood, PA
Jonathan Cable and Elizabeth (Dull) Dumbauld of Kingwood, PA
Eli S. and Susanna (Dumbauld) Younkin of Kingwood, PA
John S. and Nancy (Younkin) Trimpey of Kingwood, PA
Jacob C. and Lucy A. (Weimer) Younkin of Kingwood, PA
Abraham and Mary Ann "Polly" (Haupt) Younkin of Somerset, PA
Jacob and Amanda M. (Younkin) Reger of Somerset, PA
Joseph H. and Anna (Younkin) Kantner of Stoystown & Johnstown, PA
James and Margaret (Younkin) Pisel of Akron, OH
Jacob and Christianna "Christa" (Younkin) Fleck Jr. of Somerset, PA
Minnie (Dillow) Wey Emenhiser and husbands of Weldon, IL; Beaumont, TX; and Jonesboro, AR
Manassas J. Rhoads and wives of Somerset, PA
Abraham "Lincoln" and Sadie (Bowman) Rhoads of Haddam, KS & El Reno, OK
William Michael and Susan (Gumbert) Rhoads of Somerset, PA
Alvin Howard and Lydia (Kemp) Jennings Sr. of Maple Summit, PA
Edward Jacob and Gertrude (Minerd) Ullery of Pennsville, PA
Samuel and Hannah (Callahan) Miner of Warren, OH
Francis D. "Frank" and Mary Elizabeth "Lizzie" (Beam) Minard of Knox County, OH
Clyde Calvin and Bertha (Smith) Miner of Dayton, OH & St. Louis
Albert and Lela Ada (Minerd) Warman of Fayette County, PA
David "Ross" and Minnie Lee (Cassel Hall) Hyatt of Ohiopyle, PA
David and Rebecca Margaretha (Mest) Frederick Sr. of New Jerusalem, PA
John K. and Syvilla (Younkin) Rush Sr. of Farmington, PA
Samuel and Caroline (Umberger) Weyand of Somerset, PA & Waterloo, IA
James Clinton and Alice Jane (Minerd) Holdsworth Sr. of Punxsutawney, PA
Thomas J. White and wives of Oskaloosa, IA
Madison and Melissa Ann (Hupp) Ullom of Aleppo, PA
Silas and Jane (Young) Ullom of West Alexander, PA & Wheeling, WV
Blair and Sarah Ann (Ullom) Mitchell of Aleppo, PA
Peter and Matilda (Kinney) Ullom of Aleppo, PA
Philip and Phoebe (Johnson) Hupp of Millsboro, PA and Shipman, IL
Mathias and Christina (Eigner) Gaumer of Macungie, PA
Augustus Gaumer and wives of Mauch Chunk, PA
Chester O. and Margaret Ann (Reed) Miner of Flora and Cisne, IL
John Wiley and Dora (Miner) Dawkins of LaClede, IL
John Franklin and Josephine Etta (Roberts) Miner of Omega, IL
Carrie Myrtle (Miner) Wilkinson Wilson Marckley and husbands of Odin, IL
Daniel G. and Magdalena (Seigfried) Mohn of Pricetown, PA
James and Mary Frances (Payton) Tucker of Martinsville, IL
Francis Marion "Frank" and Sarah Catherine (Sturtz) Hart of Clarksville, IA
Sarah “Sally” (Younkin) Weimer King and husbands of Kingwood, PA
Zenas Lafayette and Inez Gertrude (Hayes) Crippen of Athens County, OH
Phoebe (Younkin) Bouscher Lybarger and husbands of Murphysboro, IL
Charles L. and Amanda (Gaumer) Koch of Allentown, PA
James Alfred and Allyne T. (Swoyer) Gaumer of Philadelphia
George S. and Cynthia (Johnson) Miner of Cardington, OH
Margaret Jane (Miner) Sherwood Miller and husbands of Morrow and Marion Counties, OH
Carey "Mont" and Ella (Sherwood) Smith of Morrow and Marion Counties, OH
Minor Leslie and Edna Belle (Lust) Sherwood Sr. of Ohio
William and Margaret (Flick) Dull of New Centerville, PA
Reuben "Henry" and Elizabeth (Bush) Gaumer of Fayette, NY & Saline, MI
William "Franklin" Woodring and wives of Coopersburg & Allentown, PA
Pauline L. (Huggins) Brown Engebrit and husbands of Baltimore, MD; Detroit & St. Petersburg, FL
Frank Harrison and Rachel Ann (Glenn) Huggins of West Virginia, Ohio, Michigan & Florida
Jonas K. and Katherine "Amanda" (Dries) Acker of Rexmont, PA
Tilghman H. and Malinda (Gaumer) Beisel of Allentown, PA
John H. and Alice (Powell) Inks of Pittsburgh, PA
Daisy (Minerd) Hiles Predilla and husbands of Masontown, PA
Job and Mary (Ream) Flanigan of Johnson Chapel, PA
Thomas Ream Jr. and wives of Draketown, PA
Thomas and Christina (Ream) Jennings of Ursina, PA
George "Burl" and Sarah "Elizabeth" (Turner) Smalley of Ohiopyle, PA
Edward John and Anna (Beddow) Miner of Washington, PA
Jesse and Malinda (Kendall) Gaumer of Somerset County, PA
Hans "Melchior" and Margaret (Zolin) Hartzell of Bucks & Somerset Counties, PA
Nicholas and Dorcas (Settle) Hartzell Sr. of Somerset County, PA
Irvin and Margaret
"Maggie" (Miner) Dull of Mill Run, PA
James Franklin and Irene (Miner) Welsh of Mill Run & Connellsville, PA
and Rebecca (Rugg) Miner of Indian Head, PA
Franklin Miner and wives of Normalville, PA
Daniel McKinley and Kathryn
(Miner) Burkholder of Mill Run, PA
Wesley and Susie (Roslosnik) Miner of Connellsville, PA
Lester and Mildred Anderson Miner of Mill Run, PA
Ralph and Mary "Leola" (Skinner) Miner of Mill Run, PA
Alfred R. and Fannie Sutton (Burkholder) Rankin of Farmington, PA
Albert Everett and Mary Ellen (Knepple) Minard of Hawleyville, IA
Clarence Clyde
and Carrie Bertine (Nelson) Minard of Davenport, IA
Isaac Lewis and Eltha Maud
(Minard) Slack of Nodaway, IA
Lawrence Earl and Mabel Mae (Minard) Goff of Glenrock & Casper, WY
Jesse Ernest
and Iva (Watkins) Minard of St. Joseph, MO; Burbank, CA; Kansas City, MO; & San Bernardino, CA
Oscie "Nettie"
(Minard) Ingersoll Burwell and husbands of Hawleyville, IA
John Henry and Ostie Ettie (Minard) Henneman of Hawleyville & Hepburn, IA
Forrest Edwin and Veleda (Green) Minard of Hawleyville, IA & Atchison, KS
Orga Homer and Lola Rebecca (Minard) Crawford of Clarinda, IA
George Harold "Bibs" and Iva Irene (Fleck) Minard of Clarinda, IA
Albert Dewey Minard of Hawleyville, IA
Marshall "Ellsworth" and Jennie (Steyer) Rowan of Fayette County, PA
John Ross Miner and wives of Connellsville, PA
Alfred Arthur and Lillian (Rhoads) Younkin of Casselman, PA & Wenatchee, WA |